Health benefits of oranges!!

in morocco •  7 years ago 

Hello Guys...

We all know the proverb "an apple a day," but what about an orange?

Calories are full of low waist and nutrients, they promote clean, healthy, skin and can help us to reduce our risk for many diseases, as well as healthy and different foods.

Orange trees are most commonly the fruit of the world in the world. Due to their natural dessert, there are serious popular fruits, different kinds of use and variety of use, juice and chickpeas to face the mass and candy orange slices.

Another orange has more than 170 different fuethemics and more than 60 fluidides. Many of these people have shown inflammatory properties and strong anti-oxidant effects


Here are some nutrients in oranges offer a range of health benefits.


According to the U.S. Heart Association (FAA), the foods contain high amounts of costumes in which fruits and grapes may reduce the risk of uncomfortable stroke for women.

People who had the highest quantity of food, compared to at least consumption women, had a 19 percent risk of the scam stroke.

Blood pressure

It is necessary to maintain low sodium intake to reduce blood pressure, but potassium can be due to its vialation effect due to the increasing effects of the quantity of potassium.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANES), at least 2% of American adults get 4700 MB recommended daily.

In addition, a high potassium intake is associated with 20% risk of all deaths.


According to a study published in the American Journal of E Epidemiology, Canada can use the orange and orange juice in the first two years of life's risk of childhood leukemia. (Resources are no longer available at

As a good source of strong anti-vitamin C, the orphans can also help in fighting the formation of free cells known as cancer.

Although an appropriate vitamin C intake is essential and is very beneficial as antioxidant, it is more than the amount of amount necessary to use for treatment purposes for cancer.

A study has concluded that from oral vitamins C can be used to affect one-day cortical cancer cells, but 300-bit vitamins will be needed.

Fruit and vegetable high-fiber intake are associated with low risk of chloratric cancer.

However, in 2015, a study linked the grapefruit and orange juice that contains skin cancer. Researchers find that the people who used grape or orange juice were more likely to produce comparisons than the third.

Heart health

Fibers, potassium, vitamins and clean ingredients indicate all health care.

As a result of decrease in sodium intake, potassium growth is the most important food change in which a person can make the risk of patient disease to reduce, an Associate of Wanderbread Medical School and Director Dr Dr. Mark Houston. According to Action Clinical Professor of Hypertension Institute at St. Thomas Hospital in Tennessee.

In a study, people used to use 4069 mm potassium, was less than 49% of the risk of scamic heart disease, which consumed low potassium (approximately 1000 mmg per day).

High potassium intakes are also associated with protection with lower risk of stroke, muscle mass damage, bone mineral density protection and kidney stones.

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