Bitcoin Blasts Through $2,200 While Ethereum Goes Ballistic

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

I apologize that we have been covering bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies so much. But, they are all going up so insanely, it is hard to not mention them! And, after all, we are The Dollar Vigilante and we expect the US dollar to collapse… and compared to bitcoin it already has… so we cover ways to survive and prosper during and after that eventuality.

And people haven’t just been surviving with our recommendation to buy bitcoin at $3 in 2011… they are getting fantastically wealthy!

Just since our last article about how bitcoin had broken the $2,000 barrier, it has since risen another $200, and $3 billion in market cap, to over $2,200.

Bitcoin has now risen $1,000 in just the last month!

And, amazingly, that’s absolutely nothing compared to Ethereum.

We featured Ethereum to TDV newsletter subscribers (subscribe here) in January of last year around $2. Up until three months ago it was trading at $12. And now it is over $150!

Cryptocurrencies as a sector have absolutely exploded.

One year ago the total value of all cryptocurrencies including bitcoin was only $8 billion. Today that number is nearly $80 billion!

It took 7 years, from 2009 to 2016, for the value of all cryptocurrencies to hit $10 billion. It took another year to hit $20 billion. Then it took only three more months to hit $40 billion. Three weeks after that (this morning) we hit $80 billion.

How’s that for a growth sector! And we’ve been covering it all and saying this would happen since 2011. It’s been so nice to see subscribers saying how they bought homes with their profits. And even readers of this blog or Youtube viewers (subscribe to our channel here) saying they’ve become wealthy just from reading our blogs or watching our videos!

Also don’t feel bad if you missed the boat on buying bitcoin at a cheaper rate, because today is the anniversary of developer Laszlo Hanyecz’s buying 2 pizzas for a total of 10,000 bitcoins back in 2010. If he had just held onto those until today, they would be worth over $22 million!

I’ve been receiving emails from people I haven’t heard from in years. Sometimes in decades. People I knew from the financial industry when I founded Canada’s largest financial website,

All of a sudden they all want to know how to buy bitcoin!

I can’t possibly get back to them all… but what I have done is rushed to create a 4 video tutorial on everything you need to know about bitcoin.

It’s absolutely free and, on top of it, I am offering $50 worth of free bitcoin to anyone who participates!

You can check it out here.

We continue to make massive gains on the cryptocurrencies. Here are the updated gains since we featured them to TDV subscribers:

  • Bitcoin 75,300% gain since 2011
  • Ethereum 7,328% gain since January 27th, 2016
  • Monero 1,686% since August 18th 2016
  • Dash 625% since February 14th, 2017
  • Steem 602% since March 29th 2017

If you still haven’t learned about cryptocurrencies and want to take part in this massive growth sector that could be the killer app that destroys the traditional banking system, click here to see my free 4 video tutorial AND receive your first $50 in bitcoin for doing so!

I’ve been saying since 2011 that cryptocurrencies have changed the game. It appears many people are just starting to realize its true now. Make sure you aren’t left behind!

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And, after all, we are The Dollar Vigilante and we expect the US dollar to collapse…

Waiting Since 2012 for TDV prediction

Wait until people start opening their eyes to Pocket Change...
Read a few of my Posts and you'll be very surprised...

Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 6 with 455 upvotes

huge fan here!! nice breakdown

Great series, send the link to my 'slowly turning around sister' just imagine she had gotten some when I told her years ago instead of telling me 'to get real' hahaha The older sibling is not always the smarter one ;)

Currently the most expensive bitcoin of the ounce of gold
Actually we are in the age of digital currencies

To think, I let my wife talk me out of putting down $10k on BTC when it was at $.04

Hehe, we all have such a story to some magnitude :D

We can't live in the world of what ifs or I should have. If you bought 250,000 Bitcoins for $10k would you really have kept them until now? Would you have sold them after the first rise? At what point do you sell? Actually at what point do you buy? Would you buy $10k now at $2,250 per bitcoin and have 4.4 bitcoins?

i was thinking more of a security risk. would people (are they/did they) push to paper or hardware wallets when they saw the price of them, what about those that bought like 100 bitcoin and have no idea even? - crazy world!

Oh, don't know how it would've worked out, I probably would've sold @$10. Interesting question about 4.4 bitcoins with the same amount of money.

Its a question a lot of people are thinking about now.

This is a very exciting time to be alive! making money to post and investing in digital cash for profit. If you read this you are awesome!
@victorvazco please upvote, reply and follow us


Yes it will

they all going to collapse, the sad thing is thing is that a new 1 world currency will follow :-( the sheeple will enslaved themselves and the society will be doomed at the same time. let's hear if there's some patriots of liberty here?

If the dollar collapses; will the steem-based dollar follow as well?

nope. people will seek alternative currencies, and if the fiat currencies collapse, steem and crypto would boom.

its hard to say what the value of them would be though, if dollar is worth nothing how would you value crypto? hard to say

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In actual products and services bought directly like in places like Argentina where this is already happening.

After the Ethereal summit event on May 19 in New York, ethereum has been sky rocketing to the moon with no intention of returning back to the ground. Ethereum seems to be the only crypto which has the potential to surpass mother Bitcoin.

I agree, and think that it will. If not before, then certainly after BTC hits it's 21 million coin cap.

This is a very generous offer and as I still have a ton to learn about bitcoin and crypto in general I am going to take part. Going to watch them now! :) Thanks!

I watched all 4 videos but I suppose I have to sign up now to get the $50. I am not quite ready to sign up as I dont have $265. XD

Thanks for the info regardless. :)

Upvoted and saved for watching those 4 videos later tonight when i'm off work. Thanks @dollarvigilante ! :)

Venezuelans know what the currency collapse means.

Bitcoin and crypto-currencies are the future. Get rid of all other fiat currencies. We want real money. Not Reserve notes. SCREW THE DOLLAR!

Everyone is thinking "why didn't I invest in Bitcoin few years ago, now it's too late!" but it's not ! This is just the beginning!
I was about to start saving for a house but instead im going to put those money on ETH and BTC. I believe that in future I'm able to buy my house with those and completely without debt.
What do you think?
Do you think my plan is going to work out or am I just stupid and will lose all my money?

Ethereum broke $200 and is currently at $187 most within the last 48hrs. I was waiting on you to chime in on it Jeff!

I was a skeptic from the first time I heard of bitcoin. Now I hope we dump fiats for something crypto.

Jeff we love your updates , keep telling it like it is

Hey Jeff!
What do you think about this?
Whats up with these downvotes
Can you make a video about it or shouldn't we give them any attention?

To the moon!

The prices are going insane ... i predict $3500 Btc and $400 Eth by end of June .. What you think?

Entirely possible, but not a sure thing. After an exponential run there will be a harsh pullback, consolidation and eventually another run up.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So if this is a harsh pullback, it will be worth investing in eth? I can't really now because it's too expensive

There is a pattern to investment psychology, just like there are waves in the sea and waves in the sand and waves in the snow. By learning to read charts you can know when to get in. Right now this is an exponential run-up but after it peaks out, it will lose about 50% and then grind sideways for awhile. That's a good entry point. There's lots of such info on U-Tube, etc.

yes bitcoin is atop now it will reach to 4000$

Holy crap. How am I supposed to afford a bitcoin now? XD

Ether is more advanced than bitcoin more applications are open for ether! Dapps

Now i m also in this crypto boat!!!!!!!!!


I still can't come to terms with any cryptocurrency having real value when they are all created from nothing, which to me seems the same as the Federal Reserve, and Banks via Fractional Banking, creating money/currency out of nothing??

Having said that, after watching Bitcoin fall from about $1400 down to $800 ish I did think that it may be time to buy some, although at the same time thinking it may just keep going lower, so probably like many I did nothing only to see it around $2,500 now. Wow.

Mr. Laszlo Hanyecz’s must be kicking himself. Thanks for the article as always a quick and informative read.

Regret I didn't get into Ethereum when you first suggested to us...will never make the same mistake again

I brought one... and sold just before the fork... I would only have made a few hundred bucks but still. This is time to get on board. Just biding my time saving AUD until the pull back after this crazy rise. It time to make a fortune and laugh at everyone struggling day to day. Then help them out. :D


Wow, I hope they enjoyed the pizza!

Following cryto currencies so much, I forgot the dollar. When the collapse comes, only those who can pay will survive. When the crash comes, signs will be in the storefronts everywhere, telling what kind of payment will be accepted. Credit cards? Hardly
Cash under the mattress will only bring tears. Not of joy either.

crazy, damn it, waiting 3000$ soon

all going crazy

I think it's also important to invest in ourselves..... When I first realised that we can not rely on the government to protect and feed us during something like an economic/social unrest scenario, like many I stocked up on food and water. Since then though, I've invested in myself. Spent time in the wilderness, read books and experimented with a self-reliance mindset. I'm no Bear Grylls but I do feel more comfortable in being able to source potable water, food and security for myself and family. I imagine that's possibly an odd concept to many in this day and age but it does help me sleep better at night. Any hoo, rant over :)

Steemit @avvah :)

With everything happening in the world right now, cryptocurrency seems the best option to secure our future. Thanks for all the info, super helpful!!

That's great and all, and I'm sure it will continue to climb, but there's no real reason to invest in these cryptos if you don't already have a stake in them from 2011, or if you're a multi-millionaire and happen to have 20 or $30,000 lying around.

The average person isn't interested in Bitcoin, and by all rights they should be looking into other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is a rich man's market. Frankly at this point, if you're just now investing in Bitcoin, you've been duped, unless that BTC is seeing a conversion to a lower currency. Even then, it's risky and the waters are real murky, even for Steemit. We'll see what happens over the next few years.

Yeah, I really don't have the money to buy a whole bitcoin, even a whole ETH and even if it goes up further, I won't make a massive amount. But I've spent a few hundred investing in some interesting altcoins that are cheap and may have potential. And if one of those skyrockets, I could earn far more than just buying bitcoin

Yeah. I was considering doing the same, but I choose to go with Steem and stick to it. Why? Because I'm buying a cryptocurrency AND investing in a potentially huge social media platform.
I'm not sure why anyone is still interested in BTC at this point. I would think the value would be decreasing by now, but I guess people are either buying small amounts, (waste of money) or entrepeuners are buying up vast amounts and inflating it.
My prediction is that BTC will remain quite valuable for some time, but it will decrease in value over time as people spread into other cryptocurrencies. It will stay constantly strong though.

I would like to get in a little more on a dip before it skyrockets.

@dollarvigilante hi jeff...u think we are in bubble territory in cryptos? Greetings from Spain amigo! :)

Bitcoin is really the currency of the future and one should invest now and reap great rewards in the future. Thanks for this great post, real great value!!

Spot on, let's see where all this is going, we live interesting times, everything is changing, we all hope for the better. you give us valuable insights we need more people willing to help others, to help each other every way possible.
For those wondering, I think best is to keep your bitcoin on paper and hardware wallet as backup.

great news...


I'm making crazy btc with betrobot right now.
Made 1.7 bitcoin just over the weekend and didn't do anything.
Visit my blog post about this.

Jeff, you're so right.

I find it hard to believe you got 1.7 bitcoin just over a weekend