(VIDEO). I'm BACK! Important Updates: Financials, Dollar, Gold, Crypro, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  7 years ago 

me smiling.png

Hi everybody it's me, and I am back!

In the video below, I discuss the current dynamics associated with the stock market, financial sector, US dollar, gold, silver, cryptocurrency's, and the bond market.

There is opportunity everywhere, and we are going to make all of this work for us.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
me steem.png

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Welcome back Greg

You must read my post titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...

True Flip [ICO] - Already running a transparent blockchain lottery! Bomb! Bonus 20%! ICO will end in 2 days! Hurry! :)
The platform is already working and making a profit :)

This is a free social network) If my post in your opinion here is strongly not appropriate. Forgive me) You can lower his rating! :) And I'll have it in mind :)

Love the post - Great Video and the perfect for you !! Love IT LIKE it :)

Moving turns your world upside down. Glad you're settled in now. I've been hearing the narrative pushed pitting crypto vs metals. I think it's so foolish. Crypto and metals are playing on the same here, they're both dollar alternatives. Take your profits from crypto and add to your central bank metals holdings.

I'm not sure if it's people not understanding the dynamic of the 2 in regards to the dollar or just total BS, probably a little of both. Great video as always brother.

banks screw you over so much. .25% interest on a saving account. while they loan it out for 3-8%. This is why i love crypto so much, when im older im going to really try to not use a bank

in many countries of Europe, like Italy, not only saving accounts have 0 interest, they are heavily taxed so you lose money just by keeping it in the bank.

You Europeans will be buying U.S. treasury notes at a below zero interest rates by the end of Sept I figger. Definitely by the end of the year into the bankruptcy filing of Bank of America and Citigroup by April 2018.

that is exactly why I got rid of my bank account..

You will be able to take your dollars soon and instead of giving them to the banks ...buy dollars with them instead via dollar tracing ETF that trades under the ticker UUP. Look for my buy call soon..."maybe today." This will return at least 25%+ in the next 12 months I'm wreckin.


Thanks for the update! I'm super bullish on cryptos!!!!

Nice Video ^,..,^

Sorry Greg Mannarino and everyone, I am not spamming you, this is the last time I will post this I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see this. I created bet against the debt apparel. Here's an example of a shirt!

They will only be available today specifically for steemit users. Get 5% off all orders on my website using the discount code steemit5.

More info about this on my latest post. Thanks everyone!

I'm not even going to check the price but I bet my discount gets me down to $15...including shipping? Can you make up a sexy VIXen T-shirt for me? The front of the shirt will say >>> "Sexy VIXens love to party!" You can come up with the hot girl logo. On back it'll say "Don't leave your wallet on the nightstand" :-) Come back at me with some CGI. Thanks. And if I buy 3 of your shirts will you throw in 1 ounce of silver with each purchase? If you can I might be willing to market them for you. Here's at Greg's place...PeterSchiff's for sure. Dollar Vigilante's...Bix Weir....you guys want to work on a list and we'll split the proceeds with Greg? This is something we can ALL work on. Whata ya say, Greg?!! :-) Oh...here's the queen of the sexy VIXens. This beitch will rip your nutz off ifn ya isn't careful. :O


You must read my recent post, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...

Back? Where'd you go? I hope it was a wonderful adventure. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Every day I hate Google and YT more, but I found you there a long time ago and really appreciate your content!

You must read my recent post, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
You'll be glad you did...

I took your advice, long ago, on being your own banker. With cash, in my pocket, I have been able to pick, .999 silver one ouncers, regularly. Even though the spot prices have been going down, the availability, of the older coin, are much rarer. So the premiums, are much higher, offsetting the lower spot prices, on older purchases. So it is working for me. Thanks again, Gregory.

If you like what Gregory Mannarino says, you're going to love one of my latest posts, titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... Be sure to tell all your Friends and Followers... It's a must Read... Thanks...

I, also, took your advice, reluctantly, on Cryptos. Spending my limited money, on Cryptos, instead of Silver, seemed like a gamble, but fun, too. Anyway, I've doubled my Ethereum & Litecoin investment, in just a few months.. People have been saying "take the profit" but since the investment was so small, I'm going to let it ride, and see. Thank again, Gregory.

If you think Cryptos are a good deal, wait until your read one of my recent Post, Titled: "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... You'll be so glad you did... Spread the word... Tell your Friends and Followers... Thanks...

you gave very sound advice that any one can take to the bank and make money on and we upvoted

Wait until you read one of my recent Posts...
It's titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
So important to resteem and tell your friends...

Upvote and RESTEEM. Level 64 already? You are rocking it Greg. Cheers.

Thanks for the info greg.. spot on as always

Gregory Mannarino is very good at what he does...
Now, feel free to go to one of my recent postings,
You'll be so glad you did... Tell your Followers...

greaaat feed like always .. i will be happyto share with steemians the best 6 steps to invest in cryptocurrencies https://steemit.com/cryptocurrencies/@upbuzz/the-most-successful-6-steps-to-invest-in-digital-currencies

dollar falling. Banks deceitful, crypto currency rising, silver and gold safe. I think I am going to stay in silver and crypto. Thanks Greg!! ROAR!!

After seeing your message to Gregory Mannarino, I know you'll be interested in reading one of my latest Postings, Titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... You'll be so glad you did, and please feel free to tell your friends...

Welcome back!
Diversify is exactly the key.
First I would say Silver, but definitely gold and now cryto.
Bitcoin and some of the other crypto currencies are going to go up, just to point out, they are coming out with a gold backed crypto from Dubai from what I've read.
Gold and silver great buy ins right now.

There's one more asset to Diversify into and you'll find that out by going to one of my latest Posting, Titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... You'll be so glad I found you... Tell your friends...

I agree in the long run the Dollar goes lower. I like silver & gold.

Thank you for the update

Glad to have you back, Greg! Get sad not seeing some of Greg's insights on my Steem home page. What do you think of the huge put calls on SPY for October this year?

Go to my resent posting, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
If you want some new insights, you'll be so surprised... Tell your friends...

Been a few weeks since I called the tradable bottom on the Q's, leading to your last good trades in the Q's and AMZN. Now we agree on the coming pullback in tech, specifically the Q's. I'm "hoping" to have my entry here today as I am already short IWM and SPY.

I'm glad you are always watching for opportunity.

Speaking of watching for opportunities, wait until you go to my recent post, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... You'll be so glad you did... Spread the Word... Tell your Friends and Followes or Restreem...

Hi Greg, and nice to have you back. Thanks for the video. Very enlightening as always brother. Keep on steemin!! Upvoted. :C)

Thanks Greg.

New format whit the board is great. Bitcoin is going towards new high for sure.

If you think Bitcoin is doing good, wait until you see my resent posting, titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
Feel free to Restreem or tell your Friends and Followers... Thanks...

Hi, thanks for your interesting post. Welcome to my blog @evgenya

Thank you so much sir god bless you

To fight for God is to fight for Life...
God is the meaning of Life...
Now that I have your attention, it's a "MUST" to go to one of my Recent Posts, Titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... Tell all your Friends and Followers and if at all possible, Restreem... Thanks...

Always interesting informations thanks

Wait until you read my interesting information... You can find it in a recent post of mine, titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... Tell your Friends and Followers... It's a Must Read Post... Thanks

Thanks Greg for pulling these areas together for a clear picture on how they are related. Great! Thanks!

Glad to see you back! Thanks for video!

You'll even be more glad to read one of my latest postings, Titled: "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
Feel free to tell your Friends and Followers about it... Thanks...

you will be flagged if you will continue like this man

I am not a Bot... Every comment is important to you and the Steemit Community... Never jump to conclusions...

I know a comment is important and I appreciate every comment with a relevance for a post. not promoting yourself

I'm not actually promoting myself... I don't even want upvotes... I just want people to understand why i think my Post is so important...

Greg I know you like bitcoin and the crypto currency's is there any other coins you like say eth , eos , litecoin? Cheers mike

Glad to see you back, hope you had a good moving weekend!

I just joined steemit and have opened an account on a crypto exchange. I was wondering about a good, reliable phone wallet. I'm cashing some of my Enbridge and BCE stocks, so that I can diversify into some cryptos. I don't know what I'm doing, but I have been going on a journey of becoming financially literate and have learned a lot since 2009. I know I have a lot more learning to do. Thanks for everything you are doing Greg. I've learned a lot from you and others.

I need more silver.....

I love Silver, but wait until you learn from one of my recent Posts, titled: "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
Feel free to tell all your Friends and Followers to read it too... Thanks

the market now is in waiting mode

You don't have to wait to read one of my latest posts, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
You'll be so glad you clicked on it... Feel free to tell your Friends and Followers about it... Thanks...

Happy new place sir good to see you back again and yes dollar continues to decline move to cryptocurrencies great suggestion sir.

@marketreport this is a very informative post thanks for the return keep up that awesome work my friend.

If you want to view a very important post, go to one of my more resent postings, titled "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... You'll be so glad you did... Tell your Friends and Followers... Thanks...

Great to have the vlogs back @marketreport
I missed you too haha

Don't miss one of my latest postings, titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
You'll be glad you read it... Feel free to tell your Friends and Followers... Resteeming is also good...

If it were not for you and your like many people would be flying blind with this crazy manipulated market. Thanks for your time.

Wait until you see what I recently posted, titled... "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...
You'll be so glad you opened it... Restreem or just tell your Friends and Followers... Thanks...

Welcome back, sir!

Glad to see you're back.

Hi greg, now on steem also one of your youtube subs and fb friends please follow my page :) just getting started i also have a really shitty youtube channel i think you may subscribe too lol paintninjagc

Still holding SOXL

it's awesome to have you back once again.


Greg it would be much appreciated if you could make a video of the things that we could do to "be our own central bank" I already have some precious metals. But I think it would be useful to have like a video recap of suggestions. Thanks

Wow... Talk about becoming your own Central Bank... Wait until you visit my recent Posts, Titled: "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... It's such an important post that you need to tell all your Friends and Followes... By the way... For following only one person, you sure picked a good one... Resteem...

Thanks so much, your information is very helpful!

Glad your done moving and down to business Gregory.

Canadian Dollar is now 1.25 to the US Dollar - three months ago it was 1.45

US Dollar is slowly crumbling.

If you're interested in the U.S. Dollar, you'll find one of my recent Post very interesting... It's titled: "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"... Feel free to tell all your Friends and Followers about it... Thanks...

Welcome back happy to see you in new place and a very nice presentation sir its time to move towards cryptocurrencies and i like your blue shirt also beautiful.