What to be rich and have alot of money?! Don't print alot of money!! Allow me to explain
After the middle ages, the world was a big pie in the hand of the European countries. Each country cuts a slice. Some took over parts of Africa. Others choose North America and Asia. You can say that despite the infighting between European countries, they choose to change the way they fight each other. Countries began fighting over other control of other countries. There was a feeling that in order to be a great nation you had to have alot of control over the world. From here the idea of imperialism started to spread rapidly. Each country would go and take over small colonies even if they didn't bring any benefit to the country. At least it would bring slaves and from what I know at the time slave trade was very profitable.

After all was said and done, Spain was able to extract more than 45000 tons of pure silver. You would think that this made Spain so rich but no the toughest economic problem hit not only Spain but the whole of Europe. People couldn't afford food. The rise in prices was HUGE. Food prices which were relatively stable for the past 300 years were suddenly rising. It didn't only affect food but the whole price of items. But Why?! Spain had just uncovered more than 170 tons of silver. Spain was the root of the problem. What happened here is called "INFLATION."

I think we can all agree that money has no value unless someone else is willing to give you something in return. So when the person in front of you doesn't approve of your money, those with and without money become equal. The conquistadors didn't understand that the value assigned to money silver or even gold is dependent on us,Humans. We are the ones who assign value to objects. When an item becomes so abundant, its value drops and this is very understandable. When 170 tons of silver enter a country, everyone from rich to poor were able to get their hands on silver which prompted merchants to increase the prices. Despite the harsh economic climate, the rising inflation was only at 7% while in modern times countries like china have a 10% inflation and no one is having a problem.

Both the Spanish conquistadors and the German didn't understand that anything from money to silver has to have a sense of belief for it to be of any value. If gold is abundant, it wouldn't be expensive and if you think that these are anomalies then you haven't looked at countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela. In Zimbabwe for example, the inflation reached 66000% in 2007. June 2008, inflation is at 214Million% and by august of the same year inflation rate reached 14Billion%. In 2009, the government canceled the currency entirely. There is a saying that because of how worthless the currency has become a person walking in the street would stumble across 100 thousand Zimbabwean dollars and not pick them up.
That was it. Hope you liked this article don't forget to upvote this post and follow me for me. You check the sources down below