Recounting Vai Cavalho's latest fight | Te whakahua i te whawhai hou a Vai Cavalho

in mma •  7 years ago  (edited)


The headlining fight in UK, Vai Cavahlo vs Draco was definitely an impressive fight, despite the fact that heavyweight fights are uneventful and can be a bit slow. Werdum coming into this fight is just one win away from securing another title fight to whomever wins the DC vs Stipe fight. In my humble opinion, there was no need for him to take this fight or any other fight at this time, although time is of the essence to him he also needs to evolve more and taking this fight against a young giant was not really a wonderful idea.

Although that is what I think, there is a great big deal of sense why Werdum has opted to fight Volkov, had he won it puts him on an almost secured fight as he will be on a fresh win when the battle for the heavyweight championship is done. All he had to do was stop the momentum of the freight train that is Alexander Volkov who in his own right is a Bellator and an M-1 Global Champion

In the beginning, it seemed as if Fabricio’s experience would would get the better of the Russian, his front leg was always there for the single leg take downs of the 6'4'' Brazilian Native. But, it was clearly visible that his regular striking crispness and movement was not there that day and the irony is that it was Alexander "The Draco"who showed experience and patience despite him being much younger than his opponent. He did the right things like pick his shots, avoiding the ground and pacing himself for the 5 round fight.

With this recent outcome. Wedum may not be welcomed with a title fight anytime soon if ever. His recent loss as well as the Brazil market not being that lucrative for the UFC as well as him not being a big pay-per-view draw makes the stacks against him. Still, Werdum’s gonna do what he does best and nobody especially me thinks he will stay inactive for long but it would really be helpful to him to make sure he is healthy and has new tools and tricks to offer before he considers heading to the octagon again.

For sure he will be back, I just hope its against someone who has relevance and definitely has to be win-able for him. Although his previous fights are definitely winnable it was not as significant as his fight against Volkov. Did he over-estimate himself last fight? Did he over-train, over exert and beat his body down to much during the past 8 months ? The answers to these questions may all be yes, and he should definitely re-evaluate his strategy. I'm his biggest fan and do home he takes it slow and steady for his next step and wants him to be the champ again as well as the best ever Heavyweight champion in history.


Ko te pakanga ki te UK Vai Cavalo me Draco he tino whakamiharo te whawhai, ahakoa te mea he taimaha nui o ratou. Ko te Werdum e haere mai ana ki tenei pakanga, ko te kotahi o te toa kaore i pumau i tetahi whawhai taitara ki te tangata e toa ana i te whawhai DC vs Stipe. I roto i taku whakaaro whakaiti, kaore i hiahiatia e ia tenei whawhai, tetahi atu pakanga ranei i tenei wa, ahakoa he wa roa te wa ki a ia, me tahuri ano ia ki te whakatikatika ake i tenei whawhai ki tetahi taitama taitamariki ehara i te mea whakamiharo whakaaro.

Ahakoa koinei taku whakaaro, he nui te whakaaro mo te aha i whakaae ai a Werdum ki te whawhai ki a Volkov, kua riro ia ia te kaha ki te whawhai ki a ia i runga i te pakanga i te wa e kaha ana te whawhai mo te whakataetae taumahamaha. mahi. Ko nga mea katoa i mahia e ia, ko te waahi o te tereina waka e ko Alexander Volkov te mea nana i kii te Bellator me te M-1 o te Ao.

I te timatanga, i te ahua o te wheako o Fabricio ka pai ake te Rakana, ko tona waewae i mua i te waahi mo te waewae kotahi e tango ana i te 6'4 '' Brazilian Native. Engari, i kitea i te mea kaore i kitea e ia i te ra o taua ra, ko tana koiora ko Alexander "The Draco" nana i whakaatu te wheako me te manawanui, ahakoa he iti rawa atu ia i tana hoa whawhai. I mahia e ia nga mea tika kia rite ki te kohikohi i ona tihi, te karo i te whenua, me te takatakahi mo te whawhai 5 a tawhio noa.

Ki tenei putanga tata. Kaore pea e pai te awhina ki te taitara taitara i te wa poto. Ko tana mate tata tonu me te maaka o Brazil e kore e whai hua mo te UFC me te kore he utu nui-a-tiro-utu e hanga ana i nga kohinga ki a ia. Ahakoa, ka mahi a Werdum ki tana mahi pai, kaore he tangata e whakaaro ana ka noho tonu ia mo te wa roa, engari he pai ki a ia kia mohio he hauora ia, he mea hou hoki tana mahi me te tinihanga ki te tuku i mua i tana whakaaro ki te haere ki te hoia. .

No te mea ka hoki mai a ia, e tumanako ana ahau ki a ia mo te tangata e tika ana, me tino kaha ki a ia. Ahakoa he tino toa tana whawhai i mua, ehara i te mea nui tonu tana whawhai ki a Volkov. I whakapaua e ia tana whawhai whakamutunga? I oti ia ia te whakangungu, i runga i te kaha me te whiu i tona tinana ki te nui i roto i nga marama 8 kua pahure? Ko nga whakautu ki enei patai pea kae noa, a me tino arotakehia tana rautaki. Ko ahau te mea tino nui ki a ia me te mahi i te kainga, kei te whakaroa ia, kei te pai tonu mo tana mahi i muri mai, me te hiahia ano ia kia hoki mai ano ia ki te toa, me te toa tino kaha rawa atu i te hitori.

*da Maori Man.

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