Day #4: First Money Made! - My Journey From $0 to $100 Per Day

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today's update is going to be a bit shorter than usually. I will outline the problems that I have encountered during the last 24 hours.

Journey - 4.png

The progress today has been minimal and I shall continue tomorrow. I have, however, made my first revenue! In the last 24 hours, I have made $1.2!


I have noticed that I am getting a lot of requests for Phone Verifications on my Instagram accounts after I add them to Mass Planner. Having thought about it, I have figured the possible reasons for this:

  • Started following from the first day, along with posting
  • Following too many people per day
  • Adding posts to accounts in sequence (with similar delays between posting)
  • Too similar descriptions of the accounts

Daily plan:

  • Continue adding new accounts to Mass Planner (at least 5 of them)

Any questions, pieces of advice, requests and encouragements are very welcome!

Other parts of the series can be found here:

Did you enjoy the post? Follow @chem1cal not to miss the next part!


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Best of luck to you. Keep it up :-)

Thank you!