Happy Mother's Day

in mothersday •  7 years ago 



I love you mom.

You raised me all by yourself without any help from my dad. You went through so much and I wasn't old enough to see that you were struggling. I know now that you were doing the best you could.

You stood by me through everything. You chased bullies away from me when they'd follow me home from school. You supported me when I came out as gay (you didn't even make a big deal out of it.. thank you).

I regret that I stopped opening up to you.

We used to have a lot of fun together and I'm really sad that I moved away. When I visited with the family at Christmas after being away for months I realized that I have been taking everybody fore granted.

I know now that you just wanted what was best for me.

I regret that we fought so much in the past. When two damaged people are living under one roof it's hard not to.

I regret all of the hurtful things I've ever said to you out of anger. I find myself remembering when I was younger I couldn't even go to sleepovers because I'd be calling you after 20 minutes to come pick me up (because I missed you).


I remember the arts and crafts we'd do together. I remember the fact that you made me wear floaties in the pool until I was like 10. I remember having training wheels on my bike even though I knew how to ride a bike.

You were always looking out for me and I see that now.

Thank you

For working pretty much every single day so that I could eat. I didn't have expensive clothes and electronics, but I had the essentials. You raised me without any child support from my dad.

You are the type of person who can go out and party and still get up the next day and work.

You're an inspiration.

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I am sorry man that this all happened to you I had something kinda similiar but I am not gay. My dad also passed away. I was just a dude who liked metal and was rejected for it. I felt rejected by family and not by peers. I will never reject you dalt your cool as hell man.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My mom isn't dead. Sorry for your loss though.

Your dad wasn't there for you. Mine wasn't either. We both have very hardworking moms. My family is like once you get sick they throw you away. They dont visit the person in the hospital they just attack them for being sick or dying. That is what I meant.

Oh. I thought my post came off as super depressed so you assumed my mom passed away. My dad is kind of in the picture now but it's too late now.

No remember how I tricked you with my wording on my post I tend to do that alot to see if someone pays attention to me and I see you as a authentic guy that pays attention. And he already made the choice and fucked you guys over. Time will heal everything and you will do the exact opposite of him. You are doing that right now.

Thanks for the kind words.

Welcome if ya need to talk lemme know ever man.