(VIDEO). IMPORTANT UPDATES: Stocks, Dollar, More. PLUS A Nice Rant! By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Important market updates PLUS a rant... ; )
**30 month, NOT 30 year low Dollar VS Euro. Slip of the tongue in this video. : 0

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
me steem.png

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Greg some people are just argumentative keep up the good work, cheers mike

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

but @greg sir whats ur prediction about usd/jpy now this time

I guess that rant was needed. Does show how people's words can be twisted and taken out of context.
Thanks for the great video and update Greg! :)

good work sir u r right now dollar is below and i save it for again watching bcz i m also trade on exnes...ur feedbacks help us more

Thanks for the update Greg!

Upvoted and Resteemed absolutely spot on greg you never say that this market is crashed but you are talking about the dollar yes and it doesn't means that the oversold market bounce in the next hour yes it bounce but it takes time.

thax greg sir for ur another upload video on stock and dollar i think u r the best of stock and dollar

thanks for the update as always greg

Great video. We've been signaling a crash for awhile now but the train continues upwards.

Glad to see you man, thanks for sharing these info with us!

Thanks Greg i am waiting to see this video full of knowledge.

Thank You Greg and we do agree with you and we upvoted

I can tell you Greg I'm not spending greenbacks except on investing in real-estate and necessities

Thanks Greg. Yes small up down swings in an upward trend it is. Got that.

Your body of work speaks for it's self. Don't let the nitpickers bother you brother. Some people you can never please no matter what you do. I watch you b/c you shoot straight and deliver the truth and that's about as simple as I can put it. Keep up the great work!!

yah greg very nice informative video full of knowledge the dollar is way oversold it will bounce but it takes time point is noted greg i am doing my trades successfully after watching your videos and reading your articles it helps us alot to detemine the market behaviour.

Hey Greg, newbie traders will always trade on 'what they think they hear' but like Jesus said 'the poor will always be with us' and so will traders on the losing side of the equation. But, I've been meaning to suggest that you add some lighting to your video. I can see the reflection of the ceiling light in your whiteboard in the background. What you should do is add a main light at 45 degrees at 160 foot-candles, a fill light at 130 degrees at 110 foot-candles, and a back light at 230 degrees at 60 foot-candles. The change in lighting will eliminate the shadows being cast on your face and take out the zombie neon glow from your ceiling light that gives your video a twight-zone feel. Saying it as a friend....

Very well said greg the weaker dollar is going to pinch the consumers no doubt about it.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

thanx sir i m waiting ur ans ..before this i dont interested in stock but now i think i will try in stock if ur good helps is with us always and u reply our coments and tell us our questions and then i will start it and get help from u when will i confuse..sir

Some listen to Jimi, but they can't hear Jimi...

Good video, I think I'm the newbie but learning

thanks Greg for all you do.

The CB's are gonna keep levitating this market for as long as they can, trust me on this. IF you think QE ever ended I have a bridge to sell you lol

Nice video. Dollar bounce back in short term, expecting dollar to fall further.

Click, ...., Click, ... easy Greg. I got everything under control. This economy is just a software control by the FED.
There is no economy as we understand it. But as they make it.
Nothing to do. Just let them play and loose at the end.

yes greg you are absolutely spot on that consumer sentiment is up but consumer spending is down. its the weaker dollar that going to pinch the consumers.

Thanx for the update!!!

I am learning and so glad I found you, now will be following you to learn more, thank you.

Most people think the market and economy are synonymous. Which they sren't... So people "feel" good, BUT... with the dollar value declining, their disposable income buys less so they spend more on NEEDS and have less to spend on ther things. Retail sales go down down down.... JMO

So why not take advantage of it? 2 months ago J.C. Penney (JCP) was on teh brink of bankruptcy if you listened to the talking heads. But if you bought that low in JCP stock you now generated a 25% return in 2 months. Not bad. So what next? Follow the blog I opened about JCP if you want to find out. Shameless plug of course. :-0 here's another upvote worth zero for you. :-)

Why thank you for the vote!!! My up-votes are either a zero or a penny too... :-)

I find a lot of things to be nonsense, strange and odd and that's only one of them. I'm on the same page with you. It's just really difficult to tell when the turning point is gonna be. Gold and silver dumped again; it'll be interesting to see how far they're gonna dip this time...

SLV will "likely" see 14.43 before any turn higher. Not sure what that translates to in the "actual" silver price. I do know I wouldn't even consider a buy in silver unless SLV trades that low though.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You could be right but the upside potential is way more to risk waiting. The smart people have already bought and are holding and may even add more if the price goes to those levels. Once silver and gold break out, silver is gonna go up to at least $100.00 and gold to at least $3200.00 within a year or two.

More like silver to $10 and gold to $1000 but yes, there will definitely be some deadcat bounces. You just missed one in fact. But don't worry, so did every other card carrying gold and silver advocate. :-) Gold and silver won't rise in a deflationay environment. The current rise in "market driven" rates are only going to result as the catalyst for the market takedown to reach "final" crash and burn highs. The banks and finan "shill" plays...the arch enemy of both crypto believers as well as those who think gold and silver will be a "safe haven." Bank of America is going to trade through its 52 week high for instance. It's all a game. If you think a BAC bankruptcy filing is going to be an inflationary event then you are sadly mistaken.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Breakouts are necessary for manipulations. If you think it's possible to continue to suppress the price without a breakout, you're sadly mistaken. Breakouts are part of the manipulation. They're called pump and dump ;]

Nobody knows the exact time(excluding the manipulators) so patience is key while the price is still trying to settle a bottom...

All the talk of manipulation is utter nonsense. The markets are still "free" markets. The problem is that the Fed put the Wall St gamblers in a position where the free money that was doled out needs a place to go. So like always, they will do what they always do >>> gamble with it. The computer quant traders make mistakes just like anyone does however. It's funny how all of the silver bugs in particular constantly cry about manipulation...yet none of them even acknowledge the fact that the BIG manipulator (Deutche Bank) was fined for manipulating silver during the period that included the period when it was trading at 2011 highs. Do the research. The windup for the cry baby silver stackers is that silver is only manipulated when it is trading lower. When it is in a bubble they are all celebrating their great fortune though. Just like the crypto buyers have been the past 3 months. Wait'll you see them crying manipulation soon. The boards here at steemit will be full of crypto HODLers crying about how they got manipulated soon. Real soon too.


This is about as ugly as it can possibly get for commodity longs. Looks like the dollah about to stage a bull flag breakout here. There's an upside target of 24.75. I don't advocate shorting gapdown moves...but it might be a good time to hedge silver and gold longs.


I'm nervous about these currency fluctuations ...

I like your thoroughness @marketreport glad i stumbled across this, upvoted and followed

Hey, Greg, I'm still posting your entry and exits on the trades you post at your blog over at my blog. So anyone who wants to check those results can certainly do so by visiting my blog here. Personally I think you are stretching things to say you post 7 to 1 winners. Naturally you are more than welcome to stop by and correct me about any of the prices I post for both your exits and entries. As you know, I am all about complete and "honest" disclosure as I believe that anyone who posts market commentary backed up by trades should also be honest and open about it. Just like a mutual fund or hedge fund is required to be. You've moved closer to the direction of open and "honest" disclosure since you now at least post each trade as a short or a long instead of a straddle. Not quite there yet, buddy. So I will continue to "monitor" so that there WILL be open disclosure. Hope this doesn't change our current "amicable" situation. But if it does...so be it.

I am glad you are posting them. Keep in mind, as well, that I always enter a position with a "half" position so if it goes against me initially I close it with only a small loss. If the position moves in the direction I believe it will, I double the position. This allows me to capitalize on my winners and take minimal losses if I get it wrong. Thanks buddy. ; )

That's fine, Greg. I do the same every once in awhile. I will "likely" hedge my current short in SLV via a long in GDX if the correct signal materializes to do so. As of right now I will need to be "lucky" to cash out of my SLV short with a gain by 8/18 expiry at the $15 strike. But if it actually trades to the 14.43 price I just told one of your followers, major chachingo! :-) I only post the trades you log at your site and in fairness I post the day's range for those options as well as the current price when you post the trade. You still "might" want to hedge the NFLX trade soon...not yet tho. But it is one sell off away from being a buy right now. I will post that trade as I need to hedge the NFLX sell I posted at MUCH lower levels. You "should" do well with the Q's trade....SPY is going to be "iffy" unless the VIX trades well above the 11.50 "maxi" high I mentioned. Right now it is actually "slightly" overbought believe it or not. :O

For anyone that is interested in guessing the High price of each of these commodities...

The Gold & Silver Futures Challenge:
People can bet on the Daily High for that day and earn 50% of the posts (SBD):
Everyday is a new Challenge.

Gold Futures:
Silver Futures:

@marketreport is very smart! nice post !!

Priceless info! Upvoted and resteemed!

Record after Record is ridiculous... We need a major pullback but I really think the FED is going to contuine to hold this market up for much longer.
We may be seeing this until the New Currency or Reset is in place.

Greg your predictions on the whole are right g great amount of the time. Thanks for all the info you provide us and I agree the dollar is in a down trend at this time. But as you always say nothing goes up or down in a straight line. Have a great weekend and get some sun.

I debated playing this USD trade but I held off. I just don't want to get caught as they pounce back on the short of the USD.
This USD bounce could be very short lived!

Thanks for the update. Great video :)

When people are talking about a market crash, I think they are refering to some of us cause some of us are wanting it to happen. They probably just associate those remarks with your words.

Hi Greg, Well you know...sometimes people just like talking out of there KEISTER without checking all the facts. As for your Rant...well...RANT ON Brother!! As always I enjoy hearing what you have to say about what's going on. Keep up the GREAT work. :C) Upvoted.

thank you for sharing

Thank You Greg, yes i heard you say pull back not crash. have a great weekend.

Thank you, Greg! I'm somewhat new to Steemit but I've been watching your videos on YouTube for a couple years. I'm now following, please follow me back :)

I always feel better when I'm spending money on the things I need, and on occasion things I want, but If I'm not spending, then there's a reason for that. There's no sense in the data that consumer sentiment is up when spending is down. Just not human nature. I SAY RIGGED DATA!

Always great to hear your insight about the dollar, stocks, silver, gold, and bitcoin. Thanks for providing so much free information. Others provide less and charge a fortune. Keep it up, Greg!

nice video. Thanks For Share.

thank you

It seem like we tipping point

You are right. Nothing goes straight up or straight down. It is ok to get them wrong sometimes. I will still come back here to see what you say.

I'm back, what did I miss?

Rock man quote... "The thing is, you see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear...you dig?" :)
From The Point, Nillson

What about the mentoring you were talking about a few weeks back?

Nice video thx for sharing

Excellent post .Thanks for share.

Well done , Great Update , thank you @marketreport

I think you are right about the bounce. What you need to do is watch what gold and silver does as opposed to the market. Such as now. The metals fell as the market rose this true market movement. When the metals move with the market that is false market movement. I have been watching this happen for years!!! I bet the dollar will solidify even further untill you see metals move with the market. That is I bet when the dollar will fall. Wanna bet some steem on it? LOL!

Funny, how overvalued this market is. You are so right.

Upvoted and Resteemed.

I am 110% behind you Greg. I think that any pullback will be bought by our FED and the market will contuine to move back up.

40,000 Dow before 10,000 Dow!

Always keepn it real. Thanks Greg

Thanks for the clarification on your stance and the markets Gregory.
Enjoy that sunshine and the pool.

I don't care how high they take this. It's gonna lose a large percentage of it, when it does go down. Who cares that it goes up 100 points, if it goes down 10 to 20 percent, which would be 2200 to 4400 points on the Dow, respectively.