New World Order Mouthpiece Warns We Are On Verge of Greatest Debt Jubilee In History

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Alarm bells have been ringing over the explosion of corporate debt levels in emerging economies, which now exceed $25 trillion ... Damaging deflationary spirals cannot be ruled out".

This grim assessment comes from an article posted at, that quotes a recent annual UN “Conference on Trade and Development” report. The article is entitled, "UN fears third leg of the global financial crisis - with prospect of epic debt defaults".

The writer’s name is Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and he’s one of Britain's most prominent journalists, known for his hard-hitting reporting. He's also the editor of the International Business section of the Daily Telegraph.

Here's how it begins:

The third leg of the world's intractable depression is yet to come. If trade economists at the United Nations are right, the next traumatic episode may entail the greatest debt jubilee in history. It may also prove to be the definitive crisis of globalized capitalism, the demise of the liberal free-market orthodoxies promoted for almost forty years by the Bretton Woods institutions, the OECD, and the Davos fraternity.
Alarm bells have been ringing over the explosion of corporate debt levels in emerging economies, which now exceed $25 trillion. "Damaging deflationary spirals cannot be ruled out," said the annual report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Notice the phrase, "greatest debt jubilee in history."

If you've been reading our blogs and publications, you know that for two years now , I've been writing about Shemitah Trends and the the Jubilee Year 2016. That's no accident. I long ago discovered that the world's elite organizers like to utilize both of these celebratory timelines to trigger catastrophic economic, sociopolitical and military events. Is it a game to them, or a kind of sly messaging? I don't know, but we can see them doing it again in this article.

Right up front, Evans-Pritchard mentions a global "debt jubilee" and no one mentions that by accident. We've written in the past (see the article here in January) about how the BIS's top economist William White used the phrase - and the writer who quoted him was none other than Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.

White claimed the world's overall indebtedness was such that only a global forgiveness of debts would suffice to correct global finances. And here, once more, is Evans-Pritchard raising the decibel level to four or five alarms.

Maybe we should simply discount his reporting. But that's probably not such a good idea. He's a very important reporter whose father was an agent of British Intelligence. An article like this isn't simply dashed off quickly. It has the ring of a declaration.

Here is the article's summary sentence, toward the bottom:

What is clear is that world will soon need a massive and coordinated spending push by governments to create demand and bring the broken global system back into equilibrium. UNCTAD is entirely right about that.

What UNCTAD is calling for is the exact opposite of a free-market solution. We're told that UNCTAD has stated what its execs believe to be obvious: Monetary policy is not working around the world. A "global new deal" is necessary, one to be directed by governments in concert probably with the UN itself.

Of course this program won't work either, but it shoves the world a good ways toward global government, which is the desired goal.

This article may be bylined with Pritchard's name but it is announcing the New World Order strategy going forward. Elites managing these programs intend to buy off the developing world with trillions of dollars of capital infusions. And they intend, it would seem, to alleviate the debt of the developed world via Jubilee.

This is how world government may be established, via directed bribery and money printing, not just intimidation and prison camps.

Pay attention to this article and to Evans-Pritchard. Writing this kind of article is his secret job. When there's something especially important to be said, his pen is usually tapped.

We noticed this mouthpiece aspect recently when he wrote (here) what was for all intents and purposes a press release for a new central bank cryptocurrency, RSCoin, At the time, I wrote about Evans-Pritchard, saying, “The article is horrible central bank happy-talk that reads like the Bank of England wrote it for him.”

There's no doubt this latest article is part of something bigger. "They" are preparing to move. Just last week, Barack Obama gave a speech at the UN where he said, “Sometimes I’m criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms and multilateral institutions. But I am convinced that in the long run,giving up some freedom of action — not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term — enhances our security.”

In other words, he believes the US should give up freedom under the UN.

These statements are part of a long line of similar sentiments. George H.W. Bush, in 1991, was even more blatant, saying:

“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we Will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its "peacekeeping" role to fulfill the promise and Vision of the U.N.'s founders.”

And, in 2003, David Rockefeller admitted full guilt in his role:

"Some even believe we arepart of a Secret Cabal working Against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated Global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

And now Pritchard, the only “mainstream” reporter we know of who is mentioning the Jubilee, is warning of total collapse. This is the classic elite modus operandi.

Globalists love using mouthpieces like Pritchard to put the truth out in plain sight so after they have pull off their desired atrocities, they can point and laugh at the stupid plebs who had the truth right in front of their eyes all along. It also serves as a form of predictive programming, so when what they warn of what's to come, people are more easily accepting of it.

The Elites increased transparency regarding their intentions is a clear sign to take action to conserve your wealth. Even a comprehensive reflation and jubilee won't replenish your personal wealth. Chances are the handouts will be arbitrary and depend on your behavior and willingness to take orders.

Another article that demonstrates Pritchard’s association with the financial elites was published back on March 27th and was headlined, “Why America is Turning to an Englishman for Answers”.

Pritchard goes on to brag that he was the one who “"triggered a wave of disclosures" against former president Bill Clinton in addition to coordinating leaks and rumors that have thrown the financial markets into turmoil.

In fact, spies were and are regularly expelled from their host countries for doing the things Ambrose talked about, some even serve prison sentences. Nonetheless, Pritchard's bosses at the Sunday Telegraph seem blissfully ignorant of these espionage laws.

This is no coincidence. A guy like this mentioning the Jubilee is a clear sign that he is simply a tool used to move markets and create chaos - just one of many puppets that has immunity.

The Elites increased transparency regarding their intentions is a clear sign to take action to conserve your wealth. This collapse is going to be so bad that those who lose the least will be the best off.

Lucky for us, our TDV portfolio hasn’t lost much, in fact it’s up a collective 200% this year and contains stock picks and options up over 1000% in some cases. Most people will never see returns like that by listening to CNBC or government registered financial advisors. Join us to protect your and your family’s assets in these risky times click here for more info

You can subscribe here to receive the most updated and pertinent investment information from the fastest growing financial newsletter in the world. When you become a member you will gain access to a wealth of information that will show you the right moves to make if you want to survive and prosper through the planned collapse of the financial and monetary system.

No one else has covered this agenda better than TDV and has profited from its advanced foreknowledge.

I have just released my 2nd edition of the book, “Shemitah Trends: the plot to enslave humanity and how to find freedom” on Amazon.

As we near the end of the Jubilee year and all plans have now been put in place for the NWO and the destruction of the West, this book, I hope, will serve to show people how it has all been planned for decades.

That book is also free to subscribers with a subscription to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter
subscribe here

We are now less than two weeks from the official end of the Jubilee Year on October 2nd. We discuss much further in depth what we think will happen over the next few weeks in the newsletter.

But, already, all of the pieces are now in place for the NWO and planned collapse. Now it is just a matter of time until they set off massive military, political, financial, monetary and economic chaos to usher it in.

Please be prepared.

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Not only is he forecasting the crisis, he is also providing a scapegoat:

It may also prove to be the definitive crisis of globalized capitalism, the demise of the liberal free-market orthodoxies promoted for almost forty years...

Yep, scapegoating capitalism and free markets for the coming crisis, not the banking cartel and their monetary policies.

Thank you for fighting the good fight and being in the frontlines.

Another post toting impending doom. Doesn't this pony have any more tricks?

This pony is simply spamming the same thing. Only the pictures and wordings are changed but the message is same. He is just a one-trick-pony.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It is mathematically impossible for the crash not to happen. The can has been kicked about as far as it can be so our time is short. Jeff seems to have a good handle and theory on the timing. You should listen.

That's what bullshit peddlers always say. They're like all those religious nuts that swear the Christ is gonna return and Armageddon is gonna happen any day now. Subscribe to my newsletter to learn how to prepare for the rapture 'n stuff. The big Shemitah crash was supposedly going to happen in September of last year but obviously that turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. Rather than admitting he was full of shit, our favorite internet huckster just pointed to some bad news stories and said "there! See? Something bad happened somewhere... because Shemitah!" ...and now he's still at it because there's never any shortage of suckers out there that want to feel special and righteous just by subscribing to an ideology and not actually having to do anything good.

Is the dollar gonna last forever? Of course not. Nothing does. It's just a tool. Old tools are abandoned and new ones are adopted all the time. Today, we have an infinite sea of alternatives at our fingertips and human trade doesn't depend on any single one of them exclusively. If the dollar is shit (of course it is) then its withering away is a good thing that ought to be cheered rather than feared. Fear of "the collapse" is really just a fear of your neighbors because you don't trust them to behave themselves in a crisis. Anyone living in such a place would do well to do some traveling and find a new place to live where rumors of instability don't make you worry and fret and rant about end times like a freakin' lunatic.

when are we having the apocalypse again...and why haven't we revolted?

Piedpiper, What do you do when you lend someone money and they don't pay you back? What do banks do? They foreclose or ruin the persons rating. The US is the greatest debtor nation dollar in the world. We (the US) owe trillions of dollars. The lenders (people and countries) are getting wise and are deciding to cut their losses. That will mean that the US will not be able to borrow money. So what is a superpower nation to do? Print more money of course. How did printing more money work out for Venezuela? The Weimar Republic? Not so well. That is the fate that will soon engulf the US, unless something unprecedented happens. A "false flag" perhaps?

What I do is very different than what the world's most powerful organized crime syndicate does. It's not just apples and oranges, it's apples and battleships. When my buddy refuses to lend me money, I can't threaten his entire country with annihilation.

So many people miss this point. It's not gold which backs the world reserve currency. It's violence and air craft carriers.

An individual can do bankrupt, and the bankruptcy laws allow the person to start anew. Some, most, or all of the debt is "washed away".

You said it all. Amen!

May be a good reason why so many of the American wealthy are high-tailing it to other countries. Places like New Zealand.

Yeah, I moved to Chile.

If he were making mathematical arguments that would be one thing but he is appealing to emotion with unfounded conspiracy theories. As for him being right about some sort of crash... well even a broken clock is right two times a day.

"Jeff seems to have a good handle and theory on the timing."

Yeah, I heard he had some great timing on some real estate in Chile too.

Doesn-t de-validate his claim...we all have different personalities....some math oriented, some feelings sounds very reasonable aside from all logic.

Actually it does completely discount his claim.
He's been predicting this every single year now for a long time.
It's not that it will never happen, it's that even a broken clock is right 2x a day.

There actually is no "debt crisis". There is debt, yes but the people borrowing the money get to set the terms of the future value of those "loans" and right now it's at zero and may go negative.

If that happens it doesn't mean that the primary holder of that debt is suddenly going to stop holding the debt and frankly if the USA decided to tomorrow to default, really who's going to come collect?

China who is the primary holder of this debt is holding it to depress their currency in order to bolster trade. They don't care about getting that money back in the long term, they care about being able to continue trading with the USA next year.

The Mexican peso right now is trading at 20:1 against the dollar. It's now cheaper to build things in Mexico than China. China is buying even MORE USD debt than before in order to regain their mfr status.

Money just isn't what you people think it is. I'll make a blog post about this soon if you want some real facts. Upvote this and I'll make it my Monday topic.

I'd resteem that, for sure

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The word unsustainable is what it is. I would rather be 5 years too early than 10 minutes too late. The rich will be fleecing the weak soon enough. Here is my blog on same topic:

By logic?

"Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones or appeal to feels is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence."

well display evidence proving otherwise, because anyone actively researching without a bias can't seem to find any...

You are correct no one searching can find a TVG post that doesn't claim impending doom.

The tinfoil is strong with our friend @contentjunkie. Very strong.

I guess people like sensationalised crap. Economies go through cycles. Eventually it will crash and then he will tell you


No, he doesn't have any more tricks...I like that JB promotes libertarianism, but would not touch any of JB's products or services w/a 50 meter pole...and his advice/commentary is that of an amateur economist/investor w/a pretty awful track record.

The funny thing is, I actually want humanity to organize together as a global species. I'm sick of all the xenophobia, nationalism, and "pride" in something as silly as the luck of birth and some imaginary lines drawn on a map a long time ago. I want more unity, more shared goals for prosperity, discovery, and enlightenment. What I don't want is government, the monopoly on the use of force within a geographic region, especially if that "region" becomes the entirety of planet earth.

There are been many claims of a pending NWO conspiracy for quite some time now, but it never seems to happen. Seems to me governments are too pathetically inefficient. Even the EU is falling apart, right? I welcome trends toward unity as a species as long as we can get the myth of authority out of our own minds and laugh in the face of those who pretend to rule.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


Not all goverments are the same. You can leave and join Liberland or Switzerland which are pretty much anarchic places with very little governance. Most of earth is unutilised and unclaimed. If you don't like it in one country leave for another. In USA you can claim your land as mining colony and no one will be allowed to enter or leave without proper documentation. There is always a way.

Nobody likes authority but it seems to emerge everywhere. Even here in Steemit. Look at the few people that have all the power and act as authority. Nothing really changes my friend

"If you don't like it you can leave" is one of the oldest and laziest rebuttals to anarchist philosophy. I won't bother rebutting it here as many have done it before.

If you think humans need rulers and that's ethical justified, then you represent part of the overall problem. Too many people believe authority backed by violence is okay. I do not.

Having Steem Power to influencing an online conversation is world's different than having air craft carriers and drones to destroy and kill. There is no coercion on Steemit. These are all voluntary interactions.

You can always leave steemit, lol

ofcourse you can. you choose to stay here much like you choose to stay in your country.

So you staying here on Steemit is comparable to your choice staying in a country.

And that would mean that if I agree with staying here I give consent to the “rulers” of Steemit to rule over me and force me to pay and obey them?
And that is almost the same as; me giving consent to criminals to rob me and subjucate me in MY land, cause they say MY land, falls under what they call their country?

Oh and I “choose” to stay in the fictional entity called EU as well, so I choose to be subjugated and extorted by them as well? What's when some people claim to be the N.W.O. and claim that the whole earth fall under their so called jurisdiction, including MY land. Is it then that “me choosing to stay on planet earth (in MY land) that I give consent that I have to obey an pay them?

By the way I remember from when I was a believer in the fictional entity called EU that I voted against it. lol I voted against a fictional entity.

Who told you that Switzerland was "anarchic"? Its just another Western democratic-regulatory-welfare state...

Yes, global unity would be great. The whole narrative around the NWO is very interesting. Firstly, in one sense we already have it, in the unity of the central banks. The "obvious" signs of disunity - xenophobia etc, and borders and @#$%^ visas - are only for the majority, and they are continually re-inforced and empathsized. That there is so much FUD about the NWO suggests that there is something that TPTB fear: that the unity is already happening. And it's not their party.

Well said. :) I often wonder about the tin hat NWO stuff as controlled opposition. But yeah, the currencies and banks of the world, the IMF/IBS/etc with their Strategic Drawing Rights are already forming a new world reserve currency... And yet here we are in the crypto world giving them a middle finger via our private keys. :)

Xenophobia? You must be a Hillary supporter?

The single word gives you enough information to label me? You must be a non-thinking drone.

I'm an anarchist. You could have reviewed my blog to find that out.

Wow. Non-Thinking drone. Hurt me. Lol

Aren't people bored of all this tinfoiling? How do you expect anyone to take cryptos seriously when this kind of immature fear mongering is floating around?

A prediction is when someone sets a day and it happens. When somebody tells you that something will happen for the past 2-3 years because they estimate the next economic cycle then they are bullshiting you.

The average I.Q of the dollar vigilante followers is room temperature at best

Nothing will hapen. Oh yea the debt is over 75 trillion not 25.


More evidence pointing to economic doom?

Decided I didn't want to pick this right now.

Nine more days to go.

every month we hear another day from another toinfoil vigilante sheeple. every month the day changes.

don't you guys have some dignity?

And they said you would be all fluff.

For the record I view those down votes as wrong.
Opinions are free, punishing you for ours is crap!

Very important point here. Many companies are heavily indebted, as the interest rates were very attractive and incentivized debt taking. However, the Dollar Index is at 95.41 at the moment, which is in the very middle of the last 52 weeks range from 91.88 and 100.60. If the greenback soars, all this debt will become unpayable by such companies. Most of them don't have any kind of hedge, or are underhedged (like Petrobras S/A and its 100 billion dollar debt, with a market capitalization of half this amount and nearly no hedge, as can be read in their last 2Q16 financial statement.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Im ready for oct 2nd

I seriously hope you are wrong this time Jeff. You probably called it though.

This is how world government may be established, via directed bribery and money printing, not just intimidation and prison camps.

excellent publication and how much of reason, not add more this all said thank you very much

Till every country buy crude oil in dollar, there will be no financial crises in US except if someone purposely done for his/her long term goal. And yes, it's true that, if US goes in financial crises, half of the world will follow them.

I agree, its important to be prepared for many different possible scenarios.

Is there any scenario where a New World Order would be a Good Thing? It's always talked about as being something to fear.

I wonder if it could turn out well, as when the States United under a federal US government. Perhaps the European Union is another example. Is there a way to do this NWO thing RIGHT?

Nice thought, but no, it can't be done right (by "right" i assume you mean resulting in maximizing freedom and minimizing the initiation of force). The States uniting under a single federal government was not a good thing (it is detailed in the book "the politically incorrect guide to U.S. History" by Tom Woods). More taxes, the war on drugs, wars in other countries, money printing, NSA, military drafts, obamacare, etc. Bigger government always results in more freedoms being taken away and restricted, more atrocities because they have less accountability and less incentive to act in the interest of its tax slaves. People will have less places to flee. So hell no, bigger government can't be done right. Those in power will always employ whatever means, often violent, to maintain and increase their power. This is what the formation of the federal government and the Civil War was about, the struggle for power between the states and the federal government (not slavery, as is propagandized in public schools and their history books). The European Union and the NWO, were formed for the same reasons, to concentrate even more power into the hands of the political elite.

I Agree With This.
Glad That Someone
Put A Post Out On It.
Steem On!

The reason this all feels the way it does is because @dollarvigilante is appealing to #confirmationbias... #psychology, people! :-O XO steemon my friend, #steemon <3 you're still cute....

So does Alex Jones. I stopped listening to him because he always got past predictions right, hit a current prediction here or there, and never lands future predictions at all...

@dollarvigilante Jeff the storm clouds are gathering but a wise man once said that markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid. Will this be one Big Bang or a series of ups and downs so in insiders can continue to move more money into their pockets.

Upvoted. Please vote in the lottery of herbert müller. You can then also win Steem Power.

Got to admit, it is very "interesting" out there and there is more "interesting" now than I remember in my lifetime.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It may also prove to be the definitive crisis of globalized capitalism, the demise of the liberal free-market orthodoxies promoted for almost forty years by the Bretton Woods institutions, the OECD, and the Davos fraternity.

Do you think Mr Pritchard really knows how silly this is or is he just blinded by his ideology and really believes what he says? I tend to the latter explanation.

Because I thought the debt Jubilee was a good thing, I've been holding my breath waiting to hear more about it. I remember reading Pritchard's January comments on the matter.
Thanx a million, Jeff, for outing him as the vile shill that he is.
Forgive me, but I'm seriously relieved that you believe that 'they' deliberately - if spookily - use the Shemitah & Jubilee time lines for their own dastardly, genocidal purposes.
As a non-religious person myself, I resonate better with the latter interpretation of the coincidence of the financial timeline with Biblical dogma !! It's all so contrived, I believe, rather than due to 'divine intervention'.

Jeff I've only been aware of your work since I joined Steemit and realize that you're a much larger fish than most of the people I reach out to, or typically attempt to "land". Still I would like to ask if you would be willing to allow me to pre-record a cellphone call during this next week for a podcast/fm radio program?
Partly on this Jubilee topic (program would air one week from tonight), with a large chunk of time dedicated to the story/plight of the man in Cuba you're trying to help via Steemit, and also hopefully more than a few words from you about Steemit itself, which I've been "explaining" (cough, cough) and promoting for a few weeks now on the program. 20-35 minutes (max), whatever you feel you could work in, any day this coming week.
Best, Guy

Shared on twitter at Twitter✔ for my followers to read. Another great piece, thanks for sharing. Up-voted, following & looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Posted an article earlier that you and your followers may find interesting. A real Game Changer.

BLOCKCHAIN DERIVATIVES.... "A once in a 30 year Global Finance GAME CHANGER and it has ARRIVED..!!"


Make sense.

I don't think it's so much of a game to them as it's their religion. They thrive on controlling others because they worship themselves as Gods. And what do you do when you worship a God religiously? You give that God everything. SO they are giving themselves money, power, and slaves.

@dollarvigilante - great article, thank a lot for posting! Decided to follow you.

If you add to that 28% of all debt in the system is now issued with NEGATIVE interest rates and noone is concerened, this just another evidence that this is a next bubble.

I actually think it is more then just a bubble and looks like the next Great Depression will start in 2017. Just wrote an article on this today:

Although I tend to agree with much that was said in this article more and more lately I have started to think that the "big crash" that everyone has been predicting for the last, oh - 7 or 8 years, will not happen like most of the alternative media has been telling everyone. The "club" knows that a large (and growing) segment of the population around the world is on to their BS so the last thing they are going to do is take the system down in a manner that all of those people can point to as being their fault. Their goal is to create havoc on the one hand, while on the other hand profiting immensely from the problem(s) they created. This is oligarchical control of the financial system 101. So now since they realize they are being watched closely what I think is going to happen is they will bide their time and just when there is some semblance of normalcy creeping back into the economy, and most of the "watchers" have taken their eyes off the ball, THEN they will take the system down. I guess the simplest way to look at this is expect the unexpected . . .

I want to thank you for your hard work at bringing the Shemitah to my attention. I first picked up on you last year at this time and have been subscribed to your YouTube channel sine then. I fall in the category of not having much and there by not having much to loose. But I am prepped and ready. Your reports are important and I pass your info along...stay support, Brino, the Happy Hobo...( PS, I joined this site because of your report on it...thanks)

Been a Dollar Vigilante follower for almost a year. Send Jeff's anarchast links to many friends and even discussed them in public forums. However, a few days ago, I looked deeper into the Shemitah books' reviews on Amazon. The reviews in aggregate appear awesome, yet the "most useful" reviews (based on readers' votes are negative reviews. So, having made hundreds of purchases based on Amazon Reviews (and also being aware of the Big Brother censorship on Amazon, and Amazon's conflict of interest in respect to negative reviews) I am compelled to agree that Shemitah is probably a psyop of some kind. Why? Because the "most useful" reviews have detailed calculations proving that the Shemitah dates/years do not line up with the "disasters" claimed. That my $.02 view.