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in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

imageBITCOIN PRICE PREDICTION FOR 2017, 2018 AND 2019. 2017/09/26. Bitcoin price prediction for next months and years.

Current Bitcoin price equal to 3920.26 Dollars per 1 Bitcoin. Day's range 3882.42-3959.99. Previous day's price 3882.42, change 0,97%.

Bitcoin price prediction for September 2017.
The price for beginning of September 4742 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 4930 and minimum 2990. Averaged price for month 4138. Bitcoin at the end 3890, change for September -17.97%.

BTC to USD prediction for October 2017.
The price for beginning of October 3890 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 4828 and minimum 3890. Averaged price for month 4280. Bitcoin at the end 4512, change for October 15.99%.

Bitcoin Price Prediction By Month.

Year Month Open Max Min Close Average Month%Ch Total%Ch
2017 September 4742 4930 2990 3890 4138 -17.97% -17.97%
2017 October 3890 4828 3890 4512 4280 15.99% -1.98%
2017 November 4512 5151 4477 4814 4739 6.69% 4.71%
2017 December 4814 5975 4814 5584 5297 16.00% 20.71%
2018 January 5584 6930 5584 6477 6144 15.99% 36.70%
2018 February 6477 6477 5410 5817 6045 -10.19% 26.51%
2018 March 5817 7220 5817 6748 6401 16.00% 42.51%
2018 April 6748 7227 6281 6754 6753 0.09% 42.60%
2018 May 6754 8383 6754 7835 7432 16.01% 58.61%
2018 June 7835 8951 7779 8365 8233 6.76% 65.37%
2018 July 8365 10238 8365 9568 9134 14.38% 79.75%
2018 August 9568 10900 9474 10187 10032 6.47% 86.22%
2018 September 10187 10187 8686 9340 9600 -8.31% 77.91%
2018 October 9340 9340 8115 8726 8880 -6.57% 71.34%
2018 November 8726 10831 8726 10122 9601 16.00% 87.34%
2018 December 10122 12564 10122 11742 11138 16.00% 103.34%
2019 January 11742 13585 11742 12696 12441 8.12% 111.46%
2019 February 12696 12925 11233 12079 12233 -4.86% 106.60%
2019 March 12079 14993 12079 14012 13291 16.00% 122.60%
2019 April 14012 14012 11127 11964 12779 -14.62% 107.98%
2019 May 11964 14608 11964 13652 13047 14.11% 122.09%
2019 June 13652 16945 13652 15836 15021 16.00% 138.09%
2019 July 15836 19656 15836 18370 17425 16.00% 154.09%
2019 August 18370 20168 17530 18849 18729 2.61% 156.70%

Bitcoin price prediction for November 2017.
The price for beginning of November 4512 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 5151 and minimum 4477. Averaged price for month 4739. Bitcoin at the end 4814, change for November 6.69%.

BTC to USD prediction for December 2017.
The price for beginning of December 4814 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 5975 and minimum 4814. Averaged price for month 5297. Bitcoin at the end 5584, change for December 16.00%.

Bitcoin price prediction for January 2018.
The price for beginning of January 5584 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 6930 and minimum 5584. Averaged price for month 6144. Bitcoin at the end 6477, change for January 15.99%.

BTC to USD prediction for February 2018.
The price for beginning of February 6477 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 6477 and minimum 5410. Averaged price for month 6045. Bitcoin at the end 5817, change for February -10.19%.

Bitcoin price prediction for March 2018.
The price for beginning of March 5817 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 7220 and minimum 5817. Averaged price for month 6401. Bitcoin at the end 6748, change for March 16.00%.

BTC to USD prediction for April 2018.
The price for beginning of April 6748 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 7227 and minimum 6281. Averaged price for month 6753. Bitcoin at the end 6754, change for March 16%.

Bitcoin price prediction for May 2018.
The price for beginning of May 6754 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 8383 and minimum 6754. Averaged price for month 7432. Bitcoin at the end 7835, change for May 16.01%.

BTC to USD prediction for June 2018.
The price for beginning of June 7835 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 8951 and minimum 7779. Averaged price for month 8233. Bitcoin at the end 8365, change for June 6.76%.

Bitcoin price prediction for July 2018.
The price for beginning of July 8365 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 10238 and minimum 8365. Averaged price for month 9134. Bitcoin at the end 9568, change for July 14.38%.

BTC to USD prediction for August 2018.
The price for beginning of August 9568 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 10900 and minimum 9474. Averaged price for month 10032. Bitcoin at the end 10187, change for August 6.47%.

Bitcoin price prediction for September 2018.
The price for beginning of September 10187 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 10187 and minimum 8686. Averaged price for month 9600. Bitcoin at the end 9340, change for September -8.31%.

BTC to USD prediction for October 2018.
The price for beginning of October 9340 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 9340 and minimum 8115. Averaged price for month 8880. Bitcoin at the end 8726, change for October -6.57%.

Bitcoin price prediction for November 2018.
The price for beginning of November 8726 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 10831 and minimum 8726. Averaged price for month 9601. Bitcoin at the end 10122, change for November 16.00%.

BTC to USD prediction for December 2018.
The price for beginning of December 10122 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 12564 and minimum 10122. Averaged price for month 11138. Bitcoin at the end 11742, change for December 16.00%.

Bitcoin price prediction for January 2019.
The price for beginning of January 11742 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 13585 and minimum 11742. Averaged price for month 12441. Bitcoin at the end 12696, change for January 8.12%.

BTC to USD prediction for February 2019.
The price for beginning of February 12696 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 12925 and minimum 11233. Averaged price for month 12233. Bitcoin at the end 12079, change for February -4.86%.

Bitcoin price prediction for March 2019.
The price for beginning of March 12079 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 14993 and minimum 12079. Averaged price for month 13291. Bitcoin at the end 14012, change for March 16.00%.

BTC to USD prediction for April 2019.
The price for beginning of April 14012 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 14012 and minimum 11127. Averaged price for month 12779. Bitcoin at the end 11964, change for April -14.62%.

Bitcoin price prediction for May 2019.
The price for beginning of May 11964 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 14608 and minimum 11964. Averaged price for month 13047. Bitcoin at the end 13652, change for May 14.11%.

BTC to USD prediction for June 2019.
The price for beginning of June 13652 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 16945 and minimum 13652. Averaged price for month 15021. Bitcoin at the end 15836, change for June 16.00%.

Bitcoin price prediction for July 2019.
The price for beginning of July 15836 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 19656 and minimum 15836. Averaged price for month 17425. Bitcoin at the end 18370, change for July 16.00%.

BTC to USD prediction for August 2019.
The price for beginning of August 18370 Dollars. The predicted maximum price 20168 and minimum 17530. Averaged price for month 18729. Bitcoin at the end 18849, change for august 2,61%.

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