ALERT: The US Dollar Is Now Being Dumped By Investors. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  7 years ago 

me smiling.png

Is this the beginning of the end for the US Dollar? It might be..
Watch the video below.

Gregory Mannarino
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Thanks for the great info Greg. Been following you for a while now on Youtube. And with, the ad-apocalypse and shadow banning on there; I've been looking for solutions to give the power back to the community. Especially for the content creators like you and others I know. I've attached at few charts on the US Dollar Index and money velocity.

Short term USD Index in 1 hour ticks -

Short term USD Index in 1 hour ticks

  • source screenclip from

Longer term 2 year view in 1 week ticks -

You can see how the end last year and early this year sell offs correlate in the chart.
Longer term 2 year view in 1 week ticks

Fred Quarterly Money Velocity,M1V,MZMV,

If anyone knows where to get money velocity more frequently than quarterly or has suggestions on how to improve my posts feel free to let me know. (Also I'm a computer programmer so feature ideas for my posts or this Steem platform are welcome)

It's funny how Gregory says the dollar is being dumped and it's going into everything "except" he's not saying Pocket Change... I've been telling everyone and their brothers to get their hands on some Pocket Change...

We will need a Medium of Exchange once the Dollar crashes... I think Pocket Change will fit that need... Think Pocket Change...

And it would be great if you took a few minutes to read some of my Blogs...

Interesting so your talking about the collectible value??? Maybe, I should do a post on the strengths and weaknesses of bitcoin that I've found so far. I take a lot of measures to secure my bitcoins. You still got to consider both good and bad aspects of anything though. Always good to have multiple ways of hedging against governments printing lots of money.

No, I'm not talking about the collectible value... I just posted a new blog called "What's my Story"... It should you tell you everything you need to know about my Pocket Change Theory...

After your reply the other day I went to the bank and got a few rolls of $1 coins and $.50 just in case:)

I think having a few rolls of dollar and half dollar coins will be well worth it... If nothing else, you will have money outside the Banking System when all Hell breaks loose... Thanks for your input... Pocket Change...

I do have some rolls of silver dimes but never thought of the other stuff being of much value. If things get so bad that we have to resort to pocket change I'd rather have guns, ammo, and food...... If things aren't so bad then it might be best to stack gold and silver straight up.

As per my theory, pocket change will increase in value by 100 fold... In other words a common penny will have the buying power of one of our current one dollar bills...

I don't see it... I think precious metals will fair better in that situation. I'll check out your blog to see the details on what your talking about. Maybe i'm missing something.

I agree...very strange that the environment we have today and the dollar is going down. The USD is going to have a difficult time moving back up if there is going to be a large sell off...especially if crypto's and gold/silver start to catch major bids. I think stage one is the crypto's signaling a problem, then gold/silver signaling that the manipulation is coming to an end, then the flight out of stocks/bonds into the sideline, but more likely crypto's/silver. It will come in waves I believe, and we might be beginning the initial wave...hard to see...

I often wonder if there were an event that would cause investors to cash in their contracts at Comex if they could cover their end? i have read in the past that the ratio of contract to metal is something like 300 to one. so if you are buying a contract you might end up with nothing in that instance.

Comex is so manipulated it's not even funny...But, there will be some sort of event that will cause them to get upside down even more than they can handle and I think they will freeze Comex that will cause a few things to change really quick! It will be a site to see, but I don't think that is too far off...just look at how stupid everyone is being with the they think it won't go down...ITS COMING and 99% of people will be blindsided by it. Thoughts??

methinks the comex will die the same day hong kong metal xchange opens

What's sad is that I've shared these info to my family and friends. Most of them look at me like I've lost my mind.

All fiat currency eventually has to revert to its intrinsic value of zero. Always has, always will eventually. Fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation, so it's hard to say exactly when it's going to happen, we just know that it will, and many tell-tale signs are popping up everywhere lately.

Interesting that 1024 AD was the first example of fiat currency being used, in China. It's taken nearly 1000 years and we still haven't learned. Let's cross our fingers! The sooner it comes crashing down, the sooner we can rebuild as individuals instead of central planning maniacs. The further it's pushed off, the harder it's going to come crashing down.
Until then, the debt pyramid continues...

Great work Greg!

Sure "they" have learned ... how to pull off a FIAT system from not being exposed.
But it has reached the end now finally.

Best trade in the world: sell US dollars for Gold and Silver!

Agree.... sell any fiat for Au and Ag

Its time for king dollar to step aside and let king silver take over. We have waited long enough. Silver and crypto are my future. Its getting harder for them to manipulate. Our time is coming. Thanks for the video Greg. resteemed

Let's hope so, and let's hope that everyone is prepared for it if it is finally time. You can TRACK THE VELOCITY OF MONEY here.

YAY! Bout time!!!! Yeah, I got a lot of debt since I was born...criminals...Also Greg whats your thoughts on the late X22spotlight report interview "The Secret Society That Controls The Precious Metal Market:Charles Savoie"
Any thoughts about silver confiscation?

Nobody can confiscate bitcoin or steemit

People will no longer give in to antics like silver or gold confiscation any more than they will give in to having their children drafted. Not without one hell of a fight anyway.

Re-Steemed Greg. Thanks for your work.

Step aside guys! BIG MONEY is coming in! Silver-Crypto-Gold!!! GO GO GO!!!

Thanks Greg just bought 1000o/z silver coins before they start to fly also thanks for your advice joined steemit today. God Bless

Running from the dollar...expected but a little frightening.

Hi Greg, I'm new to the Steem community and have enjoyed your videos on U tube.Look forward to hearing your views on this new format. I just don't understand how the ppt can continue to manipulate the markets for the last decade. It seems that as long as they can push the money key on their currency keyboard we will never get back to normalization. Lets hope the ptb will finally lose the war on the metals market and allow free markets to finally rule the world and put king dollar in its appropriate place.

Greg: Its very interesting that the Web Bot predicted that the bankers would temporarily loose control of the gold and silver manipulation starting now and going into the summer. Cliff High said when they do regain control again around late summer their smashed bottom price will be substantially higher than it is now. Your info is fitting in with Cliff's call perfectly. Lets see how things play out. Keep up the great work!

Cryptos is where the action will be next time markets crash. Crypto market cap i went up over 80% last month. Whats the point in putting your money someplace the jackals in government can confiscate them when you can move it into crypto and never worry about government confiscation or inflation. I`m pretty sure the Venezuelans would agree in hindsight.

Maybe the Wannacry victims are sending dollars instead of bitcoins to get their data back?...hahaha

Greg- I believe that the technicals are the reason that we are seeing an increase of divestment in the dollar and, as a result, a flight in bullish technical vehicles (gold/silver/over-sold assets) and the charts prove it. WHEN those technicals favor oversold, they'll buy the dollar on the cheap.

Thank you Greg for your update, always watch you over a 5 years now. Not a trader but pay attention to what you have to say. Cheers

upped re-streemed.

Just out of my personal interest. You mention a production deficit of Silver. How can I find these figures and is this including the silverproduction as a by-productof huge Tin mines? Just curious to know.

You will find answers to your questions here:


But the most important thing to understand is the energy problem we are running into . Steve explains this and what this means for silver in a good way.

Sure. The easiest way is to Google it. Look into mine production.


Even if you could find the figures, would you trust that they were true and not fudged?

lets vote each other up like nutts and be freaking lions here. DO IT

Watch the USDJPY... Some support at around 112.5. I use this as an indicator for market moves. USDJPY broke out of a downward trend on the 9th, and may come down to test the top of the channel.

Greg thanks for the update as usual on point with your input and analysis. Thanks for all the info and free tools you've given out to all us followers.

Is it fair to say the pound had been 'relatively' undervalued for a while Greg ?

Great analysis! As you always say watch the Bond market.

I Started buying the VIX, keeping it hedged, but buying the VIX! This market will see volatility return, the VIX will go up. Nobody knows when, but it will. I'm buying it, hedging it, and when it starts to move, I plan to sell the hedge and put it on the long side! Great Job as always Greg!

XiV is the best investment on the market


The feds can keep the dollar relevant

I agree. Trump wants a weaker dollar but not a collapsing dollar.

Where do we go to check the Money Velocity?

Terrible things will happen when the Petro dollar system get dumped for real.

upped reload steem invest in silver and gold

As always thank you, Greg. I have to tell you, you remind me of my Italian relatives (my mom was 100% Italian-her parents migrated here from Italy). I grew up amongst a huge extended Italian family. Passionate people! All the "old-timers" have died now. But, I have great memories.

Yes knew it.....we knew it.....they knew was never a question of if but when......hehehehehehehe...............i love what u do Greg!

I got into crypto for this purpose alone. Now that I've jumped in, it's opened up a whole new world but man...the death of the dollar would be something crazy!

The end game is coming soon to a theater near you!

I very much enjoy that I can get breaking news from you without the filtering of the MSM!

Master Gregory,
My understanding of a Cliff High prediction was that "something" would cause the silver market to break free this coming weekend. Perhaps this is the beginning of that "future truth". Regardless, I lost confidence in the dollar a long time ago.

Something is definitely happening - this coming weekend sounds right.

Thanks for the heads-up! Why is nobody else covering this?

US Dollar looks like it might break down below the 98 handle: 98.127 -0.753 (-0.76%) 2017-05-16 15:40:31, 30 min delay

Man the dollar is falling off a cliff. Good for toilet paper I guess.

Thank you for the great info. I joined steemit today. This is my first Upvote!

I appreciate your vids Greg. There are very few other places where someone can get original, thought provoking views aired. Cheers!

Guess i wont be able to go on cheaper vacations anymore haha

Give me silver, blue and gold
The color of the sky I'm told
My rainbow is overdue

Soon the tidal wave of currency will hit the shores of america. Become your own central bank and bet against this debt. :)

Good one!!

Thx again for the timely news Greg. I'm still figuring out the in's and out's of using Steemit so forgive me if I don't post regularly but I'm letting my friends and family know, (thx to you) about this new platform which is far better for us all than facebook. Thx again for all you do Greg. God Bless!

who knows when the dollar goes dead. I am surprised it went this far. I think because we are in uncharted territory in financial history that it is anybody's guess? I know one thing, the elite know the exact date and will profit on the sheeple's finacial misery's

it is interesting, how long they can keep this up...

nothing new about it Gregory , the quicker the better

they'll try to short the euro next, right? inflation everythere...

Anyone know if bitcoin is publicly traded?

More and more people are awaking and can see 'gun' dollar diplomacy is fading away. Petro dollar is looking weaker by the day.

Greg thanks for the great work keep it up !!!

More good content Greg.
Mike Maloney also put out an urgent video on Utube regarding some alarming economic indicators for the near future.
You guys are like economic scientists who back up your claims with data and graphs of the economic situation.
It is great to come here and get an instant alert of what may and may not be happening in the economic world.
Thanks Greg great work!

Another Great Video - Thank you

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Have been following you for 8 months now. Always enjoy your daily update. Thank you for doing this. I have a question: What happens to the money in the cash accounts of the brokerages (like Schwab, Fidelity etc.) when banks fail? I couldn't find any information on this subject. The only thing I know is that the cash at brokerages are protected by SIPC, but of course that is probably no protection at all as SIPC is very underfunded. My understanding is that if the brokerages go bust, then your money is gone. But why should the brokerages go bust if they are not in the lending business? Any insights are appreciated.