8 Blogging Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

in mistakes •  2 years ago 


The task of growing your own blog and transforming it into an actual source of income might seem daunting, but with some solid effort, the right attitude, and some nifty tricks, it can be easier than you think. However, there are also many mistakes that you can make on your way to success that will almost definitely hold you back if they aren't avoided or fixed quickly. We'll show you how to identify each mistake, how to fix it as quickly as possible, and how to never make it again. Ready? Here we go!

  1. Not Taking Time Off
    One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is not taking time off. It's important to recharge and refresh, both for your sanity and for the quality of your content. If you're feeling burnt out, your readers will be able to tell, and it'll reflect in your writing. So take a break! Go on vacation, spend time with family and friends, or just take a few days for yourself. Your blog will still be there when you get back.
  2. Saying Yes When You Should Say No
    When you're first starting out, it's easy to want to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way. But as your blog grows, you'll quickly realize that you can't do everything and that you need to start saying no in order to focus on the things that are truly important. Trust me, it's better to turn down a few opportunities than to spread yourself too thin and end up burning out.
  3. Over-Promising and Under-Delivering
    When you over-promise, you set yourself up for disappointment – both your own, and your readers'. It's important to be realistic in what you can commit to, both in terms of content and frequency. If you're just starting out, it's better to under-promise and over-deliver, so that you can build a reputation for being a reliable source of quality content.
  4. Focusing on Relationships Instead of Numbers
    It can be easy to get caught up in the numbers game when you're a blogger--how many pageviews you got last month, how many social media followers you have, etc. But at the end of the day, it's the relationships you've built with your readers that matter most. Focus on creating quality content and fostering relationships with your readers, and the numbers will take care of themselves. Work on improving what you do well instead of trying to fix things that aren't broken: One big mistake bloggers make is trying to fix something they're not good at instead of focusing on what they do well. For example, if someone has a knack for writing but struggles with design, focus on developing your skills as a writer and hiring out the design work so that both parts are top-notch.
  5. Promoting the Wrong Things
    You've probably heard the saying, the money is in the list. And while that's true to some extent, if you're promoting the wrong things to your list, you're not going to make any money. So what are the right things to promote? Well, that's up to you. The only thing I would suggest is don't give away too much of your information or become spammy on social media. A little promotional info here and there is okay but don't overdo it or readers will unsubscribe from your email list and unfollow you on social media.
  6. Treating Your Blog Like a Hobby, Not a Business
    Your blog is a platform that you can use to share your voice, build an audience, and make money. But if you treat it like a hobby, you'll never reach your full potential. Here are eight mistakes you might be making if you're not treating your blog like a business 1) You don't have any goals for your blog.
  7. You only update your blog once or twice a month.
  8. Your content has been the same for six months.
  9. You haven't done any blogging since January 2018.
  10. There's no email list signup form on your site.
  11. The only contact information on your site is through social media channels.
  12. Thinking That Popularity Equals Success
    It's easy to get caught up in the numbers game and think that the more people who read your blog, the more successful you are. But this isn't necessarily true. Just because your blog has a lot of readers doesn't mean it's successful. In fact, there are plenty of popular blogs out there that aren't successful. So don't get too caught up in the numbers game. Instead, focus on creating quality content and building a loyal following. Create posts that will be valuable to your audience and keep them coming back for more. If you want to attract new followers, share what they'll find interesting by making sure your post includes:
  13. A catchy title 2) An introduction sentence 3) A clear point (or two) 4) A call-to-action
  14. Using Only One or Two Platforms
    When you first start blogging, it's tempting to only focus on one or two platforms. After all, you can only do so much and you want to make sure you're doing it right. However, by only using one or two platforms, you're limiting your reach and the potential for your blog to grow. Try to use as many platforms as possible, including social media, guest blogging, and even video blogging. That way, people will be able to find you wherever they are. That way, if they come across your blog through a Google search while at work, they'll be able to read it later when they get home. It also helps with SEO because more places means more links back to your site.
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