How Not To Miss Out On An Awesome Opportunity

in motivation •  6 years ago 

Sometimes, without any prior warning you we get a crazy life changing opportunity that can move you to the next level.


Usually these opportunities come out of the blue and catch you not ready, the difference between success and failure depends only on one thing - your willingness to take a step forward.

That step forward moves cosmic forces qnd sets off the law of attraction, a miraculous course of events that simply changes the circumstances in which we live, shifting reality and crafting a new existance.
There are two challanges in taking that step forward -

  1. Understanding what is a good opportunity.
  2. Overcoming the fear of stepping forward.

How to spot a good opportunity

There is an entire industry of people making a great living out of telling other people about good opportunities and how to spot them.

In the 33 years I've lived on this planet, I learned one thing and that follow your gut. Every time I got dragged into an idea that I felt uncertain about it always ended poorly, so when an opportunity comes knocking, follow your initial instinct and don't over think it, if you feel the urge to do it, immediately take the first step.

You can always change your mind and take a step back, but if the opportunity in front of you aligns with your goals and creates that special tingle inside your stomach, follow the great rule - First commit, then figure out.

I never had a problem taking the first step forward, my problem always came later when fear started to creep in.

Overcoming fear

This one is the big killer, a lot of people follow their gut instinct and take on a new and exciting opportunity, then they get home and share with someone this opportunity and a couple minutes later they are afraid, uncertian and their mind has completely taken over creating an image of stupidity, poverty and shame inside their heads.
In that moment the opportunity becomes a nightmare that they are trying to get away from.

There are a lot of ways to try to tackle this fear and I believe that I can't change something in my life by doing the same thing I always do.
In the face of the fear, continue taking small steps that don't scare you.

I recently changed my job from a top managerial position in a security company to becoming a P.A of a successful businessman, the night he offered me the job, something inside of me said go for it and so I did, it took 6 months until I finally started but I still took a small step forward every day, this job has opened me to a new world, showing me crypto, and today offering me an amazing business opportunity.

The reason I decided to write this post is to remind myself how to act when a special opportunity comes knocking.
I hope you find this useful and inspiring.


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I always say that it's better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an oppty and not be prepared. Just recently I had a similar situation with a property purchase and realized I was letting fear hold me back when the reality is I prepared amply in the past. Now I'm excited about what at first seemed like too much effort and risk. Learning to sort out genuine inner warnings vs. addiction to the safety of the known is a life's work.

Yep, though I think you can never be really prepared , you just need to be prepared to act

Good advice to heed. I'm glad you followed your gut. I wish you much success. Following.

Thank you for the support and understanding

Thanks for sharing Eugene. Yeah I totally agree with this, if we get that excited feeling then it's an opportunity to go with it and see where it takes us. It can be scary because it's the unknown, but that's also what makes these moments so rich in potentials.

One thing that takes discernment and some subtlety, is telling between the 'butterflies in my stomach' excited/nervous feeling and the other feeling that means 'no'. The second one is more of an uneasiness I guess, that's what I would say if I had to describe it.

Learning to trust the bodies signals is a whole other world.

I think the ability to tell the difference between the two comes with experience, if you are ready to take risks and act, you will get hurt, but you will learn both consciously and subconsciously, with time refining the intuition.