The USD is like a fence that keeps debt-slaves inside a labor camp: It "must" not collapse

in money •  8 years ago 

 Ever since the dollar became unconnected to Gold and Silver, a complex debt-slavery scheme, that involves both countries and citizens alike, was put into motion.  

 It is no co-incidence that in the post-Bretton Woods era, we've seen a huge wealth redistribution in favor of the top 0.1 and 1%, while the middle-class is being downsized and the lower class is increasingly dependent on welfare. 

 In the same time most people have not only seen a reduction in their wealth, but also accumulated a lot of debt - which is practically unserviceable.  

 The same is true for a lot of countries as well. It has to be understood that these debts are the quintessence of control. 

 No debt, no control. 

 No global debt, no global control. 

 And what is global debt denominated on? USD. 

 If the USD is allowed to collapse, all the planning and strategies of how to enslave the world, go down the drain. 

 If, say, the USD goes down 20 times and the Gold/USD ratio goes up 20x, and suddenly 1 ounce of gold cost 30.000$, then you only need a couple of gold coins or a small gold chain to repay a student loan, a car loan or even a mortgage.  

 Actually, by that point, your car or house will have a real life valuation that is 20 times the price of the loan. It will be the reverse of 2008, with plenty of fiat needing to get dumped (to protect investors from devaluation), pumping asset prices. 

 On top of that, if, say, the USD goes down 90% compared to other currencies, that's an external debt reduction (effective debt haircut) of third countries by 90% that owe to IMF or other countries. 

 Obviously, the Elite can't allow this to happen: The dollar is like a labor camp wall. The wall cannot be allowed to collapse, lest the prisoners escape. 

 If what we owe gets to be valued next to nothing -due to a dollar collapse- then we get an effective haircut of immense proportions and thus can easily repay what we owe - provided we have a few assets (most people and countries do). This automatically makes this scenario quite improbable to manifest because it cuts the strings of debt-control

 That doesn't mean however that the dollar will become any stronger. It's just that its  

 devaluation will be in a manageable glide-path, coordinated with similar devaluation of other major currencies, all the while trying to suppress the rise of alternative-money like gold, silver and cryptocurrencies (with varying degrees of success). 

 Things might change dramatically if we have some kind of black-swan event (real or manufactured) that will be used as a catalyst for the adoption of some new global currency - but at that point the discussion about any national currency (including the dollar) will be much less relevant. 


Dumping fiat money as a political act

 Regardless of whether the USD will collapse or not, the dumping of fiat money will always be a simple, yet practical political act. Personally, I disagree entirely with the existence of debt-based fiat money that creates enslavement and as such my personal preference is to dump it at first sight. 

 At the same time I understand that most people in cryptocurrency (or Gold/Silver) are in it for their own non-political reasons: They just want to make more fiat money and they use the above "investments" as a "tool" to multiply their fiat. I don't have a problem with that, but one has to understand that this does not offer any practical solution to the debt-enslavement problem: It only fuels more of the same problem. 

 Synchronized fiat-dumping would devalue fiat (USD or otherwise) allowing for a practical way to reduce the levels of debt-slavery. We've seen how a simple campaign like what Max Keiser did a few years ago ("buy silver, crash JP Morgan") led to an explosion in the price of something tangible, like silver.  

 If "cracks" appear to form in the "image" of the USD as a stable currency, and instead the perception shifts to "USD is losing value fast", this would probably trigger some serious dumping that could reach self-accelerating proportions... 

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