The difference between fantasy and reality-Steemit world

in morocco •  7 years ago 

I was invited to Steemit by @hdmed, when i joined this great world i read and research so much in addition the first things i done is introducing my self to our gorgeous steemians here.


I wasn't know about this mazing social media and rather. So i read the Steemit Faq and the great leader @hdmed asked me to translate it to our language to bring more Arabic people. I did it and it took from me mor than 2 months to finish it. After i had finished it, i translated the bluepaper too. Thanks to this work i benefit a lot from it, i took a near sight a good thoughts ..etc. It seems in the following:


  • Joined on October 2017
  • Posts 784 and this 785
  • SP 812


I have reached this level thanks to your support and my good willing. I joined Adsactly society and i still a member of it. It's really an amazing society that respects the value of everyone and actually an fair society. In addition, everyone is welcome to join the society and offer his skills, knowledge and his own project. I'm still translating the "adsactly on adsactly" blog series to Arabic.

In fact, me and some great people started building the #morocco tag nearly since 8 months and we created a valued and very diverse content, which I think is important trough investing time late nights and dedication.

Someone said that what i'm share is only rubbish.

  • Is the faq of steemit in Arabic just rubbish??
  • are contests and my personal life just a rubbish??
  • Is the translation of Adsactly on Adsactly serie just a rubbish??

Plz answer me replying this post and plz finish reading this post

Since my joining, i have never gotten a flag because I've shared with you only my original content and i have never shared rubbish to be supported and get upvotes as it issued from the mouth of one person who had an account and he sought refuge in copy past concept, then he got a lot of flags from steemclaners, finally he leave that one and created an other account. Finally he came to us and said that although we share rubbish, we got upvotes . he comes to us and he pretends the chivalry. I really feel shame because a Moroccan person think by this way.


I' am a programmer, i didn't join it here because i want to find out new things, to try new things for me, to discover my talents.I shared some of mh personal life, pictures and the area where i live and pass my life time. So i participated in many contest and organized others. I tried always to benefit and make people benefit from my knowledge. I enjoyed my time here and i brought joining time to the others. By this way i tried to be positive and have a warm energy in the Steemit environment. I didn't hope more than this. But unfortunately some people made me think to leave the Moroccan team and tag.


In our community, everyone who restored to us or asked us about the support, we answered him because we have never tried to make the support centralized , so we didn't neglect them and we told them the rules and they get a lot of upvotes when they respected the rules. They were curated by the only great and expert curators. Thank you so much Ricko for your support and your hard work. I will never forget your help and we won't be ingrates. Thank you @ricko66 .

I supported who supported me and who didn't, i followed that i liked, i researched, wrote, shared and took a lot f baggage and information so i wish i was good and benefited you too. I don't care what you did or what you do from this moment because i gave what i can and i still because i'm not sharing rubbish here.

Consent creates stability while greed brings to you and to everyone around you only darkness . Everyone wishes success in everything he does, but not by trying to steal what the others own.

If someone could lead, he created his own project and he never thought to complete what the others had began. So Leadership has its roots and its own standards, it is mental maturity, not fraud as some people did.

You are the one who claimed that what I wrote was all rubbish and I got the support and what I will write now is not rubbish. Please, this is the real rubbish because you pushed me to get to this level of the low and the degenerate. This is what you call the right self, how could you stab your friends.

You want to be a leader even if you still don't know the rules of the team and you ask for it???. I thought too much the way your mind thinks, I found only one explanation for it, it's "you disappointed me, and you did not appreciate our welcome for you".

I hope you know very well that leadership can not be divided.

I will not prolong talking more, he won who knew his ability. I do not accept you to be my leader because this will never be fair. It is really completely unfair.

I wish success to everyone here and i apologize because what I have been told by words that do not fit the reputation of this amazing site or great steemians here. I would like to thank all those who supported me and those who still support me.

Thank you all steemians,
Your faithful @pedroo


تمت دعوتي لستيميت من طرف @hdmed، ما انضممت قرأت و بحثت كثيرا و أولا شئ فعلته قدمت نفسي للمجتمع هنا. لم تكن لدي أي ذراية أو معرفة بهذا الموقع الأكثر من رائع. فقرأت تساؤلات ستيميت ثم طلب مني القائد @hdmed ترجمتها كلها للعربية و فعلا قمت بذلك لمدة شهرين و أنا أترجمها بعد ذلك ترجمت الورقة الزرقاء أيضا. لهذا استفذت كثيرا لما حين انتهيت من ترجمتها و نشرها بالعربية. و يظهر ذلك من خلال كل هذا:

  • انضممت بتاريخ أكتوبر 2017.
  • عدد المنشورات 782
  • قوة الستيم 812

و ذلك من خلال دعمكم و عملي الجاد. لقد انضممت أيضا لشركة أدزاكتلي و هي حقا شركة جد رائعة تعطي لكل ذي حق حقه. و قد دعموني كثيرا و لا زلت معهم و مازلت أترجم حتى الآن سلسلة الشركة. يمكن لكل شخص الإنضمام و تقديم مهاراته و معرفته أو بداية مشروعه الخاص.

كما أنني و بعض الأشخاص المحترمين جدا بنينا الطاغ موروكو منذ بدايته و أنشأنا محتوى رائع من خلال مجهوداتنا و التفاني في العمل.

لم أتعرض أبدا للفلاغ لأنني أشارك معكم محتواي الخاص و لا أنشر القمامة و أحصل على الدعم كما صدر من شخص كان يمتلك حسابا فحصل على العديد من الفلاغات بسبب الكوبي باست و تخلى عن هذا الحساب و أنشأ حسابا آخرا و جاء إلينا. و يدعي المروؤة إنني أشعر بالعار حقا لأن مغربيا يفكر بهذه الطريقة.

إنني أعمل مبرمجا و لم أشارك بالبرمجة هنا لأنني انضممت لستيميت لكي أكتشف أشياء جديدة، أجرب كل شئ هنا أشارك بالمسابقات و نظمت أخريات. دائما حاولت الإستفاذة و الإفاذة، الإستمتاع و جعل الأخرين يسمتعون. هكذا أكون إيجابيا في بيئة ستيميت. لم أتمنى أكثر من هذا، لكن مع الأسف بعض الأشخاص جعلوني أفكر حتى في ترك الفريق و الطاغ المغربي.

في تجمعنا،كل من لجأ لنا و سألنا عن الدعم أجبناه و أطلعناه بالقوانين و حصلوا على الدعم و تم التصويت لهم من طرف الشخص المعني بالتقييم في كل مرة احترموا القوانين ، الشخص الذي أريد أن أشكره على عمله الجاد و ما قام به من أجلنا. و لن أنكر أو أنسى ابدا خيره و مساعدته لنا. شكرا لك ريكو .

لقد دعمت من دعمني و من لم يفعل، لقد تابعت من أعجبني، لقد بحثت كتبت قرأت استفدت و أتمنى أن أكون قد أفدت أيضا. لا يهمني أبدا ما فعلته و ما تفعله بعد الآن فأنا قدمت ما استطعت.

القناعة تخلق الإستقرار بينما الطمع يجلب الظلام فقط له و لكل من يحيط به. الكل يتمنى النجاح في كل ما يقوم به لكن ليس بمحاولة سرقة ما يملك الآخر.

فلو كان للشخص القدرة على القيادة لأنشأ مشروعه الخاص و لن يفكر أبدا بإكمال ما بدأه غيره.فالقيادة لها معاييرها الخاصة تتمثل أولا في النضج الذهني و ليس الإحتيال كما فعل بعض الأشخاص.

أنت الذي ادعيت بأن ما كتبته كله قمامة و حصلت على التصويتات و هذا الذي سأكتبه الآن ليس قمامة. أرجوك هذا هو القمامة لأنك دفعتني لأصل لهذا المستوى الدنئ و المنحط هذا ما تسميه بالنفس العادلة أن تطعن في أصدقائك.

تريد أن تصبح قائدا و أنت مازلت لا تعرف قوانين الفريق بعد و تسأل عنها. لقد فكرت مليا في طريقة تفكيرك فلم أجد لها فقط تفسيرا واحدا و هو أنك خيبت ظني بك ولم تقدر ترحيبنا بك.

أتمنى أن تعلم جيدا بأنه لا يمكن التشارك في القيادة.

لن أطيل الحديث أكثر ، فاز من عرف قدره.لا أقبل أن تكون قائدي لأن هذا لن يكون أبدا عادلا. إنه حقا غير عادل بالكامل.

اتمنى التوفيق للجميع هنا و أعتذر عما بدر مني من كلام لا يليق بسمعة الموقع أو التجمعات هنا. و أتقدم بالشكر الجزيل و خالص الحب لكل من دعمني و من مازال يدعمني.



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You are one of the best member in our community. You gave us all help to buid this community so you have all right to be one of us forever. For who said that you share rubbish, ket him says whateever he wants because we don't believe in clown. Thank you brother. I hope you fulfil your goals here with us and together

Thank you for your encouragement and sincerity

thanks my friend

غاصك تعذر الدراري الصغار طايشين بزاف وباسلين

أهادي نصيحة زينا. درت عقلي ف الدجاج ههه تا كنت غانخشي راسي فالنخالة تا أنا الحمد الله هههههه

Without any doubt u are Among the best members in TM like @sweever and @fatzer .... of course the leader is always @hdmed

Thank you brother, yeah man i appreciate your great comment

thanks my friend

yeaaah it's right we are here broths and sists my best friend. keep goin on your valued content

Yes @salas , we will steem up my fiend

كلامك معقول

شكرا صديقي

thank you very much @digi5952

Thank You my friend @pedroo for your great post i hope all members share their experience in our community.

You are welcome buddy

Tout c vrai je suis avec vous , Le chef d'équipe @ hdmed est le meilleur. Toujours nous donner des conseils pour devenir le meilleur sans oublier bien sûr le soutien @ricko66

Oui ta raison ma meilleur amie, on est ici depuis plus que 8 mois , donc nous comprenons la meuilleur mèthode pour organiser cette equipe grace au leader @hdmed et les coneils de notre profesionnelle curator @ricko66 . meerci pour ton aides et ton bon commentaire

merci @paradaise c'est un honneur pour moi

No worry, @pedroo, there is nothing bad about the community. I've been asked to modify a few things. The community must not be affected as long as they post are good enough content and not hateful will be upvoted. My only goal and Steemit goal as well, is to develop the activity in the region and extend it to neighbor countries sharing the same languages. After if something as gone wrong between me and someone, this is my and my only problem and it won't affect the community. But I have to say some changes will come and because of the amount of post to upvote the selection is harder. The best is to calm down, no one want to arm anyone, there is only one interest here the growth of the community.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oki i trust you . i always believed in your words. Don't worry i just spoke about my feelings because i tried to pushed the bad feeling out of my inside . i am too peace with people and i respect the child and the old , the women and the man so i just wrote to show the others that i worked hard and did my best to add a value to the community. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. So sorry Mr @ricko66 . as you here to help us , i am too here to respect your opinion . I know that you have only good will and your try to do only positive touches , thank you so much i appreciate yôur advices and support. With much love my dear

The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations (Sephiroths) of Gods creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am a Curation-Bot and Front-Run all Bid-Bots used to promote this post.