RE: A Poker Paradox: Sometimes Winning Can Hurt More Than Losing

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A Poker Paradox: Sometimes Winning Can Hurt More Than Losing

in money •  9 years ago 

Appreciate the story, but you can definitely look at this as "losing" instead of winning. When you enter a 15k buyin, the most you can lose is your initial 15k. But when your equity is 1M and you cash for <200k, you "lost" over 800k. Don't think I could handle those swings

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Good point, agree with your assessment, still a win on the whole but yes, lost quite a bit from my peak equity.

Part of it is getting caught up in the mental rush of the game. For example a few years ago I sat down to play in a $10/$25 PLO with $50 mandatory button straddle. Mind you this was three days after playing and not sleeping having gotten there after buying a way ticket and leaving another casino where I was playing poker. A story I'll have to write about sometime.