Myths About Love That Will Always Make You SuffersteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  last year 

You are in a relationship or may be hesitant to enter one for a variety of reasons, including your desire to no longer endure suffering from lack of respect, your emotional dependence in which you are the dominant party, your potential exposure to toxic jealousy, your inability to find fulfilment, your sense of giving a lot without receiving anything in return, your lack of belief that you are valued fairly, and the general feeling that everything about you is disappointing.

Your understanding of love is actually damaged for deeper reasons stemming from childhood traumas, and as a result, you are unaware of how real love actually operates. Above all, love is an art. If you struggle with love and suffer in it, it's because you are unaware of the underlying truths and have never been properly taught what love entails.


You most likely would be in a contented, rewarding, and long-lasting relationship if you knew. Because if you are unaware of the information that will be provided in this article, you risk becoming one of the 98% of people who experience romantic suffering. If you're already in a relationship, it's not too late to access this knowledge, and it will be useful to know before you begin a relationship to ensure success.

Our society is one that is ruled by desires and egotistical consumption. Here, it's important to understand how to distinguish between "falling in love" and "the state" of being in love. Many people experience the first situation, which is a mirage. The uncontrollable sexual desire that is causing this sudden miracle of attraction between two people. In the end, the two parties involved become accustomed to one another.

From this point forward, the miracle of shared intimacy is lost. And that's where the disappointments and boredom start. And at first, neither of these two creatures suspects anything because their intensity and infatuation for one another has driven them insane and led them to believe that they are in a state of love. However, in the end, it only reveals how lonely they were prior to meeting.

Since we were very young, our development has not adequately taken into account the emotional side of human nature, which is difficult to manage. Therefore, in order to solve this issue, you must first develop self-control, which adds a more logical and deliberate quality to the choices you make in life.

Remember that we can never change another person's attitude; the only attitude we have control over is our own. Once we change our attitudes, external factors will gradually take on new characteristics as well. Your mindset, feelings, and actions, as well as your attitude, are all factors in your behaviour.

Simply put, you can use emotional intelligence to your advantage. For this, you can begin developing patience, a quality that is currently underutilised. Simply put, it will spare you from the tragedies that will occur in your life.

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