What Would Happen if Everyone Were Given 1 Million Dollars?

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes I stumble upon some discussions which reminds that some things might not be so evident after all. When it comes to issues of wealth people seem to get caught up in the myths and narrative of their culture — not reality. Part of the reason is lack of financial literacy, which is completely alien to schools. The other part is the nonsensical infestation of postmodernism that seems to pollute everything it touches. If one does not learn basic economic by themselves, for themselves, then they are doomed to get caught up in the marxist bullshit their government has supplied for them.

We could theoretically distribute 1 million dollars to everyone. In the same respect we could theoretically raise the minimum wage to 1 million dollars as well. The point is that this act would cause the entire system to collapse. Part of the reason the FIAT system is fucked up is exactly because a random central authority decides to print paper and flood the market with what is essential more debt. If we give everyone 1 dollar is the same as giving everyone 1 million dollars because at the end of the day relative value eliminates the buying power from each individual. An item in the store will end up having (more or less) the exact same value whether everyone is given magically 1 dollar or 1 trillion dollars. The magic word here is "inflation".

We could start playing with the average distribution of wealth but that would not take us anywhere. There is a large range of averages per country and from person to person. There are billionaires and there are people with a zero on their name. There are countries with ~200K net worth on average and others down to ~1K. If everyone was given 1 million then money would get devalued severely. There would be more or less an inflation of 50% or more to everything. (The average is a rough estimate considering the gross average net worth of ~$20.000 per human if we distributed equally all the money in the world).

The poorest zero balance folks that will receive the money would see their net worth increase not by 1 million but by ~20k while the richest that already have more than 1 million will also experience a 50% decrease due to the inflation. Whether we gave everyone 1 dollar or 1 million dollars the transfer of wealth from the rich to the poor doesn't change much since the average net worth would not change almost at all.

The value of things is determined by supply and therefore scarcity. Not everyone can be a millionaire for the long run because if everyone had a million dollars all the time, then being a millionaire would be pointless. The number we give to distribution is not the issue. This is also a mistake many motivational books do. They say that "Everyone can do it". "Anyone can become a millionaire". This is clearly marketing bullshit since for one to be "millionaire tier" most have to have much less for that million to worth really a million. It is mathematically impossible for everyone to be below or above average.

"But, but what about muh Zero Sum Fallacy?"

The zero sum fallacy implies that for one to become rich another has to be poor. This is obviously false because wealth is not fixed hence the fallacy. People who complain that immigrants take their jobs are committing the zero sum fallacy since they believe that there is an X amount of jobs to be distributed and that economies do not grow. What we are talking above though is not a zero sum fallacy.

Even if everyone in theory can gain more and more money, the cost of living will also increase. You can hold a million pesos in Venezuela (much like everyone else) but it won't buy you almost anything. Your millions would be irrelevant. In the same respect, everyone could see 1 million dollars added in their balance sheet in the U.S but the cost of living would end up being like the one in Venezuela.

This is exactly why communism failed. When everyone is treated the same based on the same value then everything is pointless. For an economic activity to flourish major dynamics have to be in place. This is why a car is worth so much more than sliced bread. If the supplier of car parts, the farmer and everyone else they interact with had the same capital then they would have to resort to bartering. One loaf of bread for one car. Money was created to resolve this massive difference in value — hence why not everyone can have the same amount of capital.

People who support this form of free redistribution of wealth commit the same economic fallacy. It is much like playing chess without being able to see 2 or 3 moves into the future. How long do you think it will take until 1% controls everything again? Why do you think a capitalistic tendency prevails in all economic models (even before feudalism)? How do you think the prices of products would be evaluated if everyone was a millionaire in their given currency?

These are easy questions that (hopefully) everyone can digest. I would take the argument even further and say that even satisfying basic needs doesn't cut it anymore for the simple reason that humans evaluate themselves by comparing to others. This is only the rich can understand but the poor can rarely grasp. This is also why the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is bullshit for our times. With every era and every group there is a new pyramid being created because everyone ends up satisfying most of the "needs" on the basis of the pyramid. This is why you don't see breathing at the very bottom unless you live in an environment where oxygen is not for granted.

People can have food, water, health and shelter covered but still be miserable if they start comparing to someone who lives much more luxurious. If in doubt check the influx of economic immigrants flooding the western world. They want a piece of the larger pie as well even if they are doing "good" — even if most middle eastern and african cultures have traditionally strong family bonds — which according to many romantics, family is what is more important. Over 80% are males, leaving their families for a better future. Again. Money talks. Romantics can argue with reality but they cannot argue with the consequences of reality.

In much the same way, people who live in luxury compare themselves with those that are even richer. Some pieces of research suggest that there is a threshold in happiness in respect to wealth. I am not going to delve on this further because I believe happiness is much of a meme much like religion. A false hope. A carrot in front of the donkey. We all compare to each other. This is how the meme of happiness is created. I hear people say "I only need my family, friends and health" to be happy. Clearly this is bullshit since most people have all 3 most of the time and they are still miserable. What most people are afraid to say is "I am secure in my position and I will avoid comparing myself to others because it will make me said". Having a kid is much an accomplishment as having a fart. It is a default biological function and not something that will make you proud or happy unless you are really obsessed with your own DNA for some reason.

Life is not about balance or averages. Life is about extremes. Even life itself exists as defiance against all cosmological laws. Every single element on the periodic table is different, hence why existence of all around you becomes possible. Some elements are abundant, acting much like millionaires, being invested in every single thing around you. Some do not have any use and remain isolated. Not all elements can be averaged and have an equal amount of protons and electrons because they will stop being who they are. We are part of nature and that periodic table of elements. Our economic endeavours are determined from the laws of nature. Sure, add one proton to each element of the periodic table. Watch what happens.

P.S. (I will give 5SD to the first person that analyzes this ^ possibility on the periodic table of elements)

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Ah, this was a lovely read. So much complexity to this. This is all pretty much true, but then does that not mean that people are at fault? I've been one for touting the model of giving everyone x amount of money to survive, and those that want to earn more have the ability to do so, but your article raises a few damn good points. If everyone is given x to survive then I'd expect the value of products would rise accordingly, making people no better off than they previously were. Some good thoughts there.

Communism will always fail because I don't want to be earning the same as someone that puts less effort than me into the economy. That would de-motivate me significantly, as it would others I expect. Most things be rendered valueless. Why work when there's no reward? Unless, of course people are intrinsically motivated to do such, but achieving that, today, is hard. You would also need a robust propoganda machine to keep people believing your bullshit.

I'm not a believer of the zero sum fallacy, there's always opportunity in everything. Nothing is saturated. I also don't believe that immigration steals jobs. I've worked with quite a few amazing foreigners and they've had to pay 60% tax, so to me, they add some serious value to the economy.

Can't say I agree with you on happiness though. I feel happy, not all the time of course, though! We're going through a house move right now and the wife and I are at each others throats, but generally, life is good. I have no issues with myself. Perhaps you're right when I think about it. Happiness isn't like it is in the movies; a constant journey through fields of bright flowers and sunshine, it's a comfortable settling, a groundedness with the world, and when anything bad comes my way I am able to deal with it.

I do believe that society is flawed, though. Far too much emphasis is put on being rich where we do very little to help the poor. I don't know where you live, but here in the UK we hear nothing about what's happening in third world countries, yet I expect it's nothing good. Genocide and war. We've become a world that cares passionately.. for 2 seconds.. from the comfortability of our own armchairs. Yet not even abroad, when we look at the backalleys of our own streets, if we look close enough we'll witness a life we aren't aware of. I can't get my head around how 1% has 80% of the wealth and there are some people with no shoes and have to fight for their food every day. I really struggle with that.

well said

It's a lovely read because you missed the true message. I hate this post so much I'd like to flag it twice :/

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You have no idea how spot on this image is :D . Upvoted and followed
Yes, I am pissed off. I'm actually working hard, trying to combat that very graphic of wealth distribution, and this guy has the audacity to say THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE.
To make matters worse, he's spreading this message on a cryptocurrency social media platform, designed to combat the status quo and give value to the people. Yet steamians upvote and resteem this. If I wasn't a fan of irony, I think all the guys who upvote and suport this crap would'of gave me a brain seizure.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Never enough tp. More tp! I need ALL TP in the world!

I am Cornholio! (Whoa! Hm heh... that was cool) I need T.P. for my bunghole! Come out with your pants down!

Would you like to see my bunghole?

Everyone better exchange it to Steemit)

Spot on!

There are in fact other ways to make people more equal, like helping by giving away food, for instance, or helping orphans to make their one-day dreams come true. Money is not everything. This being said, giving 1 millions to everybody will fail, as you analyzed it.

Now to answer the final question, adding a proton to every single element will destroy everything. Matter is in general neutral and adding a proton without touching the electrons will make it charged. And charged guys interact. End of the story, and the world, probably. I am not sure this is what you had in mind.

Another option would be just to consider the element nature and ignore the electrons (I don't know whether this is what you have in mind too). Then, nothing changes. Each element becomes the next one, and free electrons become hydrogen atoms.

Yeap. I was rather going with the next one. Nothing pretty much changes, same as with giving everybody 1 million dollars. That was the point I wanted to make

thanks for the reply man.

My pleasure :)

The problem with the "increase money supply = increase inflation" argument is that it isn't actually reflected by reality. It's a too simplistic an analysis. There's a lot of factors that go into inflation. I've got no doubt that if we gave everyone $1million that inflation would go up. But this idea that if we increase money supply by X% we necessarily increase inflation by X% is wrong.

Regarding the zero sum fallacy, you are right when it comes to unit-less "wealth". But as soon as you start using dollars to measure (and transact) wealth, it does become more or less a zero sum game. The reason is that essentially all economic growth in the system is actually new money created as debt. So for person A to increase their wealth by 1 million, there needs to either be 1 million new dollars in circulation, or someone else has to lose 1 million dollars.

The DEFINITION of inflation is increase in money supply.

No it's not. It might be in primary school, but in the real world it's far more complex than that.

Inflation is increase in money supply, by definition. This is a fact. Not arguable. Definitions apply from kindergarten to PhD.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Again, no it's not. First sentence from Investopedia for "Inflation":

What is 'Inflation'

Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling.

Inflation is an increase in money supply. This can manifest itself in many ways. Right now life itself is unaffordable in the US after ben shalom bernanke and janet yellen have printed trillions of dollars out of thin air and bailed out criminals. They are the biggest counterfeiters in history and should be apprehended immediately as Enemies of the State for destroying our currency and our economy. Real estate is a bubble, stock market, bubble, cost of living, bubble. All of this was caused by an inflating money supply. Don't read keynes and act like you understand economics. keynes himself did not understand economics and neither does paul krugman. keynes was a mentally sick pervert who vacationed in Tunisia to buy boys, he was a proponent of inflation to steal from the masses in an undetected manner. https://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Inflation

"Inflation is an increase in money supply."

For the third time, no, it's not. It's an increase in prices. And now that you are going on about Joos and Pedo's, you can safely be ignored.

Oh, you didn't click the link, did you? That's right, just ignore the facts.... you do realize inflate means to increase in size, as in increase the money supply. Learn to think or yourself, you've been lied to... Also, where did you get joos and pedos from? wtf are you talking about?

I really didn't want to get into the details of inflation even I had in mind what you suggested. The post would be extremely long. I agree. I merely wanted to make a point that not much would change if everyone was given one million dollars aka "if everyone was ending up being a millionaire".

When it comes to the zero sum fallacy because forget the gap of wealth. Sure everyone is getting wealthier but what matters is the difference between the peers — and as we all know millionaires and billionaires are increasing while the poor and middle class are merging together.

A very pertinent subject that has been on my mind a lot lately.I hope I don't digress too much but I've got to disagree with one part though. "Having a kid is much an accomplishment as having a fart. It is a default biological function and not something that will make you proud or happy unless you are really obsessed with your own DNA for some reason." I don't think this is as simple as you put it. Having a child can be an encounter with death to many women (Are your farts that smelly? XD). It's a time of great transformation and possible trauma. The interactions created by generating life, and seeing your children grow, will change you, transform you, transcend you. It has little to do with obsession with DNA in a lot of cases I know. I just thought this line was too reductionist.
That being said I don't believe true happiness and fulfillment are possible for any human being that is not psychopathic in this world, riddled with so much suffering. I think we can only be natural or non-controlling (totally accepting the impermanence of life and the abyss of our own psyche, thus accepting the natural unhappiness of life and focusing more on becoming than on being - Deleuze-like) or controlling, partitioned, not-whole, focused on playing a part. When you identify completely with the part you can become incredibly unhappy. When you can't be a part you can't interact in the play, and it is the play that makes you compare and focus on the outside conditions, making them a vortex for your thoughts and feelings. It's a hard balance to achieve... but surely having a million dollars will change nothing if you are miserable anyway. I know a lot of people who have more than that and are completely depressed or worse.
Good article! Thanks

The interactions created by generating life, and seeing your children grow, will change you, transform you, transcend you

so is war...exercise...having a job...anything really that can add meaning to life.

That being said I don't believe true happiness and fulfillment are possible for any human being that is not psychopathic in this world, riddled with so much suffering.

now we can agree on at least some part. i don't believe in happiness

so is war...exercise...having a job...anything really that can add meaning to life

exactly why I said too reducionist. They are not simply "default biological function". These things can come in to your life for a very large number of reasons and maybe they are a part of a drama you must live, maybe as catharsis for the frustration the quest for meaning in life entails, or for escaping existential dread.

This is such a large and complex subject and I agree that most people lack the understanding to approach it properly.

Is the one million to every pocket a variation on the universal minimum income idea? I do agree that something like that is quite likely to cause inflation I've experienced hyper-inflation and I know it's an economic disaster first-hand. But one has to understand that what happens when a process like that gets triggered is that it's not the top 1% that are hurt by it. Whenever there is a crisis the ones with the most resources available (who usually also have a better understanding of the system as well) are the ones that find a way to position themselves in a way that doesn't protects them from losses and they usually ride the market movements for gains. I'm convinced that if everybody got a million dollars at the same time, the ones that would emerge even richer after the inevitable destabilization would be the generally the same people who were richer before it and the gap would most possible have become larger, not smaller.

If we leave things to the market forces, this is still what one would expect. The people with more resources could leverage them to get even more resources. Sure, some people may climb into a different strata and some member of the 1% might waste their wealth, but in the general case, the free market favors and widens this distribution.

While a cool million sent to every person out there is not something that has any chance of working, I personally think that a society should be set up in such a way that the gap wouldn't widen so much. You could do this by taxing the wealthier more instead of less and by using those additional taxes for public goods like free health care, free education, public infrastructure and so on. Of course, this is all easier said than done, but I think there are places around the world that have demonstrated working models. Much like communism has failed, so has trickle-down economics, so I personally think there is a point in making some changes.

Still, we don't have a better system than the free market to help prosperity, progress and humanity is certainly not ready for an idealistic Star Trek-like society which might turn out to be an impossible utopia. If you want people to do things, capitalism is the best way to motivate them and if we want to live better lives than the generations before us, this is our only viable option.

One loaf of bread for one car.

That's a bit of a falsity (or purposeful oversimplification of course) in describing a barter system and doesn't illustrate what's the main problem with it in my opinion. While you could barter a truckload of bread for a single car, it's extremely inefficient and extremely unlikely for the two people that need to be on either ends to be found. The problem is not really that things can't have value, but that it's extremely impractical, inefficient and non-conducive to large-scale enterprises. Money as an instrument to detach value from objects which allows for flexible trade and allows objects, goods and services to be viewed as abstractly valuable, not just as valuable in a limited, rigid and impractical barter transactions.

As far as your chemistry comparison, I'd say it doesn't apply that well to what you were talking about. People and their financial clout are not so rigidly affixed as elements are to their place in the periodic table of elements. People earn and spend millions all the time and this is what allows them to participate in the economy while elements participate in nuclear reactions really rarely and under special consequences.

Additionally, the tiers that are the elements have very different qualities from one another. While people become more financially potent while climbing the economic ladder, elements change their properties drastically and they become intrinsically a brand new thing.

Where your metaphor works a bit better, is in the claim that there are segments of the economy that more reactive than others. And this is indeed the case with people, some participate actively in the economy, speculate and interact with other agents while other hold on to some value but remain for most intents and purposes quite nonreactive.

What would happen if you added a proton to each atomic core out there would be violent destruction as everything will immediately become something else with very different properties. Pretty much all chemical bonds are going to fail immediately and each atom will rush to combine with a new partner forming brand new molecules, possible quite violently. This would create a brand new universe with a very different balance of elements (and a pretty strange one at that) but things will not be very likely to deteriorate back to the previous state and the balance of elements will remain drastically different despite some nuclear decay to be present after this major shift. (I assumed each proton to the core would be paired with a corresponding brand new electron)

I'm convinced that if everybody got a million dollars at the same time, the ones that would emerge even richer after the inevitable destabilization would be the generally the same people who were richer before it and the gap would most possible have become larger, not smaller.

and still, people don't seem to get this simple fact.

You could do this by taxing the wealthier more instead of less and by using those additional taxes for public goods like free health care, free education, public infrastructure and so on

if you tax the wealthier then you widen the gap. The build up corporations, raise costs, drop salaries and fatten their bonuses to cover for the loss. The poor always pay the extra taxing of the rich. this is why they get richer.

That's a bit of a falsity (or purposeful oversimplification of course)

it was to show how things can get if money became a non-issue.

I like your answer about the proton. I will send you the 5SD once I get a payout.

if you tax the wealthier then you widen the gap. The build up corporations, raise costs, drop salaries and fatten their bonuses to cover for the loss. The poor always pay the extra taxing of the rich. this is why they get richer.

I'm not so sure I'm convinced of that, but I'm also not so sure it's the other way around either. I guess I think that the rich are likely to keep getting richer regardless of the exact tax burden they have to carry. What's important for a society is to keep as many people as possible out of poverty and a version of the free market that allows for upward mobility and larger middle class. Having a well-funded social programs, free health-care and education seems like a good way to go and there is no way to pay for something like that besides taxes. I for sure don't see a logical reason for the richer people to pay a lower tax rate. I also don't see a reason to think that anybody that's trying to pay as little taxes are they can is a villain or something as everybody acts and is expected to act in their own interest, so I'm certainly not saying screw rich people. But, yeah, that's a huge discussion and I certainly don't think I have all the answers ;)

I like your answer about the proton. I will send you the 5SD once I get a payout.

I'm very happy to hear that and it's an honor. :) A payment for just a comment under your post is a very generous thing! Or course, I would have commented either way as I really enjoy thinking about this issues and it's easier to start from an interesting post as a basisthan to come up with original stuff :P

You can search the law. Ask people who have corporations in America and they will reassure you.

People would become even more greedy because nothing is ever enough for them, they work their whole life to chase money , and once they have the money, they keep chasing it until one day they realize , money is not the happiness, money just makes you into a whole different person. Share the wealth among those in need, and you will for sure yet back @kyriacos

When people are given a million dollars, according to me..!!! most of them will be directly bought luxury cars, expensive property and, because people will be blind and will never remember their survival in the future.and some other little will, invest into things useful.

great post @kyriacos
glad to know you on steemit. you are the best

The financial equlity is not a stable model. Why people will work for others if they get the same salary by doing the task which are easy and less time consuming. No one will go for the jobs like cleanig, sweeping or something like that. Even students will also stop to compete because then there will be no concept of ranking first because everyone will be weighed on the same scale.


😂😂😃😂 . Dear come to my blog and see some of my creativity. I am an artist struggling to establish myself here. I hope you can help in thus.

Great read, the fiat system will and must fail at some point history has shown this . No one should be able to create money out of fresh air and change us interest on it. The elite run the central banks and like us to be in debt it gives them a degree of control over us, the debts can never be paid back, cheers mike. Ps sorry for my English

We all get 1 million just means that we just reset the value of the currency and a gallon of milk now costs $3,000.

As far as the elements. Hydrogen and oxygen are in abundance but clean forms of both gases do hold value. Gold, silver and Platinum are less available and this is reflected in the cost. Except silver which is being manipulated. Elements in the 115ish to 126 serve currently no purpose other than for scientist to is themselves in the back when they are able to produce a stable sample, some of those have yet to occur.

Life is not about balance or averages. Life is about extremes. Even life itself exists as defiance against all cosmological laws.

I really like almost you use to write, but this sounds like a Rabbi of Gaza preaching the Torah.

This is Hope, the Witcher. He used to live in Nigeria:

Give him a shelter, give him food, give him trust, love, hope, compassion. Give him money.

This is Hope, the Distributed:

The privilege of living at expenses of the 90% of the people of the world. You may thing all is about of adaptable behavior, hard work. The privilege that allow you to say nonsense words like these one:

People can have food, water, health and shelter covered but still be miserable if they start comparing to someone who lives much more luxurious.

What's life? What's miserable? What are the extremes of life? Have you ever seen in your life a bipolar patient? Ask him about the extremes of human experience.

You are all over the place mate. I am not getting what you are trying to say.

Bipolarism is bullshit as far as I am concerned.

My friend, I have seen hundreds, maybe a thousand of bipolar patient. They've experienced the extremes of human sensations, of human behaviors. But I know someone who told it better -by the way she isnt psychiatrist, she is psychologist-:

Kay Jamison, Ph. D., Describes:
“What it is like to be a bipolar.”
“There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you’re high it’s tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there, the power to captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. Sensuality is pervasive and the desire to seduce and be seduced irresistible. Feelings of ease, intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and euphoria pervade one’s marrow. But, somewhere this changes. The fast ideas are too fast, and there are far too many, overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friend’s faces are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against…. you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and emerged totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew those caves were there. It will never end, for madness carves its own reality.

It goes on and on, and finally there are only other’s recollections of your behavior…. your bizarre, frantic, aimless behaviors….. for mania has at least some grace in partially obliterating memories. What then after the medications, psychiatrist, despair, depression, and overdose? All those incredible feelings to sort through. Who is being too polite to say what? Who knows what? What did I do? Why? And most hauntingly, when will it happen again? Then, too, are the bitter reminders….. medicine to take, resent, forget, take, resent, and forget, but always to take. Credit cards revoked, bounced checks to cover, explanations due at work, apologies to make, intermittent memories (what did I do?), friendships gone ordained, a ruined marriage. And always, when will it happen again? Which of my feelings are real? Which of the me’s is me? The wild impulsive chaotic, energetic, and crazy one? Or the shy, withdrawn, disparate, suicidal, doomed, and tired one? Probably a bit of both, hopefully much that is neither. Virginia Woolf, in her dives and climbs, said it all, “How far do our feelings take their colour from the dive underground? I meant, what is the reality of any feeling?”

@kyriacos, Money is a medium, it only has the value that you want to give it. It is imaginary. But pain, despair, suffering, anguish, grief, hunger, loneliness, isolation are much more real than the air you breathe.
I ask you again: What is life? What is misery? What are the extremes of life?

You can call them patients all you want. Psychology (and psychiatry to a great extent) are bullshit. I've written plenty of posts in the past about this.

Psychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. Psychologists study everything about the human experience from the basic workings of the human brain to consciousness, memory, reasoning and language to personality and mental health.
My bet is you didn't like the diagnose you received.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@garfove, don't even bother trying to explain what being human means to this guy. He's a bitter, lost soul.
Even the agent in matrix compares people with a virus ( both living things ). He compares people with chemical elements (compares something with everything ). He says "having a child is like having a fart", and just so much crap that it makes my mind boggle. Both author and @truth-way-light are in on this here, and it's just another operation, to make sure the sheep stay brainwashed and happy with this perfectly "normal" system.
The underlying message of this post is " THE STATUS QUO IS PERFECT. DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE IT. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE"
What's really sad is the amount of up-votes this crap received. I really thought Steemit members are capable of some critical thinking. Disappointing really.

People would always need money whether it's 1 Million dollars or 1 Trillion dollars. There are two types of people in this world.

  1. Who have great ideas but no money to begin with.
  2. Who have ginormous amount of money and no ideas to invest. Besically they inherited their fortune,

Now, if this 1 million dollar is given to the first category, then I am sure he would put it to good use or even make more with with it.
If the same money would be given to the second category, he would do nothing with it, It would be another bunch of cash in his already exsited treasure.

Most of the people dont know how to invest their money. They just keep their money in their account. Certainly, no one wants to do some charity. So, if some money say 1 million dollar has been given to someone, then he would always try to use it for comfort and investment, no one would like to donate it for charity, even a small part of it.

Very nicely put. Thank you, I couldn't have said it better. Following you✌

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I remembered a very good analogy:
"Money are like fertilizer; spread it around and everything grows, put it all in a single place, and everything in that place dies"

Very good post indeed that deserve an upvote. Unfortunately, if you give some people 1Million dollars, they will actually kill themselves with drugs, alcohol or even buy stuffs that are pire waste. People better manage money when they earn it by working hard especially as we are working hard blogging and commenting here. Any SBD earned is spent wisely .

use your brain

Absolutely...see how I exposed @dan ´s secret plan to take over the world in my latest blog post. More success to you.

Sorry if I was a bit blunt before @charles1, I kinda entered rage mode :D
Your post actually restored my faith in steem. It's witty and on trend with steem's values and ideals.
I want to believe this particular post get upvotes because of distracted steemit users, who only remember two pictures of a white chick giving water to an unfortunate African little boy.
Thank you

you are welcome, more success to you....and see my latest post for tips

I do not know what would happen, but my million would be definitely put into Steem Power.

Power up&steem😊👍🏼

This is the best post I've ever seen on stemit. If you or your parents are not expats from communist countries and you figured this out on your own that makes it that much more impressive. The heinous American school system has brainwashed especially the millenials. My parents escaped and I always had a good eye to know keynesians were brainwarped. These federal reserve meetings, they are just like the five year plans in the Soviet Union. I don't agree with the immigration part, our true unemployment rate is >20%, 50,000,000 Americans are on food stamps, there should not be a single immigrant until this is fixed. The bottom line is this, without a meritocracy with property rights, you have THEFT, and THEFT is not only wrong it destroys everything....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Are you a thief? If you truly believe that, GTFO of steemit

I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to. I'm not going anywhere. I recommend you move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live out your sick dream. Leave the rest of us alone and stop your flag abuse.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry I lost my cool, but you make it very difficult. I do not flag abuse. I never used this option before, and hope I don't have to again. I unflagged your comment, but the post stays flagged until the author answers me.
Also, 2 flags is hardly flag abuse...
"My sick dream" is a better world, where everybody lives a good life.
Years of study don't necessarily translate to intelligence.
I will ask you again, and please stop dodging the answer!!!
You say redistribution of wealth is THEFT, without even entertaining the thought! We are all here, in an attempt to redistribute the wealth of Facebook, which is basically just worth as much as the number of people Mark can sell adverts to. As his users leave 1 by 1, his wealth will decrease.
Are we stealing?
Do you think we have a sustainable economical system? If so, why all the crashes? Do you think we should leave it as it is? Can we not envision a better world, where compassion and love is embedded in our economy?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"You do not know who you are talking to". I like this bit the best, it shows how much importance you give yourself.
As long as you believe the wealth distribution we have now is healthy and nothing needs to be done about it, you are the guy poking a hornet's nest, butt naked.
That's who you are. Also, your profile picture has the word "douche" in it, which in retrospect, should'of been my first clue.
Enjoy being muted.
We live and learn ;)

Giving everyone a million would be far less entertaining than giving everyone a frickin shark with a laser beam. Both ideas make about the same amount of sense. I, as always, enjoyed your thought provoking brain fodder.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He compares giving money to people with adding protons to elements, as if it would have the same impact :))
I have never seen anybody so pro status-quo in my life, and really didn't expect to find such a sheepy post on steemit.
Just elitist filth

But there are studies out there that giving everyone unconditional basic income (enough to eat three times a day and live minimally) can actually increase overall economy and not inducing inflation.
This is because those people is suddenly free of worry about food and able to be creative in their lives, thus productive as optimum as possible, thus increasing economy.

Theory vs practise.

economics are not science and nobody can predict mass human behaviour.

Do not expect their view to change. The author is just a puppet, pushing the status quo. I doubt they're even people.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What if we do not distribute but re-distribute the existing money with its current value?

What if you look up the word THEFT?

What if you drop the hyperbole?

STEALING private property that is not yours is THEFT, not hyperbole...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you define redistribution as theft, then sure. But doing that is a circular argument, so doesn't hold any water on it's own. SHOUTING about it isn't going to change that.

Redistribution is THEFT, it is a word used by communists who don't WORK.

What an impressive argument. You should SHOUT a bit more too.

said the guy with no argument. What are you saul alinsky?

In communism, you work or go to jail! Are you a thief? GTFO of steemit

I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to.

He is biased in favour of the status quo. Strongly

Actually that is totally incorrect. I am against the status quo of deficit spending, printing money out of thin air, overtaxation and war. Just to name a few. I don't think you are capable of understanding what I am in favor of...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

One thing is clear, you're not in favor of wealth redistribution.
Money are a tool. As long as you say the wealth distribution we have today is justified and healthy, you are in favor of war, famine and children dying.
Of-course you could never agree to that. The thing about psychopaths is, they may lack empathy and compassion, but they are aware of what normal people expect to hear.
You should probably just stop writing. As long as you make it clear that you agree with this post and that graph, you cannot come out of this looking good.I see through you!

Are you a thief? If you truly believe that, GTFO of steemit

I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to. I'm not going anywhere. I recommend you move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live out your sick dream. Leave the rest of us alone and stop your flag abuse.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry I lost my cool, but you make it very difficult. I do not flag abuse. I never used this option before, and hope I don't have to again. I unflagged your comment, but the post stays flagged until the author answers me.
"My sick dream" is a better world, where everybody lives a good life.
Years of study don't necessarily translate to intelligence.
I will ask you again, and please stop dodging the answer!!!
You say redistribution of wealth is THEFT, without even entertaining the thought! We are all here, in an attempt to redistribute the wealth of Facebook, which is basically just worth as much as the number of people Mark can sell advers to. As his users leave 1 by 1, his wealth will decrease.
Are we stealing?
Do you think we have a sustainable economical system? If so, why all the crashes? Do you think we should leave it as it is? Can we not envision a better world, where compassion and love is embedded in our economy?

Government is theft.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ignore him. Check out my comments with this guy further down

Are you a thief? If you truly believe that, GTFO of steemit

I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to. I'm not going anywhere. I recommend you move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live out your sick dream. Leave the rest of us alone and stop your flag abuse.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry I lost my cool, but you make it very difficult. I do not flag abuse. I never used this option before, and hope I don't have to again. I unflagged your comment, but the post stays flagged until the author answers me.
"My sick dream" is a better world, where everybody lives a good life.
Years of study don't necessarily translate to intelligence.
I will ask you again, and please stop dodging the answer!!!
You say redistribution of wealth is THEFT, without even entertaining the thought! We are all here, in an attempt to redistribute the wealth of Facebook, which is basically just worth as much as the number of people Mark can sell advers to. As his users leave 1 by 1, his wealth will decrease.
Are we stealing?
Do you think we have a sustainable economical system? If so, why all the crashes? Do you think we should leave it as it is? Can we not envision a better world, where compassion and love is embedded in our economy?

All that studying... yet your emotional intelligence is a negative number ✔

Quora has the answer for you


also. If you re-distribute the money it won't hold its current value. That's the whole point of value.

Sounds like the value will be retained, eh. =)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm upvoting all people who call this post and these 2 guys @way-truth-light and @kyryacos as a sham. Also following and the lot.

"very nice post" message from me a Student who needs extra income. Follow & Upvote me @lordmp27

use your brain

me gusto el contenido la solución no es entregar 1.000.000 $ a cada persona por que al cabo de poco tiempo estarían en la misma posición, solución a esta incognita seria hacer muchas comunidades con eteemit y hacer que todo el mundo gane dinero todo los días, y asi no serian del todo pobres gracias por tu post

Not long after we all have this Million I think we'll pay $300 for a beer and $ 120,000 for a secondhand car ...


That's the worst thing will happen to the mankind, most people will become busy and spend all their income.

Informative article ...from my opinion, There is no need for that because it will distablized the system in place and people will no longer want to work for others since they earn same and equal amount....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is not a solution. It's a manipulative trick: I present you a solution that is wrong from the get go, I analyze it from every angle, so you clearly see it's not a good sollution, you agree and accept things as they are.
You have just been fooled. Why is it so easy?

did i just heard $1 million dollars? 😱

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You talk some sense, but you are wrong nevertheless.
As far as I can reason, whenever I see a graph of wealth distribution I feel sick to my stomach. It shows a greedy, diseased species, in desperate need of healing, and in my project vialcoin.com I'm trying to fix EXACTLY this.
As for communism... take this from somebody who grew up under the regime : Where it failed (It's still strong on half the planet by the way), It Did Not Fail Beacuse of wealth distribution, it failed because of dictatorial oppression!!!
You can try to justify a disease with as many words and numbers you like, the wealth distribution we have now is the CANCER of the human race.
Spend your time trying to fix it, not to justify it. I promise it will make you happier.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As for communism... take this from somebody who grew up under the regime : Where it failed (It's still strong on half the planet by the way), It Did Not Fail Beacuse of wealth distribution, it failed because of dictatorial oppression!!!

Venezuela 2017

North Korea

So stroooong.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I know it's hard to admit a mistake, but 2 pictures prove nothing. You can find grimmer scenarios in democracy, nothing new. See Lybia for example.
I write from my life experience about communism, where does your info comes from?
And you realy can't say something has failed if it's still active on half the globe. You could say fascism has failed, as it's gone now.
Strictly on the point of your post, during communism, money had value. Shortly after the Romanian Leu defaulted so badly that what you could buy before with 5 lei, would cost 10. 000 times more. That is Ten Thousand. Romania had no external debt and we owned our infrastructure. Now all infratructure is private and Romania is billions in debt.
Pease believe me, there's more than one side to communism, and where it fails, it fails because a demented dictator (power corrupts.who knew?), and behind the scene political games.
Stop trying to justify that graph. It should never be a T. Better work on turning it into an Y, then a V. There will always be some who manage their money better, but the discrepancies should never be so large. Not in a civilised, intelligent species at least.

hearsay vs hearsay

that was the point of the pictures

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You hearsay, I livedsay. It doesn't seem to stick though. By the way, your saving grace is your "follow" image, at the bottom of your post. "The blind leading the blind", so accurate. A fine, fine print. But no, thanks :)
Still waiting for you to answer the next questions:
I write from my life experience about communism, where does your info come from? What makes you think you know better than somebody who actually lived through a change of regime?
Why instead of admitting your mistake you try to distract by sending some pictures with no real meaning on the points I raised?
How can you say something has failed when it's active on half the planet and second, if not arguably first superpower in the world?
And how can you compare something with everything?
Are you human?

Then Bitcoin would reach 100000 $. :)

Nothing will happen, within a couple of months everything will be back to normal, just a little inflation bump...

if everyone has 1 million dollars then there will be inflation because everyone got it. You have to pay 10 million dollars, for someone to do something for you . It is like giving a dollar to everyone in today's society.

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

use your brain, u are resteeming candy-wrapped crap

The dollar is fast becoming worthless. The monopoly money million dollars will be available for wallpaper and that is about it. reminds me of weinmar Germany. I recommend gold, silver, land, crypto currencies and stock up NOW on supplies at the current sale price. REAL inflation and hyper-inflation is just around the corner. Thanks for the great read. - Troy

That's why in Switzerland people on referendum refuse basic income for all citizens last year. If they don't know, then who does?

exactly. The masses can't decide shit. They just "want"

Swiss people knew that this would bring masses of freebies into the country. They rather work and spend for themselves. They're smart and rich. Or I should say well situated at least.

yeap, rather well situated. world's biggest bufferzone. Everybody stores their scam money there. nobody will ever mess the storage houses.

actually, in a sense, everyone HAS been given millions and millions of dollars.
If you don't understand why.
consider decrease in the price of technology over time.
For example...when I was born a gigabyte of computer memory would have cost a zillion dollars, in other words it wasn't available for ANY price.
Today a gigabyte is free.

yeap. great parallelism that shows that the gap never really shrinks. quite the contrary.

everyone is getting richer all the time.
the accounting process is fucked up.
people don't realize how good they have it.

There is great truth in this. When I was a young man, I lived in the woods, off the land, in a tiny cabin in Juneau, Alaska.

The startling luxury of electric light, hot water in a tub, and cloth, had me marveling for weeks after I came in out of the cold.

Good cloth is remarkably hard to make from porcupine hide.

Technology should be even cheaper. When prices are not going down as much as they should that is still inflation.

I would be happy even with half a million!

The proton thing. No life. Just a pile of unstable elements that don't form molecules.

Comparing people with chemichal elements is like comparing chickens with galaxies. The sense... is lost.

Life is made of molecules which are made of elements...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Everything is made of elements, living or not. Besides, context comes into play when comparring. He is saying people are as different as chemichal elements on the table, which is ignorant at best. He either doesn't know chemistry or people. Throw different elements into fire, they will act very differently. Throw in some people, they all act the same.
It makes me feel sad when people try to justify injustice. The author of this article cosiders the wealth distribution we have now is normal, and we should do nothing about it. To pile on the hypocrisy, he's posting this gross misconception as truth, on a platform designed to combat that graph. If he likes elitists so much, what is he doing on steemit? Why not post this on Facebook? Why even bother joining a network that goes against his ideal of "normal"?

Right, so, if you add a proton to each element, what happens? That was the original question I was trying to answer.

It is normal. You do not decide how much money people make. There is no injustice about it. People are different and as such get paid differently. This is not elitism, this is a result of the spectrum of our diversity. Bill Gates changed the world and he's rich. Good for him. None of your business...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

First of all I have no problem with any particular man, it's the system that's broken. Bill Gates owns his success to generations of people before him, who made his inventions possible. Much like a blockchain, it's all connected and goes waaay way back.
Yes, it's true, if you give a million dollars to everybody things will probably just go worse, because you are not addressing the real issue. It's like trying to cure a brain tumor with Vaseline ( that's how to metaphor btw ).
The problem with your idea of "normal" is that you basically upvote the status quo, and in your cold logic there is no place for compassion. Perhaps that is normal for you as well.
I'll stop reading anything else here, since it's heartbreaking to see how many of you prefer us, as a species, to behave as reptiles. Not as loving human beings who understand that we are all connected, not evem warm blooded mammals... Reptiles 😔

What's your solution besides crying and calling names?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here you done did it. See what happens when I turn from sad to angry.

Wow that was right on point!!! It is a truth that most do not understand fiscal responsibility or the reason why capitalism is better then communism. If everyone is given the exact same, it illuminates the drive to pursue more . Without the drive to achieve more there is no future.

If "everyone" includes aboriginals and people who live away from society, and they do nothing with their money, will that effect the economy at all?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is something that I joke with my friends, in chinese culture, we burn paper money for our ancestor for their expenses in the underworld (that's what they believe) and all the bank notes are of large values (google banknote of hell). And we would say the inflation in hell could probably cool of the fire (inflation also means, increase in volume, so temperature goes down)

Adding 1 electrons to all elements will make everything negative --> can't really form bonds, but if you add 1 electrons to all elements and at the same time add back 1 protons then that would meant shifting of the element one box to the right~ then hydrogen would be helium or something, but then no more hydrogen, what will water be??

marxist water.

Btw I changed the challenge. I made it one proton. I think it is much easier this way.

Then the issue will still be what about neutrons haha,

But still my speculations is, the loss of hydrogen, and everthing shift to the right (ignoring the neutron part), but as hydrogen itself is soooo important in biological system, either we will have to evolve into another chemical system usage or things will go back to a chemical soup~

my guess is also soup.

The comparison doesn't deserve a single thought. Money are fake, pieces of paper, invented by humans and gone with us. Chemical elements are the building blocks of everything, and if you could temper with them as suggested probably all life will cease to exist. To think that 1 million dollars to everybody has even a remotely close effect is one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

needto buy a nation for poor but real heroeswhom want to leave with each others.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhh i really hope so

awesome post , and i follow you

Impressive analysis, I wonder if the cryptocurrency, would be led to repeat the same mistakes of fiat currency

This is actually a real question in an online course I am tutoring. The course is called "Sustainability and Greed"

We are all greedy. This is what makes our species sustainable.

Great answer. That is exactly what Gordon Gecko's speech was all about in the move Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. That idea is based on the fact some would say that people are rational and therefore greedy. Some people disagree and say people are irrational.

This is your opinion. Explains a lot about the world you live in, and the future you're trying to shape with your opinions.

QUOTE OF THE ARTICLE: "Having a kid is much an accomplishment as having a fart." lolol

That will definitely increase my SP to 1M :)

These articles and comments are the reason I am on Steemit. Thank you.

Best post ever!!!! I've even read 5 times to make fully understand and took noted!!! Love to see this kind of post more and more and more

Use your brain. This post is pure garbage, subvertly pushing the status quo. How do you not see it?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Due diligence before upvoting and resteeming this post!!!
This picture represents the CANCER of the human race!
Do not let them fool you that this is normal and healthy!!!



If the next life you are born at the bottom of the graph, which world would you rather live in? Which graph you think represents a better world for humanity as a whole?
Let's say you don't believe in reincarnation, or that karma can be linked to it :D, if over several generation your blood line ends up at the bottom of the graph, in which world would you have them live?
Anybody at all care to really think and answer me?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@way-truth-light muted. I've never seen anybody so one-sided in my life. Only somebody with an agenda would try so hard to justify the most disgusting thing in modern society.

@vitriol. communism brings everyone down. capitalism brings everyone up. which system do you want to live in? if you are honest you will choose capitalism.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for asking @alvinfang. First of all, let's get one thing straight. Communism you compare with democracy, capitalism with socialism.
I never advocated for communism, but for the socialist economy. I though it was implied, but nevermind. Since you're getting the two mixed, it's a honest mistake, and one that many people do.
now have a look here http://blog.peerform.com/top-ten-most-socialist-countries-in-the-world/
To answer your question, I would live in Any of those countries rather than my own, which is full on capitalism.
I hope I'm eloquent enough. If anything unclear just ask.
Democracy is great, but has a dark side called capitalism. Communism is terrible, but has a good side called socialism. We have all the pieces of the puzzle to create a better world, but one side is driven mad by greed, the other held back by fear. Have you read my whitepaper?
The entire post is just a disguised advert for the dark side of democracy, for the status quo! If you are capable of the slightest critical thinking, you will see this post for what it is and flag it!

@vitriol. greed is good. fear is healthy. utopia on earth doesn't exist. money can't buy happiness. capitalism is constructive destruction. socialism is stagnation. how do you explain venezuela which has taken your advice and become socialist over capitalist economy, shortages are everywhere, no medicine, little food, lines for everything, crime is rampant. greedy capitalism is better than socialism.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You lost me "greed is good" mate.
You still don't understand the difference between a socialist economy and communism. Maybe read a bit more from the link above.
Greed is animalic. We should be better than that.
To quote a wiser man than me:
"There is enough wealth on this planet for everyone's need, but not for a single man's greed".
That is because greed is a bottomless pit, and I pitty the fool who thinks it's Ever a good thing.

O.K. I'll try to explain. The economics of starting a business are not the interest of the other person(your customer), so why do a good job(whatever the business) for them? Simply because you want a repeat customer. Do you do this good job for yourself? No. Why? Because you selfishly want their business again and again and again. So the good job isn't because you care anything about the customer, you are selfish, and this selfishness makes you do a good job for your customer!! The unintended beneficiary of this good job you do(selfishness) is your customer!! That is why capitalism works, my friend. Selfishness. Hence greed is good. Your greed is motivated by getting your customers money!! Everybody benefits and that is why capitalism works better than socialism(altruism). Socialism on the other hand is a one way street and when the voters in a democracy discover that they can vote themselves benefits by electing politicians that will take from the successful and give to those with their hands out, you will have set in motion the seeds of destruction of a society by means of altruism(socialism). A bit longer than I wanted to write, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say. Good Luck!! P.S. I have read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, my comment on that book is it comes straight from the depths of hell!!!!!! Perfect on paper and Absolute Misery for humanity in practice/implementation.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Look at the grapghs above, think really well and answer the question at the bottom please.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's not far away,
when we All can wipe the butt with Dollars $$$$$
Because that country ( USA ) does not pay its loans.

siempre debe haber 3 clases económicas para que la economía en un país funcione y el país no se vaya a la quiebra, clase baja, clase media y clase alta. El sistema funciona, lo que no funciona es el elemento humano