You Don't Agree With Capitalism

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

Money used to be about you and me - capitalism changed that.

The first and last rule of capitalism is this: Make More Capital. It's killing us, and it's killing the environment. Can we build​ better systems?​ Can we change the rules? These are important questions, and their answers lie in the palms of​ our hands. It is up to us to stand up and take hold of what belongs to us and give back to Mother​ Nature. The revolution has begun​.

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Is it profitable, is it possible, is it legal?

If the answer to all three is yes, then it goes ahead.

There's not often a lot of thought that goes into the ethical implications that these decisions have & that's troubling.

Whatever happened to the concept of enough? I have enough food, clothes, and so on. For example, I don't need 35 pairs of shoes. I can only wear one pair at a time! But I do need some specialty shoes and boots so somewhere around 7 or 8 is more than enough for me.

The fear of not enough is what drives the madness. I grew up in a household that did have a stash of food for emergencies... a closet or shelving unit full. We lived in areas where winter storms could knock out power for a few days.

The real issue is fear. It drives the capitalist minds. Someone might have more... I'm not getting a big enough share. It's back to the 5 yr old sandbox emotional state.

And it is destroying us, personally, environmentally, and emotionally.

Consider what is enough for you for a few moments. it won't ever be the same for everyone. But what can you scale back on? You know reuse, reduce, recycle.

Save the planet, save yourself...

Wise words. Greed is definitely a driving factor. And fear only amplifies it. I do believe that people start to wake up and realize that Nature is our greatest treasure, and we should take care of our tiny blue planet.

I sure hope so! Steemit is a good way to get past the greed, as we all work together to generate steem. Now to translate that into the world at large.

Great post made me realise that it is actually pretty weird we work a full time job just to pay bills and tax and food... while we should be evolved into not needing to pay for anything. if we would share everything eveybody would be happy i think even the 8 people that control 50% of the wealth will be more happy after seeing the joy in the world and above all NO WAR, FREE MEDICATION. #resteemed

If you investigate carefully, privately-owned land (a type of capital) is taken much better care of than publicly-owned land. Likewise, capitalist countries tend to be much more concerned for the environment than socialist or communist ones.So, perhaps we need to define capitalism before we criticize it!

Can we eliminate capitalism?
I think capitalism will not be eliminated until whenever.

I don't think we can eliminate capitalism, but we can change the way we use money.

Hello sir can you help me?

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How to grow steem power from delegation?

You need someone with Steem Power to delegate it to you.

Interesting video... there's definitely something troubling about how nature can be "Converted" into cash, without a mechanism in place to balance things back towards a healthy environment.

I'd also argue that the mindset of debt being not only normal, but GOOD - "gotta go into debt to make more money in the long run" - is wreaking havoc on a small and large scale. I know there are good business reasons for debt sometimes, but it's so far out of control on a micro level (personal finance in the USA at least) and macro (i.e. government) level now.

Post voted! Greed is the one who is going to kill us... all of us! Greed!!! Because of greed we destroy the environment and everything around us... because of it we destroy our souls or better saying we lost them long time ago!

There is always hope.

There is always hope! Sorry i got so emotional when i read the post that i made some mistakes when i wrote but i sow them now and correct them!

good post @rossenpavlov i'm following you please follow me and give me upvoted

Thank you, friend.

Thank your friends again

interesting post, thanks for sharing. Capitalism is consuming our lives because we're greedy. We want more and more, the need never ends.

It's like a never-ending​ spiral​.

I do agree with you that capitalism is killing the environment, but let's not forget it also drove our world to another level. Technology and science are at another level because of capitalism and they helped to improve our lives. I would say we are lucky enough to be aware of the problem. Environmental issues related business is rising and let's hope it can save us while boosting our economy

I think in the video they suggested that we don't need as much as we think we do. We produce too much out of greed?

I can agree with you. I don't see money as the problem, but the way it's being utilized.

Did you notice at the start of the video they showed seeds as money in ancient times?

It's a unit of account, evenly divisible, each one more or less equal, and a store of value since you can always eat them or grow them and if kept in a cool place away from sun, probably stored for a long time.

Things were simpler back then.

Yes, it actually has a very strong effect on the viewer. I think we should learn from history to avoid repeating its mistakes.

Capitalism will devour itself. In that K. Marx was right.

This is why theres such projects like Venus Project. Lets start to make change ppl. With Cryptos and other technologies ... these capitalist pigs cannot control us so easily anymore. Tech can be always green, non corrupt etc. So funny that they cannot control BTC for example cos of the blockchain, but they try their best... Just tell them how old time it all is. Controlling and manipulating is definately not a natural habit.

It's a clash of old vs new. I totally agree with your points. Thanks for taking the time.