Talking about ghosts is endless. There are those among you who feel the ghost is not there but not a few of you who truly believe that the ghost does exist and live around humans. But what about those who do not believe it? Try you observe the Photo below .. Anything weird?
Take it easy, you do not have to be vicious to those who judge the ghost is a fictitious figure. Just ask those who believe in the ghost by looking at the asthral creatures. How to? Reported by various sources, there are several powerful ways that you can see the ghost. Dare to try ?.
1. Charcoal is Wiped into the Eyes
Yep, the first way to see the ghostly figure you can do is to use charcoal. Black charcoal which is usually a source of fire by the traders satay is said to be able to make someone see the ghost of the type of tuyul.
The trick is that you just rub the charcoal on both eyelids and pockets of your eyes so that it looks completely black. Then at night, with the appearance of the eyes filled with the charcoal, you go out for a walk around your house to the grave. It is said that you will see tuyul around you.
2. The 'Kemari' Ritual With Candles
Candles can be made to call a ghost. If you do not believe it, try to prove it yourself. The trick is to turn off all the lights and light sources in your house and make sure you are alone and past midnight while doing this. Then light the candle and try to surround the house while saying 'Come, come here' over and over again.
After walking around every corner of the house, return to your room and hide in the narrowest. During the hide, make sure the candle is dead and wait quietly. It is said that if you are brave and lucky to do it alone, you can feel the breath right in the ear. Which means the 'creature' calls your call.
3. Bath In Dark Condition
Bathrooms in all ghost films are often touted as locations where the appearance of asthral beings occurs. Well therefore, you try to bathe in a bathroom yours at night without turning on a light at all.
Do not turn on the water tap, let the sound calm. He said there will be a long-nailed hand that moves on your shoulders. If so, do not forget to grab a towel and run out yes.
4. Rituals to Another World
Want to try to feel into another world? Try to ride the elevator, why? Anyway you try to go to a company or building with a total of at least 10 floors and do this alone, especially at night. Go into the elevator, then go to the 4th floor - 2nd floor - 6th floor - 2nd floor - 10th floor, in order. Really do it yourself because if anyone comes in, then immediately cancel and have to repeat.
When the elevator has taken you to the 10th floor, press the button to the 5th floor, do not get out. Later there will be a woman who entered and hit the 1st floor. Strangely, the elevator will take you up to the 10th floor. If you dare to come out, then the floor you will stop is not the 10th floor and the woman is not human. What do you think? Dare to try?
5. Reflecting 1 Night Hours
Ever watched a KILTILAK trilogy movie starring Julie Estelle and Evan Sanders? It says if the figure Kuntilanak often come and sit in a chair that deliberately arranged facing the corner of the room without anyone. Next to the chair, there must be a large mirror.
From that story, if you dare to reflect at night, in dark conditions and then imitate the voice Kuntilanak, it will be most likely you are visited by the mother Kunti. What do you think Kuntilanak would do?
good luck