LIVE Google Hangout: Pre-Introduction of Tim, Paul, and me in the "Q&A Roundtable about #Steemit” on youtube livestreams on **July 25, 2016** at ***7:00 PM CST***

in money •  9 years ago  (edited)

LIVE Google Hangouts: Our Introduction Tim, Paul, and me in the "Q&A Roundtable about Steemit” tonight at 7:00 PM CST

Tonight we discuss steemit! We plan on going over the following:###

  • Quick introduction
  • What is Steemit?
  • exchanges and trading
  • censorship resistance
  • whether its a pump n' dump or if it can maintain and grow?
  • tools, websites, and other steem community built add-ons.
  • ideas for steemit

Here are some links from newly released #steemshare that I'll discuss during the show: Thanks for this list app, @originate!

We will have questions that may need further research and if you know the answer, or can provide a link to help out, then you would be doing us and any future viewers a solid.

About US#

Tim Smith has spent over a decade in the financial and tech industries, with a focus on data and automation. After the 2008-2009 housing bubble, he tested demographic theories developed from several studies he conducted and experienced explosive market returns, while also consulting with companies and individuals interested in these data. In late 2010, his attention turned toward the crypto-currency community as he begin to see the undemocratic nature of the mainstream financial system. He continues to build ideas with technology and automation while trading in undervalued markets. Interested in Bitcoin Investing? Take Tim's Course:] Introduction To Bitcoin Investing and Lending Course

Find Tim on Amazon:
Take a look at The Decentralized Retirement Plan
Is It Time To Buy ... ?: Gold Miners, Natural Gas, and Sugar (The Value Series Book 1)

Paul has been around the Bitcoin space for quite a while. Paul runs the "Downtown Satoshi Square Bitcoin Meetup" in Dallas, TX.

Fred (Me), a lawyer from Dallas, TX, Fred started his own oil and gas business. From there he went on to start several businesses, including as medical marijuana collective in California. After having trouble with banking services, Fred searched out for an answer: Bitcoin. Fred moved back to Dallas and started “Proof of Lunch: A bitcoin and blockchain discussion” every Friday. Fred is also co-founder of Cyberfunks Alliance and its upcoming event on September 4th, 2016 in Austin: Bitcoin Awakens

#introduceyourself #steemit #steem #video #bitcoin #crypto-news #money #bitshares #blockchain #youtube #livestreams #price #trading #bittrex #podcast

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Anduweb: What is the most unique feature of #steem compared to all the others?

It's unique in that people don't need fiat to get into the currency; they can buy-in through sweat equity. Also, it can introduce #cryptocurrency to people that wouldn't enter into the cyrpto space otherwise.

Paul: how is #steemit an improvement to #reddit gold or even changetip?


  • How is steem different than bitcoin?
  • What is the difference between steem and steempower?
  • How does steem's blockchain work?
  • Censorship discussion

What tools and websites were built for steem?

-What is the difference between steem and steempower?

Here are some links on #steemshare that I'll discuss a bit during the show:

Thanks for this steemit post list app, @originate!