The Attack on “Fake News” Is An Outright Campaign for Censorship of the Truth

in money •  8 years ago 

The buzzword “fake news” has popped into the popular lexicon in recent weeks.

We’ve been using that term for years, though, when referring to the mainstream media.

While poll numbers show that about 9 out of 10 people don’t trust the information they get from the mainstream media, they likely still have no idea just how fake it all is.

As someone who travels the world, I often walk by a television program and it’s called program for a reason, with the local media and can’t even believe what I am seeing or hearing.

And, the US and every other Western media is no different.

It is literally top down propaganda and bears little to no resemblance of reality. And, if there is any truth to it, it is so highly skewed to the local agenda that it really should be labelled as fiction.

Meanwhile, on the internet, millions of people worldwide have been easily debunking and exposing nearly all the mainstream propaganda.

And, for this reason, the US and European governments have taken a play out of Orwell’s book and decided to label the real information as “fake”… and as governments often do, they’re going to use violence (government law) to try to force it out of existence.

Censorship is a government affair and has been initiated most forcefully by the European Union and is being carried out by the world’s largest social networks. These networks including, Google, Twitter, Microsoft and Facebook have announced plans to create a censorship database in 2017 to remove “extremist content,” mostly at the request of the EU.

The idea is to damp down “hate speech” that makes readers uncomfortable and remove material that can encourage terrorism.

Of course there is no evidence that “hate speech” has negative effects if people choose not to expose themselves to the media that contains it. And the evidence shows that Western countries have done a lot to build up the very “terrorism” that the European Union is now so worried about eradicating.

Western governments have been steadily losing control of communications and hope that by pressuring large internet-information companies to build databases to control communications, they can regain power they feel slipping away.

In the US, censorship is being advanced mostly by legislative efforts. The legislation is being justified by the rise of “fake news” supposedly being spread by Russia to influence Western political processes.

The European initiative is more widespread and generalized. It is threatening US sites with immediate legal action if they don’t generate meaningful and systematic removal of all “fake news” and “hate speech.”

Over time, US legislative efforts and EU “non-legislative” ones will converge and censorship will involve both company-wide initiatives and legal ones.

According to Yahoo News, the combined, non-legislative database will be put in place early in 2017 and eventually will include companies other than the initial four. The companies will utilize ‘hashes’ – digital “fingerprints” assigned to videos or photos of extremist content. These hashes will then alert other vendors to remove the content.

But, what is really going on, is that too much truth is getting out.

Truth about how every war the US has been involved in in the last century was based on a false flag attack or outright lies… the same lies the mainstream media parroted and continues to parrot. Truth about who was really behind 9/11. Truth about the global warming fraud. Truth about the satanic rituals and child molestation at the highest levels of government and the elites as is currently being exposed via Pizzagate.

And we could go on for pages…

In order to continue to stay informed, many of those who are enlightened enough to recognize the truth about popular social media platforms have sought out alternatives.

Just as people looking for alternatives to the central banking fiat currency system, have sought out blockchain based bitcoin, all manner of new decentralized blockchain applications have begun to flourish.

One is called It’s a blockchain based social media site. Because it is on a blockchain it cannot be censored.

The Dollar Vigilante has been on the site nearly since its launch earlier this year and we post all our content there. You can see our page here.

Google may be able to make sure no one finds TDV when they search. And Youtube and Facebook can make it so you never see our videos or posts.

But they cannot shut down the Steemit blockchain, much like they cannot shut down bitcoin.

And for this reason we post all our content there first. And, as another benefit of using Steem, you actually make money from your participation on the site. We’ve actually accrued over $30,000 just for posting our content since July. I suggest everyone who cares about truth and freedom begin using Steemit instead of Facebook as soon as possible.

TDV has been the biggest proponent of blockchain technologies in the financial space, having been covering and recommending bitcoin since it was $3 in 2011. We’ve since featured numerous other cryptocurrencies that have risen hundreds and thousands of percent.

You can find out more and get a special discount on our newsletter and our book, Bitcoin Basics, by clicking here.

Plus, come to Anarchapulco in the last week of February where many of the biggest names and brightest minds in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space will be speaking, including the founder of Steemit, Dan Larimer.

The governments of the world have their plan: to shut down your access to real information. And we have our plan: to shut down government.

Wish us luck… if we don’t win it is not going to be a fun time.

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I hope you can explain it to me, because no one else could (I'm from Germany and I stumbled upon this Pizza Gate just a few days ago):

Why do you think that seemingly EVERY big politician is a not only a paedophile (contrary to the only ~3% in general population) but also an actual abuser AND not exposing this for moral or power reasons? And why no one (not-politicians) has exposed this with something more substantial then rumors?

With the big circle of well-known persons involved there should be hundrets of people who normally cry "kill the child molesters!!!" who know about this. And making a video as proof is not that hard in time of smartphones and cheap spy cameras. Not to mention normal police activities.

Also why does it only involve your political enemies, but not the political side you support, don't you think that is strange?

It doesn't just involve people's political enemies. For example, the Clintons and Trump have gone to Jeffrey Epstein's "Sex Slave Island" on the "Lolita Express". When it comes to Jeff, he doesn't support either side. He sees all (or almost all) politicians as criminals. So I guess you could say, in a sense you're right.

The reason every big politician would be a paedophile (according to the hypothesis) is that politicians are either:

  1. Controlled by a hidden government which, over time, encourages them to do more and more depraved acts, to use against them in case they ever decide to get out of line
  2. Many politicians are psychopaths, and so they need to find a way to make sure they can trust each other. When everyone has the dirt on everyone else, they can sleep sound.

I don't know why footage doesn't get out. Perhaps it's because this sort of thing actually isn't that common, or perhaps it's because the penalty for letting this stuff get out, is death.

With regard to the police, that's an easier question to answer. There are many cases where the police in the UK had an opportunity to stop a paedophile ring, but didn't. In one famous case, they didn't want to arrest the Pakistanis involved because they didn't want to appear racist - that's the popular story. More commonly I think they're told to ignore it, threatened into ignoring it, or bribed into ignoring it. Politicians pull strings and police are powerless.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

See Secret Societies 16 min in...

Good post man --- I am watching for the very soon to be this Jan. declassified portions of the secret cover up of the JFK situation by gov't to be declassified after the "mandatory" holding period. Look it up, it is a few weeks away.

And even then you just KNOW it will not contain everything it should.... par for the course.

I will be posting on it.

Thanks for this dollar vigilante!!

Thoughts on the bellow? "Lets remove the dictators free speech..."

Great write up though, you have really set the bar for me. Did a post last night with the Hilary video about the lives of ordinary people being at risk. It is short but along the same lines of what you are talking about.

Hilary Clinton Speech: "the epidemic of malicious fake news." "Lives of ordinary people are at risk."

Best one yet! Re-Steemed First .. then shared on all other media sources. Thank you!

We are going to need to start our own hashing of everything too: images and videos .. only for the purpose of mirroring it! We really rely on youtube way too much, I think about this every day. Half my brain lives on youtube now..

A framework - strings that smother a malignant invader is what I see. A zillion little spiders could pull Godzilla down, no?

I don't trust anything mainstream anymore in the least and that includes the censoring and other BS exposed by Snowden proven to be true like evil globalists like YT/ Google, Fascistbook, and the like. I detest them.

The term "Fake News" is a feeble attempt to hide the truth about the pedophile scumbags i.e. PizzaGate, in addition to all of the other corruption in our government. Mainstream media is biased to the 1% elite money grubbers. ■■■ BASTARDS! ■■■

Great read. I completely agree and I hope more people begin to post here first.
In many ways the Internet, Blockchain, Steemit and other outlets have been a revolution, but the following is a depressing read. We might have a new problems!

Thank you for sharing this important article. The european governments are forcing those laws pretty hard.

I am not suprised, there are too many fake news on the mainstram media...

If you want evidences that hate speech has consequences, just visit Auschwitz. As many schools in Europe are doing every year. So you can touch the consequences of the Der Stürmer 's hate speech there. And this can explain why mostly the EU is concerned: no american high schools are visiting Auschwitz.

As always, a great piece and thanks for sharing. Upvoted and shared on Twitter✔ for my followers to see. Stephen

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 09 Dec 2016 - 08:37 UTC

The Attack on “Fake News” Is An Outright Campaign for Censorship of the Truth..!! @DollarVigilante @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Shared on twitter.

A German blockchain pioneer just told me, that the bitcoin blockchain is soon to big to handle and the transaction time for one block will be soon days not minutes or hours. Hopefully we will learn from the following crackdown.

Thanks 🖒🖒

In Germany wh have a magazine called " Focus " and today they would like to explain the importance of banning " Fake-News " in childrean words-lol.
On the opposite the people here call them for 2 years now " Lügenpresse ".
The medias/ government fight fire with fire.
Sad thing.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

„highly skewed to the local agenda“ great idiom! Love it! You've got the point.
Is'nt any translater here to bring this work into german language? It is such an good, interesting work and people will share it on facebook, I'm sure.

Truth is not a mental exercise, it resonates with your core. We all know something isn't right with the world. It isn't any one thing, the whole system we've grown up in is corrupt. You've got to poke your head up out of the box to see the box! And that's what the matrix is, a box for your mind. Thanks, Jeff, for pointing to the forest and not getting too caught up in the trees. Remember, the entire system is broken, and has to be rebuilt. Voting a new ass**** into the throne of power ain't gonna do it. We do it by building a new world, not going to war with the old one. That's THEIR way. Keep building that blockchain!

The content is no longer exclusive to steemit and other than your signature saying you post exclusive content here I don't really care. Might want to change the verbage. I did/do care that you are a big voice for promoting steemit. I noticed the last two news letters in email no longer have steemit mentioned in your footer. That may be because you deleted the line that is above.

This article here though is very good advertisement for steemit. Thank you for doing that. The people that are in the habit of flagging everything you write lately must not have bothered to read this one. I do not see why we'd be flagging stuff that is very good PR for steemit.

I likely won't up vote everything you write anymore if it is posted here, and the external version is not mentioning steemit, and you post it and don't comment. But I also will never DOWN VOTE/FLAG for something like that. I believe the approach you are taking is actually how most celebrities would likely interact with the community.

War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery

2016 is 1984.

Truth Seekers & Info Indies are you feeling the POWer?

hope this will addition for the above topic. yah very informative @dollarvigilante I upvote @tsxbox

Interesting, so i guess Facebook is committing suicide.

He murdered a floor tile, and is an actor. Check out his profile here. Was this an act also? was he in some sort of trouble? I think it is fishy for sure.

Thanks for letting me know about steemit TDV. I'd never heard of it before and really like adopting new habits that don't feed the "controllers".