New USAWatchdog Interview: Gregory Mannarino – Deficits and Debt Will Explode Higher.

in money •  7 years ago 


Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino is not bullish on the US dollar, and that should worry the man on the street. Mannarino explains, “Inflation is going to be the theme of 2018. How do we know this is going to be the case? Let’s look at what happened to the dollar last year. . . . The dollar got melted down last year, and this trajectory has been going on for decades. It’s just getting progressively worse, and it’s going to continue this year. It’s amazing to me to think that anyone thinks the dollar is going to get stronger from here. President Trump wants a weak dollar. He wants to keep the dollar low in relation to other currencies. . . . The weaker dollar is stock market positive.”

On the ever expanding debt, Mannarino says, “Central banks have to continue supporting the markets by printing more cash out of thin air and inflating bubbles even worse. The debt bubble and deficits are going to get worse, and there’s no way out. So, this is stock market positive. Distortions are getting worse, and valuations are getting more distorted than they already are. . . . The whole system is so twisted and so rigged, every aspect is fake. . . Everything is going to inflate. That includes the market, that includes debt, that includes deficits, and that includes distortions that will inflate and get worse until we hit that moment this all smacks up against a wall.”

In closing, Mannarino says, “The deficits and debt are going to explode higher. World central banks are going to inflate. They are going to kill their currencies. This is why you have been seeing the rise in crypto currencies. Everywhere you want to look, the arrows are pointing towards inflation. Be your own central bank, and bet against the debt and own real stuff.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Gregory Mannarino, "The Robin Hood Of Wall Street."

Gregory Mannarino's website. Click HERE:

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Great Post..😃😃

hmm you are right.
it's really a good post


love to read it, thanks, resteemed..

Good video
I like it

Tnx for upvote

this is so informative video, thanks, and resteemed..

Thanks for another important info..

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)

Dear sir i always follow you and resteem your post:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@marketreport...thanks for this great interview. Tell Greg Hunter to join steemit. I need more top dogs to upvote. upvoted and resteemed.

Absolutely the interview is great, but should we worry a bit after reading? Now the questions in my mind;
Will BTC lose value?
Will ETH gain value?
@mafsteem @marketreport

@slayer10...I don't concentrate on BTC. I would wait for a pullback in ETH. Clif High says 100000 BTC this year. That would be 6 times more then now. But ETH will soar easely 6 times from now this year.

ETH konusunda sana çok fazla güveniyorum.. Ona kesinlikle yatırım yapacağım. :) Söylemiş olduğum düşüş elbet yaşanacaktır.. @mafsteem

@slayer10...tyrkish I don't understand.

I hope life will show all the truth. Goodness is always the most important aspect of our lives. Good day thank you:) I trust you a lot about ETH .. I will definitely invest in it. :) The fall that I have told you will surely be experienced .. @mafsteem

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@slayer10...Sure there is coming a big drop down in Ether.

I'm sure you did. :) Is it safe to invest in ripple? I think a few investments are better at the same time. @mafsteem

I agree with @slayer10. I am a bit do I think this affects bitcoin and should we direct our investments ??@mafsteem @marketreport

@aquia10...Gregory Mannarino is right. This will affect Altcoins a lot. BTC will probably soar 6 times this year but Ether will soar minimum 6 times this year.

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)

@mafsteem The most logical investment seems to be ether. I'm thinking of investing in Ether but I expect you to fall as you say.
Thanks for information.

Great post..

Wow! This is great insight on what is going to happen between the relationship of dollar and stock market.thanks for this informatve post on inflation that is about to stike stock market.

I always wait for your post. Thanks for sharing

Great video bro, resteem done

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@marketreport...cause affect cause affect. it's true and very simple. act now. very good advice.

Can ı ask a quastion ,what can you think about ripple ? @mafsteem's the coin of the banks. This way they can create coins like printing dollars. By the way now it would be a very bad entry point after the big push the last weeks.

interesting sir...When we looked at the value of bitcoin now, it remained stable at a certain level after it showed a rise.What do you think the bitcoin is increasing or decreasing? @mafsteem

@beyfendi...I think Bitcoin will increase this year probably 6 times to 100'000$ as Clif High is telling. But Ether will increase at least 6 times this year.

And great post sir ! @marketreport

Thanks Greg!! In a corrupt world, your integrity gives me hope. God Bless you!

The Gregs! Awesome! It's always great to have you interviewed by Mr. Hunter.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wonderfull interview sir and your anylesis on stock and market and predictions are always right and we always need its greg sir i also @resteemd

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Resteemed and upvote Mr.Robin Hood :)
Great post :))

nice interview thanx sir for this always help of videos @upvote and @resteemd

resteemed, done...

best work for your predtions on market with your videos and posts sir @reseemd

Resteemed and upvote Robin..

Upvoted! Insightful analysis. If the value of the dollar drops, cryptos and metals should rise as they are typically have m inverse relationship. Let's go STEEM!

he is robin hood :D

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

great video upvoted and resteemed..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

resteemend and upvote.

your best job for all of us appciriciate your give us good signals on market daiyl @marketreport


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing ! Resteemed and upvote sir ):) @marketreport

Must admit I watched this on you tube earlier, another great interview, keep the info coming, thank you!

Thank you for being very interesting

upvoted and resteemed @marketreport


sir you are the best stock master i always appriciate your efforts on market @upvote and @resteemd

thanks for your helpful post sir...

it is so helpful post, thanks, resteemed.

Excellent post about Stoke market investment and bitcoin trading system. Following you

All most afraid to go outside anymore.

good post. resteemed it

thanks for the information sir, upvoted..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i like your efforts for good anylisis on market sir @upvote and @resteemd

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you give me always true infromtaion and opinions thanx sir for this

Resteemed and Upvoted!

Nice post my friend

The entire monetary system is a giant bubble waiting to explode. It has been backed by a false system for to long with money being printed left right and centre. I worry about all economies but I also worry about the consequences and reality of mass war when markets, economies and currencies crash.

Nice post.

First person to say "Nice Post" gets $5, you unfortunately do not. This platform doesn't always make sense.

Everything's been inflated already! The Crash can happen at any moment. I don't expect what's been happening, to continue in 2018. There is a limit.

Thanks again, Gregory, Upvoted and Resteemed. BYOCB. Great interview with Greg Hunter at,

This post is great. Thanks for the sharing this informative post.

Greg, we love the video and we did up vote and resteem for all to see it

That was a great interview Greg!
You are absolutely right! After years and years of money printing around the world inflation will pick up and everybody holding cash will get hurt badly.
Upvoted and resteemed!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Finally I made it here, thanks for the Steemit advice Greg!

great post.... resteem...

resteemend and upvote.

Resteem & upvote done!

Bond market is in bubble. When it burst all hell is going to break lose.

upvote and resteem sir.thanks for good post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

well sir its better to share the interviw with us and talk on market @resteemd

Resteem and upvote done

Greg, can you invite Greg Hunter to ?

Thank you for information. Upvoted!

fabulous resteemed


i've often worried about wealth confiscation. Governments have shown within the past they usually begin with people who have the least, as an alternative off the grotesquely wealthy. sad however genuine. Have a wonderful Sunday, Greg and Gregory.

Tnx for upvote and resteem.

you are the great man, you are so nice,,,upvoted...

I will wait your next one...Best of luck...😊😊😊😊


I can't imagine the amount of criminal activity that must be happening to keep this economy from dying.

This is an excellent video outlining the reality of the current economic situation. Always love the Greg with Greg talks, they have a great report.

Greg and Greg Back again!!
Two of the top people in the world of real news and info!
If everyone really just understood how the dollar has become almost worthless over the past 50 years, its buying power makes buying silver and Gold, a way to stop the bleeding from your personal wealth.

Thank you Mr Hunter a d Mr Mannarino for this report. I've often worried about wealth confiscation. Governments have shown in the past they always start with those that have the least, instead off the grotesquely wealthy. Sad but true. Have a wonderful Sunday, Greg and Gregory.
@mafsteem @marketreport

Really sir you are a great and your post is vary thanks sir.upvote and resteemed now

nıce post

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

wow nice....

Outstanding perfomance for bitcoin...
Thank's for sharing.... resteemed.

i'm not bulish on US dollar as well

I kinda see a bounce in the short term as well....

king the upvote and resteem

Great video sir
resteem done

exellent post & great comeback @ marketreport

a number in the stock market forecasting business

upvote and resteemed done

may your sustenance continue to increase, in 2018 this year

look forward to these interviews

I've always liked your advice Greg to get out of debt, to stay out of debt, and to get the titles to your house and car. That's some of the best financial advice that I've ever heard anyone give.

SUCH A GREAT INFO ....Gregory Mannarino

Nice post resteem sir

Yes we know trader Gregory is not bullish on the US dollar.
Upvoted & Resteemed

There are so many Insider information on the stock market that as a normal investor you really need to have a good instinct.
But hey dont hate the players hate the game , so lets tyr to build a new System or at least try to get some correction here

Sir I waiting for resteem your next post...✌✌✌

Good video,

Greg Hunter and must join Steemit

Very good my friend

Currently, professional traders are net-short the US dollar in greater degrees than ever in history.

They may be right; however, there may be an "event" that causes all of these traders to unwind their positions and when they do, you will see the USD skyrocket to the upside, far faster and higher than people can see right now.

Just be careful buying into the whole story!

The bulls ought to did it is long term in the past buy all there quick Thy will prevent long term in the past instead all and sundry setting all this lengthy watching them controlling the market

Sir, upvote and resteem done. @marketreport

Resteem and upvote done.