Day #3: Journey From $0 to $100 Per Day

in money •  7 years ago 

It is now day 3 of my 3 Month journey to $100 per day. I am happy to report that I have fulfilled the goals that I have set yesterday.

Journey - 3.png

Done in the last 24 hours:

  • Selected 2 niches for my accounts
  • Created content for Instagram 10 accounts
  • Started posting content on the accounts
  • Started following users on the accounts


  1. The niche selection process was rather straight-forward. Right now, I am only using OGAds as my source of offers and as I prefer product offers, there is a rather limited choice. At the moment, I will not reveal what my niches are.

ogads offers.PNG

  1. For the content (pictures) of my IG accounts, I looked at similar profiles on Instagram and downloaded some interesting pictures. I chose 20 pictures per niche.

  2. Pictures were uploaded to Mass planner, in which I set that I want them to be posted 5 times per day. That way, the same picture will come up every 4 days. This is by no means a problem, since we are not building a real follower base, but rather trying to convert one-time visitors into customers.

  3. Links to my offer (you get them from OGAds) were put into descriptions of accounts along with some convincing words about the products I am promoting.

5 Since the accounts are new, I started the follow operation in Mass Planner slowly (following cca. 100 profiles per day). I will increase those numbers in the following days.


The one problem that I ran into is the fact that I often run into Phone verification of Instagram accounts. Since they only allow you to verify 5 accounts per phone number, I will soon run out of phone numbers to use. However, after a quick search on eBay, I found that they are actually quite affordable (cca. $10 per 50 sim cards).

Daily plan:

  • Find a new niche
  • Add 10 new accounts and start running them
  • Bunus: Make the very first $

Any questions, pieces of advice, requests and encouragements are very welcome!#

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