The Only 3 Pieces of Advice You Will Ever Need to Succeed

in money •  8 years ago 

The Only 3 Pieces of Advice You Will Ever Need to Succeed


Over the weekend a lovely young lady was staying with me. On Sunday evening the talk naturally turned to the topic of Monday. What do you think she said to me? She said “Ugh.. I hate Mondays“.

To which I replied with the truth: “I love Mondays. My favorite day of the week“. To which she replied, many times over, “I hate Mondays“.

In another life I would have joined in with her Monday morning complaining. In another life I hated Mondays as much as anyone.

The problem with Monday, you see, is not that you have to go back to “work”. It's that you have sold your soul to the Devil and now you must pay your due. For that pittance of a paycheck and “job security” and all that baloney you have given up your soul.

Most people do not think there is any other option except to go to work and make a living. My own family certainly never thought there was another way to make a livable income.

I was taught the same thing all of you were likely taught: “Go to college. Get a good job. ‘Buy' a house. Save for retirement. When you are retired then you can live a nice life“.

My thought was always “Retirement? 65? I have to wait that long to be free?….I hate Mondays“.

Of course, that was all before I opened my eyes to reality. College is a joke and a waste. Jobs are for suckers. All of it is a sham. The people who have given you this advice aren't necessarily liars but they are delusional and weak.

Today I am going to give you the only 3 pieces of advice you will ever need to succeed in life.

The only 3 pieces of advice you will ever need to achieve success:
#1 Have a reason to need success

You must have a need to succeed. Not a want, or a hope, or wish. A fucking NEED. Personally, I never liked the feeling of selling my soul for a pittance while making other, smarter people richer.

I never liked having bosses and superiors who were incompetent. I never liked authority. I never liked attending HR diversity training led by fat black lesbians or gay mexicans. I never liked having to explain why I was 6 minutes late.

I never liked being stuck in traffic at 8:30 am and again at 5:30 pm. I never liked following stupid rules that made no sense. I never liked calling in sick with some fake excuse. I never liked being stuck in a space with people whom I would never consent to spend my time with outside of work.

Now, if you replace the phrase “never liked” with “psychotically hated” then you may get a sense of my need to break free.

Your reason can be anything. My reason just happened to be my disdain for most people. But make no mistake friend, you do need a reason and not just a want or a wish. There has to be something there that drives you, and if nothing drives you then you aren't ever going to be an entrepreneur.

#2 Pick one thing and stick to it

Multi-tasking, the act of concentrating on many things at a time but never FOCUSING on one thing, is a surefire way to mediocrity and failure. You must pick one thing, one area, and focus on that one thing with all the intensity and focus you can acquire.

It is always one thing that makes the first money for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs don't try 15 things and make any money, at least not when they start. They start with one thing and one thing only and they work it until they have a nice payday.

You can't throw 15 things at a wall and hope one sticks, you throw one thing at the wall as many times as you need until it sticks.

Entrepreneurship requires focus, focus can only be achieved on one thing at a given time. It's not even worth trying to multi-task until you are earning dough from your one thing.

Pick one thing and one thing only and work it until it produces. After you have cashed in on your one thing is when you can branch out into other areas, but only after you are receiving a regular income from your one thing.

Obviously you will want to do some homework and research and pick the best one thing you can pick. After you have picked it, move on to advice #3.

#3 Make a commitment to success

You have probably heard your girlfriend talking about commitment, or more likely you have heard girls on the television talking about commitment. They are right, in a way.

You DO need to make a commitment. Not to some little tart, but to yourself and your life and your business. You must give yourself 150% to whatever it is that you are pursuing.

In this case, you are pursuing a BUSINESS that provides you with enough income to never work at a soul-killer, soul-stealer J-O-B ever again.

You will only ever find success or talent through something you give yourself completely to. The fellas up on a stage shredding their guitars didn't get there by practicing 3 days per week, one hour per session. They played their guitars from morning until night for YEARS.

Those Hollywood actors didn't step into one audition and get famous, they worked at it for years before they got their big break. “Overnight Successes” can take up to 15 years to achieve.

Rich people are notorious for having little to no contact with their children. That's because you can't make two commitments for your time, only one thing can take up most of your time if you are to achieve extreme success.

Obviously most people aren't going to become wealthy and this is an extreme example, but I hope you get the point.

Make that commitment, friend. Say to yourself:

This is it. This is all there is or ever will be. This will work or I will die.

Without a commitment there is nothing stopping you from quitting. Without a commitment there is nothing stopping you from saying “Ah, this isn't working. I'll just go get a job. Maybe I'll try something else later“.

Any wild and crazy idea can work if and only if you are committed to making it work.

If I told you what my first business was you would probably get a confused look on your face and say “There's no way you can do that“. But I could and I did. And anyone could do it.

I have explained that very business, the business that got me out of debt and got me free, to many, many people. They have all said the same thing “That's genius! I'm going to do that!“. Not a single one of them has done it.

They were been given the keys to the club and they stayed on the fucking couch rather than getting up and going. To this very day I make residual income from that business, something I have not actively worked on in over two years and those same people I gave the keys to still whine and complain about their jobs.

Two years ago, a few days before I moved to China, my buddy asked me what I was going to do to make money. I told him blogging. He looked at me curiously and said “What? I just don't see how you can make money blogging“.

Two years later I make a livable income from Bold & Determined. It didn't happen overnight and it didn't happen without commitment but it happened exactly as I envisioned and planned it happening.

Any wild and crazy idea can work as long as you have a plan and more importantly as long as you are COMMITTED to making it happen.

A little joke…..

Do you want to know what the little joke about entrepreneurship is?


Pretty funny, huh? It's true.

It's easy to do something you are passionate about and something that you are driven to do. It's WAY harder to wake up on Monday morning knowing you have an entire week of Hell to get through. And that you will have do that for the rest of your life.

That's not to say it's all peaches and cream. As an entrepreneur there will be MANY times where you have no idea how you're going to pay the rent next month. It can be extremely stressful and it can take a toll on you, especially if you are prone to anxiety.


The only people I know who are truly happy are people who have made their own rules and followed their own path. I have never in my life met a corporate cog who was happy with their station in life.

And guess what? I don't give a shit. Fuck 'em all. Everyone I have given advice to in real life has not taken it and has not improved themselves. I only talk about this stuff online where hopefully one or two readers will actually do something.

I do no advertising or SEO work to draw-in readers. My feeling is that someone who wants to find this information will find it and those who don't want to find it will stay away.

Those who want the information are welcome with open arms, those who don't will get a nice ass-kicking on the way out the door.


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