What motivates you?

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)


So I asked myself, "Self, if you had a time machine and could go back to 2015, knowing what you know now, what would you say? What formula for generating an online income would you give me?" I bet we all wish we could go back to the point where it all started except with more knowledge and experience so that you don't make the same mistakes many of us do Imagine what you could've saved if only you knew how to motivate you? I used to love making new years resolutions and writing goals on my birthdays I'd feel all pumped and invigorated and each time I was sure that I was going to knuckle down and study hard or write that novel and "get organized" I have told myself countless times that I will be successful and live the life of my dreams, I would look to the heroes of our society, the megasuccesses and renew my vow to be just like them disciplined and focused sound familiar?? And have you found that, like me, you always break those promises to yourself? Why is that? Are we not worthy of great success? What exactly do we have to do to be like them? It is clear that most of us don't have it, because everyone I know is just like me, filled with tales of resolutions broken promises and talent not fulfilled. People like us are the reason a major industry has emerged devoted to cheerleading us into positive thinking and self confidence. There are books and tapes that you can buy for motivation inspiration and much more self help topics people pay thousands to see a live presentation of some top speaker ranting on about how to get rich but no matter how many books we read or tapes we listen too there is always a need for more of them. How strange that people don't motivate themselves what's the matter with us? So many of us were programmed wrong why would nature allow the survival of creatures who didn't use their abilities? How can it be that most of us will fail by the wayside? something seemed cockeyed about that thinking and I got suspicious. I was accustomed to thinking that I lacked the character traits that make people successful but how could it be that almost everyone else did too?


when you look at animals in the wild we invariably assume that there is a logical reason for their behavior. We never assume that they are stupid instead we try to understand, pay attention, trying to figure out the cause of their behavior. I decided to look at myself in this way with the same respect and assume that if I did something foolish maybe there is a logical reason for it. I racked my brain for hours wondering how did I ever accomplish anything in the past? What made me finish school even though I hated it and had a hard time fitting in? Why did I work so many hours to take care of my kids or train past my limits to win that race? What had motivated me? Then I realized what it was. I had motivated myself all right, but I invented half methods and handpicked the rest, without knowing I had put together a unique combination of motivational techniques that side stepped my inability to discipline myself, think positive or change my own attitude. I wish I had a dollar for every negative thought I have harbored I'd be a billionaire for sure. Self discipline has never worked for me it seems like a contradiction in terms I always thought it was the job of other people parents, teachers, department of motor vehicles to do the discipline part while my "self" did more fun things . I respond well to "outside" rules I cross when the light is green and obey most laws, I just don't respond well to "inside" rules I can't drink 8 glasses of water a day and whenever I can get away with it, I avoid things that scare me or that are hard to do because I much prefer things to be easy. Think back to your past and ask yourself what motivated you back then? You have accomplished a lot in your life even as a little baby you were amazing but you just didn't know it. You learned how to walk and speak your first language, went to school got involved in sports and hobbies, held a job and maybe you've even had kids?


Look at what you have accomplished and you might begin to see what exactly you did to motivate you. There is an energy source within you that has instinctively developed ways that motivate you to swing into action and get things done. Society often equates the ability to endure punishment with excellence. We believe that if you don't have the guts to suffer, you don't deserve to win. For damaged bitter characters like the one played by Richard Gere in the film An officer and a gentleman the philosophy may be a lifesaver. But what about the rest of us? A lot of people are often thrown in the trash heap when endurance is the main measure of worthiness. I wonder how many gifted people walk around thinking they don't have what it takes because they didn't make it through gym class or make the cut into a punishing college experience or some other endurance based change model. This model is standard for men in our culture but it affects us women, too. Even a woman who has raised children with support and understanding will apply the "male military standard" to herself and feel like a failure when she comes up short. We're all taught that real winners can take abuse. It's a funny thing when the shoe doesn't fit we're supposed to wear it anyway. It is time to stop that kind of thinking when too many people fail a program, something's wrong with the program, there is an excellent chance that it wasn't your fault. You we're probably using techniques that were designed for someone else. Sometime in our childhood we split ourselves in two and take on the role of both sergeant and recruit. We set the goals, challenge ourselves to meet them. when you think about it taking on both roles could be a good thing instead of having an iron jaw or an ego of steel we could try to teach ourselves with kindness and compassion. Maybe we could put a carrot ahead to entice us instead of driving ourselves like tired horses. It is in your hands to do it, put everything you need to help you win in your corner. You no longer have to try to motivate yourself in ways that don't work. You can come up with great alternatives whatever works best for you. The days of off the rack programs are over, like off the rack clothes they are designed to fit the "average human" but when it comes to your dreams, your talents, your potential there is nothing "average" about you. What do you need to coax out your best work? Find that and you'll know the secret to your success. The right way to carry your dream the whole distance.

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My future 😁

is what you make of it so give it your best shot

Great post

I agree the best project you will work on is yourself

Keep up the good work

Have an amazing day

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