Simple strategies to work for progressive self esteem

in motivation •  last year 

Being emotionally healthy and sure of yourself depend on having high self-esteem. To build good self-esteem, try these things:

Figure out your strengths: Take some time to think about your strengths, weaknesses, and accomplishments. Figure out what you're good at and what makes you different. Make a list of them and write them down.

Instead of thinking about your flaws, think about what you've learned and what you're good at.

Compare yourself to others less often. It's normal to want to compare yourself to others, but doing so all the time is very bad for your self-esteem. There is even pain in it because it goes against respecting our uniqueness.


Don't forget that everyone has their own path and problems, and that no one knows everything about you. Pay attention to how you're changing and enjoy those changes. “Napoleon coveted Caesar, Caesar Alexander the Great, and Alexander most likely Hercules, who never existed,” said the philosopher Bertrand Russell.

Be nice to yourself. Tell yourself nice things and be upbeat. Say good things to yourself instead of negative things. Remember to forgive yourself when you mess up. Feel sorry for yourself and be kind to yourself like you would a close friend.

Make your goals attainable: Make goals that you can reach and track. Enjoy the little wins along the way and use them to keep you going. Your self-esteem goes up when you make real progress.
Take care of your body. Being physically healthy is linked to having high self-esteem.

You might want to live a healthier life by working out regularly, eating well, and getting enough rest. Taking care of how you look can also make you feel better about your own self-worth.

Put yourself around good people. Spend time with people who inspire you, care about you, and are interested in you. Keep away from people who are always negative or critical of you. Find friends and teachers who are positive and can inspire and lift you up.

Pick up new skills: Getting new skills and information boosts your self-esteem. Look for things that you're interested in and really care about, and then put in time to learn and get better at them.

Take care of yourself by giving yourself time and doing things that make you happy and feel good. Make time every day to take care of your mental health. You can do this by reading, listening to music, doing a hobby, playing sports, or meditating.

Getting stronger self-esteem takes time and dedication to your own well-being. Take your time and be kind to yourself as you go through this.
If you are having trouble building up your self-esteem, don't be afraid to get help from a professional.

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