Central Banking and Not Crypto Currencies is the Biggest Bubble of Them All.

in money •  7 years ago 

In this report I argue why the central banking system or PhD standard is the biggest and longest running financial bubble and how its bursting will most probably and hopefully lead to its demise.

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Totally agree with you on this 😀

Good to know!

You are right. All we can do at this point is position ourselves to avoid the coming calamity. How soon is anyone's guess.
Thank you for your insight and willingness to share.


Hi Francis, Thanks. Will follow you and upvoted.

Thank you for your reply and upvote. I appreciate it.


I watch your webbot reports on youtube. Glad to see you on Steemit. Thanks for the great video! resteemed , upvoted and following!
Peace and happiness from Vietnam!

Thanks. Same to you. Will follow you on steemit too.

Thanks maneco64.

"They call it science but its voodoo"...Made my day :P

I am feeling your passion

The current system is a house of 'credit' cards. When the system falls, it will hurt! However I agree, a huge collapse is a healthy event.

The financial system is fucked. they just print money when they need more. The house of cards will fall apart soon and when it does you better hold onto your cryptos because they will explode in value.

I agree and so will the precious metals.

@maneco64 nice post i like it

The MSM loves to say crypto currencies is in a bubble, but the real bubble is in the housing market, the stock market and the bond market. Thanks for the info maneco64.

@halfscreen You are welcome. This current fiat money or central banking bubble is the Big One in my opinion.

I agree. Fiat money has about a 100% failure rate throughout human history. I guess they will do the same with the U.S. dollar.


You're on fire today, excellent comments. Totally agree with you. Love the monkey impression :-)

@pjw Thanks. The monkey analogy was the first thing that came to mind.

I see they're pumping up the USD/JPY currency pair again to take down gold. Amazing how obvious that correlation is once you're aware of it (thanks to you). Amazing weakness in the USD index and gold doesn't rally hardly any. How long will this go on, very disheartening

Yes I have noticed that. It's almost like the bankers use the usdjpy as signal to manipulate gold.

But but but.. @maneco64 Janet Yellen said no more financial crisis??

Yes! You can bet there will now be one.

@maneco64 have you read “Brotherhood of Darkness” by Dr. Stanley Monteith? If not, I think you should read it.

From the Amazon page on “Brotherhood of Darkness” (https://www.amazon.com/Brotherhood-Darkness-Dr-Stanley-Monteith/dp/0981764371/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498741410&sr=1-1) : “The story in this book is incredible but true. It is about secret societies, how they have directed the course of civilization and how they influence your life today. Most people don't realize they exist because their minds have been conditioned to reject any thought of such organizations. In this book, Dr. Monteith reveals the amazing facts he discovered in his almost 40 years of research. He reveals the identity of the mysterious forces behind the men who rule the world and why some of our leaders have dedicated their lives to destroying our nation. After reading "Brotherhood of Darkness," you will never look at the world the same way again.”

The author quotes from the book “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley.

Thank you for your video.

@neighbor I have read the book by Dr Monteith and still have it on my shelf. I probably bought the Quigley book because I read "Brotherhood of Darkness". :)

That is great. The more I learn, the more I see that I want to learn.

Thank you for your posts. I appreciate your early morning updates. I am in the US. My hope is that your posts will be an early morning alarm for me when the credit system fails.

Keep up the Amazing Work !!!!!!!

Well said, mate. A lot of research had gone into this I believe. Keep up the good work.

Until the masses grab their pitchforks and run the evil monsters out of town (so to speak) very little will change. While they manipulated the economy, they also knew the end game. When it all comes crashing down and the dust settles, will we allow them and their ilk to be in the driver's seat again?

No, we dont need these Phd monkeys.;)

However, I believe these are just puppets for the guys in the background, the corporatocracy...

I agree but the first step in getting rid of the corporatocracy is getting rid of their minions.

true that!

Ha-ha you @maneco64 said It's Voodoo Economics LOL 😃

Don't knock spiritual magic, call it a ponzi economy.
Too many are forgetting the “investors” in this scheme are governments (or proxy) with unlimited funding resources, as well as: they also control the narrative. i.e., any data point they wish to convey as what “is” good or bad.
I would imagine if Charles Ponzi were alive today he’d argue “And you sent me to jail for?”

I'd argue that both of them are bubbles and created out of thin air and the only thing keeping the bubbles for popping is our trust in them and ascribing them value. But we have to realize value is not exactly real in any other way both for the central banking system and the world of crypto.

Let's hope so. We need a return to the real world based on truth and justice. The current system is based on lies and deceit and it's tearing itself apart.

@unclehermit I totally agree with you on that.

Gday mate, loved you on you tube. And will follow you here.


Thanks @louisbettong.

Yes, I totaly agree. If your economy isn't for free markets where true and honest capitalism thrives under a people with individual rights, then perhaps there is something wrong with your economy.
As always, thank you for your videos!

These people believe that trees grow to the sky ... We know that they don't

We are witnessing human evolution into a less obsolete ways of using money.

PhD? No they are rented morons. They only think they are PhD but don't realize they got it from fake edu.

Exactly the best currency wins. Or the secret coin with the lowest tax (I'm looking at you crypto).

I agree with your view that there are no free market left, the fed say no politics are involved but that is a lie. They are all politically motivated, find out if Yellen is liberal and she will move in that direction and screw Trumps term by raising rates to destroy the economy.