Achieving better decision-making requires a process that utilizes data from many different sources. This could include external resources such as market research, working with consultants, and talking with colleagues in different companies. Gathering information allows a team to identify different solutions and weigh the pros and cons of each one. This process should be implemented throughout the organization. Here are some ways to improve the process. Using a decision-analysis model is an effective way to improve decision-making:
Before meeting with your team, ask each person to answer the criteria individually. Try to keep your answers to the questions concise, and use simple phrases and bulleted lists. Once everyone has answered, you can review the answers and refine your answers to meet the criteria you've created. If time is of the essence, you can use a decision-making worksheet to capture all the answers. Read these answers before the meeting and discuss them at the meeting.
When evaluating alternatives, it's critical to carefully consider how the different alternatives might affect the organization's objectives. A rational decision-maker considers all the consequences of each alternative. Often, the most challenging part of the process is determining which alternative is the best one. An objective decision-maker carefully assesses the pros and cons of each option and makes a final decision based on those results. Creating good criteria will help you achieve your goals and reduce the risks associated with implementing alternative approaches.