Money Is Not Everything, But Everything Needs Money

in money •  7 years ago 


There is a saying that "money can not buy happiness", meaning money can not buy happiness. Are you among those who agree with this sentence or not? A friend of mine does not agree. He says people who say money can not buy happiness are just poor people who argue.

But for me, maybe for a brief moment of money it can promise happiness, but it only applies in a short time. In the end as rich as any we will come to the conclusion that money is not everything.

Although money can be a control tool of your life, the fact that money can not guarantee the happiness of your life. Although it can be, it is only temporary or temporary. Because money is not everything in life and money is not the number one most important, having money is not necessarily happy and family. With money, we can only buy pleasure, but not happiness.

Everything Needs Money

It's true money is not everything but in the country of Indonesia in particular everything needs money. Whatever we do is always related and needs money.

Here is evidence that in Indonesia everything needs money:

  1. Want To Be an Official? You Must Have Money
  2. Want Marriage? Need Money
  3. In Indonesia, enter the WC just pay
  4. Want Smart? You must have money
  5. Will you apply for a job? You must have money

And many other similar things that do require money to smooth your goals. It is clear that liberalism is deeply entrenched in Indonesia. The point is in our country, money is not everything but everything needs money.


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Well said... not having to worry about money let's us focus on important things and interesting problems. If we need to worry about surviving, we will always be a 'slave'.

yes, this is the part that appeals to me, and not the worries, but it's just an opinion according to reality.

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