I just can't help it being super cheap.

in money •  8 years ago 

I am pretty much the cheapest person I know.
I hate spending money.
Mainly because of my lack of income.
But also because of the price increases I'm seeing lately.

For example, I like buying sandwiches at these sandwich places
or subways style places. Now when I usually went and bought a sandwich,
the sandwiches were usually not more than € 2,50 wich is around $ 3 dollars.
Back then a € 2,50 sandwich was the most expensive you could buy.
But now ...... now the €2,50 sandwiches are the cheapest you can buy.
And I don't buy anything more expensive than that unless I'm starving to death,
because I am too used to the fact that they used to be cheaper.
The most expensive sandwiches right now are €4,-
In some place they are even €5,-

Its the same with for example games.
I like playing games from time to time. But I usually play older games.
I rarely buy games because they are just too expensive.
Sometimes when the steam sale is up there are games with 75% discount.
And I still feel like they are too expensive.

And every time I do spend money, it makes me feel bad because I know I need it.
When I spend money I usually spend it as an investment hoping it can help me
in some way earn it back. And the only time I'm not cheap is when I am traveling.
But I have not done that in a while due to my health.

I'm curious if I'd still be this cheap after I manage the monthly income.
And I'm also curious if other people have had the same or similar issues as me?
Maybe my I should find a way to stop being so cheap.

Hope you have a healthy
and positive day :)

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keep on that savings and investment :)

My income is not great; so I can understand how that can make you "cheap". The question is is it cheap or good money management? I have a secondhand shop and attend a lot of auctions tbat I am used to getting bargains. I also don't care what others think, so I will buy food on sale. There is a kind of freedom in being cheap. Thumbing your nose against convention?