People's willingness to work very hard is particularly relevant in terms of motivation, which according to some studies or theory is meant to be done by an individual by a combination of threats and rewards - the carrot-and-stick approach. More recent thinking and some recent research suggest however that you are more motivated to a large extent by actually responding to internal needs. In other words, people are more willing to work hard if they also feel needed. Research shows that when you are in pain your motivation level goes down.
What causes this pain? Many psychologists believe that it is because there are not enough security and stability in conventional wisdom. Because life is not very predictable in the north America of today, people are not very willing to work hard or accept that things will not be the way they expected. The results of this study were recently published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The results of the study were quite significant.
First of all the study found that the number one reason for not being able to stick with projects was a feeling of uncertainty. People were not willing to put forth the effort required to complete a project because they were not sure that the end result would be satisfactory. The second factor was that people were not willing to be assertive, competitive or courageous in order to be successful in the working world.
In other words, it was not that they were unwilling to be working hard, but rather that they were not willing to risk taking risks. That was the primary finding from this study. Conventional wisdom and research usually lead people to think that being a bit fearful or tentative is a good thing. Unfortunately, this is not something that you want to follow when trying to get ahead in life.
You see, the meaning of the words "to be willing" and "being willing" are very different. In order to succeed you must be willing to be bold, aggressive and push yourself to accomplish your goals. However, if you are fearful of these things you will not be willing to go forward and become successful. If you want to make a lot of money you will have to have a lot of fear in order to be a successful sales person, lawyer or other professional that works with large sums of money on a regular basis.
In addition to being afraid of what people think of you, it is important that you also are afraid of failure. In many ways fear is actually a good thing because it prepares us for tough times. For example, most people would say that willing is a synonym for determined, while most successful people are said to be determined. The point is that you must be willing to work hard if you really want to succeed at anything. If you want to become a good lawyer, you will have to be willing to be extremely hard working as you seek to gain the position.
Of course, anyone can tell you that it takes desire and persistence in order to succeed. If you are willing to give yourself this kind of effort, you will find that you will have a much better chance at becoming successful in making money. This means that if you want to make money then you should start focusing on using your synonyms for hard work when speaking to friends and family. Not only will this allow you to gain more respect from those around you, but it will also increase your own self-esteem as well.
By using the right words when talking to people you will be able to convince them to do what is necessary in order to get what they want. If you truly want to be successful then you must learn English. Learning the different words used in the English language can also be an excellent way to gain respect from your peers and those of higher status. Anyone can learn English if they are willing to put in the time and effort, so you should make it your goal to learn as many English synonyms as possible.