in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

 Hello Everybody! Greetings from Australia!   Hi, I’m Kain, and I’ve been researching a book for the past 8 years whilst finding inspiration and enjoying variety by hopping from one location to another during this period. This is the place I now call home:  
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmU3eyTNjJhEVgnHH1pHjGjPemsZaZxzbyPCmozTa5uRit'><img src='></a>

<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmYvgnaZApbtQFvLUzxXLM82P3757PFZXSPMBVLt2fnZ14'><img src='></a>

A bit about myself:  I’ve been sharing the offshoots of my research on Facebook for a number of years now with my aim being to test the power of my ideas with regards to improving and benefiting the lives and well-being of others. However, hoping to focus exclusively on producing my magnum opus I had intended to shut down Facebook so that I would no longer be distracted from pouring all of my accumulated ideas and theses into my book/novel.  
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmUwyJX6fAT6kTJxyzZpLY7hqVWobUi5NV49iis3TbtyjM'><img src='></a>

 (For those interested in my subject matter? I am attempting many things given that my research has been a journey of discovery unto itself, but what I truly find fascinating are the differences between males and females, their distinctions and distinctive contributions, and how this knowledge can be used to foster true egalitarianism. I also delve deeply into the nature of female-sexuality.)     
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/Qmb2DFHkYSQqGStRMzABZUrTbwrbZKXjoD9oniwjAC3sMt'><img src='></a>

  As exciting as concentrating on this project is, the downside is that no near end is in sight and that I can expect to continue to exist in abject poverty as I labour tenaciously at it with no guarantee of success on completion. It was at precisely this juncture that a friend turned me onto Steemit!

My interest was piqued and I was attracted by the lure of receiving a tangible reward for the first time ever for the task of freely sharing my ideas. So it was that I arrived here eagerly anticipating the fruits of my work as I submitted a few prized pieces of writing. The result? And my opinion of the site thus far? Well, in the spirit of honesty, I am a little underwhelmed - err no, I'll rephrase that to massively underwhelmed! Over the past week the responses I have received from sharing complex, original, investigative, poetical and philoso-psychological pieces containing ideas that have taken decades to arrive at have been dismally few and my earnings stand at a ludicrously low $3.50.  
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmaAAKMXS5Lop8cx18n9P8YnJWZMbe9M7Kg9Wmox75TUw7'><img src='></a>

Contrast my output to that of an attractive female's post that is rich in seductive pictures and poses yet poor in meaningful written-content: she has netted over $2000 in under 12 hours; another post by a female which is similar in style has earned $6,500 in under 15 hours. The disparity in my perceived value to theirs is appalling! It appears that travelogue-style posts and blogs which are, symbolically speaking, buoyed on a girl’s breasts attract $$$ that few guys can match!  
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmZYrxGWmn3D9pmQRZnN1cezFZxGxfW4KaSYq6MygzYi1m'><img src='></a>

I am not the only one to notice this inequality in earning potential which hinges more not on whether you write well or have anything substantial to convey but largely on whether you were born with the potential to sprout boobs.

One male replied to this female's thread with what I sensed was outright indignation, "Wow, look how much you earned already!? I wrote a post and got almost nothing." (ph111p) Another male, more bitterly, offered this summation, "Story of my apparently boring life. Plus, I'm not a girl AND I'm not a boy with a makeup tutorial. I'm just a fisherman, chef, musician, who makes tons of worthless original content."(jupiter00000).

However, there's no point in descending into either despair nor recrimination at this being the reality of the situation. The truth is: sex sells! Female beauty is a commodity...and one which the buyer’s market esteems. Those women that exploit this bias in their favour to their advantage have every right to. They are smart...they’ve learned the rules of the game...I take my hat off to them...

<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmfCEHi618dge2fmJviGNjVgvU5GJiK1mNJxBRcc6VEu6w'><img src='></a>

Given the indisputable and undeniable effects of birthing into this world through the matrix of a female’s body, coupled with cultural norms which encourage females to dress and act in public with a provocation that was once only a direct invitation to a sexual act in private, the reality is that we exist in a Gynocracy - and one which is here to stay for some time yet. We are now thrust back into "the pagan vastness of female nature," as one of my favourite of female thinkers, Camille Paglia encapsulates it. It is the act of paying homage to feminine-mystique that makes us instinctually ‘vote’ when exposed to a girl’s photo.     
<a target='_BLANK' href='https://ipfs.pics/QmRD6tL9gJTGUdxmXrHQxLE2wibwGLrCYs8pdeYBsRuHA5'><img src='></a>

Alas, forgive me, I digress, where was I? Ah yes, pondering on the ramifications of posting my finely crafted and time-hungry pieces in a medium where currently respect and recognition and reward is absent.

Interestingly, as my disillusionment with this site continued to grow I received this as a reply to one of my posts: "Keep up the good writing. We need more of the kind of deep philosophical contemplative writing on Steemit. Don't get discouraged about recognition. This is the early days and it is somewhat the Wild West here. The market will start to greatly appreciate this type of more thoughtful writing as we mature, and it will happen sooner than you think!" https://steemit.com/@james212 Which was a refreshing and timely boost of confidence and one which I really did appreciate and which has given me pause.

It is the early days...that is for sure...and there are a large number of remarkable people producing remarkable writings on there. My friend who recommended the site easily among these, www.steemit.com/@rok-sivante . And there are dissenting voices that are also proactive in contributing solutions to this seemingly global phenomenon, "Would Steem fail if every blog post of a lady putting on her makeup is rewarded $26,000?”
This guy actually has some very useful input with regards to improving the platform: https://steemit.com/steemit/@anonymint/improving-steem-s-rankings-to-cater-to-diverse-content-preferences

So, I will be lurking on here for a few weeks as I test this site out and try new angles in an attempt to garner more recognition: I'm booked in for the boob-job Wednesday next week *L*. In all seriousness as this population swells a more discerning audience may yet appear, and tits and travel tales may take their place equally among ponderings and philosophies. And, I can't lie, there ARE men making money with their writings on there also. Only time will tell...    

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Great, great article! :) I like to write about philosophical issues as well and put a lot of effort to provide original content. I understand your frustration...

Thank you. Ah, well. I'll see this as a game and play with different angles. After all, there is nothing to lose and it is early days yet :)

Dude, you kick ass! I agree with everything you said and your writing is true stand-up material! :) I only have one Cent to donate, but it's with all my heart and the greatest appreciation. I am following your work thats for sure :D

The only way to encourage rewards for high-quality content is to find it and upvote. There's definitely a rewards bias towards "how to make a ton of cash with steemit" and what you've pointed out above BUT I think that a lot of this stems from people (and bots... don't forget the bots) upvoting what will likely trend. And that is based on what is trending at the moment. It's kind of self serving.

The best way to change this is to find good content. Comment, upvote and create interest. The follow button might help. Unfortunately this trend may be what happens when you get instant financial reward for social media content - people become more self-serving and the content suffers. But I don't think that will be the case in the long run.

So I'm spending the time upvoting what I think is good material - it's thankless at the moment but if enough people do it, we will see change.

I appreciate your feedback, that's good advice. Cheers!

Thank you friend, your feedback is gold so I'm grateful for the one cent on top of that :)

No. The answer is no. If your content is ok then you will be fine!

One can hope so! And your response is encouraging. Thank you.

It doesn't look like your photos made it. check out @blueorgy's steemimg it's promising to never let your photo links die. Mine died on ipfs. Also check on your markdown by clicking the styling with markdown is supported link above the preview panel. It takes you to a guide where you can reference how to upload and style your work. Oh, and welcome!

Thanks for the welcome. And the information you've provided. I appreciate you taking the time to offer your input. I'll play with different ways of writing and posting my pics now. Cheers for that!

your html seems to be broken.
the content is spot on!

Hmm, for some reason when I click on this post of mine I'm not able to see the pics that I attached - only the links. Could anybody that has voted for this please tell me if they're able to see the include photos? Much appreciated!

I'm new on here and I've had a battle with adding images too. It seems like you have to use the embedded code on ipfs for the images to work, at least thats what I've found...I guess this is beta and its going to be a learning curve for a while

I've been doing that with ipfs, so perhaps it's a server issue. I will try this site instead: postimage.org. And yes I agree with you that it will be a learning curve for a while :)

you just copied and pasted that article

@nioctib My own writing, content, and ideas? After people informed me that my pic links were broken? And I found myself unable to delete or edit? Well, yes, yes I did! It seemed ridiculous to leave it as it was with pic links but no pics. And this is actually the original post which I transformed into another similar - I resorted to a different pic-hosting site, and whilst doing so decided to leave out the intro, polish it up and change it completely in places. Within a day of the OP and with it only having earned 20 cents, is there an issue?

thank god for that comment. Confidence is a must for any starving artist thinking of giving up writing. I wish you all the success in your future ventures! Life is short, so lets steem on together!

Thank you for posting. QUESTION: should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at: https://steemit.com/steemit/@kingtylervvs/if-steemit-ever-does-decide-to-advertise-there-is-only-1-way-it-could-work-in-my-opinion-debate

This is a democratic community decision.

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