How It Feels To Improve

in motivation •  6 years ago 

We constantly want to improve, and improve quickly.


When our skill develops we move from an immense conscious effort that yields a very feeble results to a unconscious effort that seems natural and creates magic.

Today I experienced a shift in my skills, a small step forward towards unconscious competence.
A couple hours ago, for the first time in my life, I delivered a speech at my Toastmasters Club that felt natural, flowing and without that annoying tension and anxiety.

This was the 4th speech I delivered in the club, and when I think about my first speech, I was standing there in front a bunch of people and for the first time I felt my throat dry over and anxiety washed over me.
I held my focus while telling a personal story to break the ice and somehow these 5 minutes of anguish ended with a rush of endorphins that filled my body - I felt exausted but somehow satisfied.

Today, it was a whole different ballgame, I felt light and flowing, the focus was easy to find and the words came out by themselves.
Finally, I didn't feel anxious and managed to get perfect attention and great constructive feedback.
After the speech, I couldn't stop smiling.

When we put effort into a skill we want to develop results follow, and although it took quite some time ( six months), I pushed myself and got one step closer to becoming a public speaker.

This post is a reminder to myself and hopefully a little inspiration for you, stay consistent, practice and never ever give up and one day not so far away, you will get it done.

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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Congratulations, this is inspiring.

Thank you, I'm glad, I managed to inspire you