When the world told me "No" but I wanted to be a Paralympian anyway

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)

From the moment I was born, it was pretty much clear that I wasn't meant for sports. Would you expect otherwise for a person with brittle bones disease?

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Doctors said, "No sports for Daniel." and my teachers told me, "Wait here in class." while all the other students prepared for PE sessions. All those words were so logical; meant to protect me. So I never put any thought to challenging it. Besides, I broke bones just sitting down. What more if I had played sports?

(My Primary 6 teachers here were fantastic people who nurtured my potential academically.)


September 6th, 2008 - I was watching the opening ceremony to the Beijing Summer Paralympic Games. While I was waiting for the Malaysian team to march out, a mixture of overwhelming pride for Malaysia and a sense of desire for sports that I've repressed since I was young hit me. It was then that I told myself, "One day, I'll be looking back at the crowd as an athlete instead."

It wasn't till 2012 that I finally took my first steps to being in sports when I was given my first sports chair. I started with my first 10km run and moved on to greater distances. There was something about speed and the wind on my face that gave me the sense of freedom ever since I was young. I've decided, I wanted to be a wheelchair racer.

However, things were not so simple. Wheelchair racing wasn't popular in Malaysia, and because of that there were no coaches, programmes or even anyone I could speak to about joining. I was determined still to reach the Paralympics and so I went into sitting volleyball. I did pretty well and went for the Asian Youth Para Games in 2013.

Still, wheelchair racing was in my heart and in 2014 I decided to do whatever I could to be in the sport. I managed to get a hold of a simple racing chair and an athletics coach in Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN) tested my time for a 400m loop around the track. It was my first time being on track with a racing chair, without any proper gloves or experience. I gave it a go and was so slow, I doubled the requirement time. The coach then told me that if I wanted to race, I'd need to learn in on my own as there was no coach, fund myself as there's no funding for this sport and do everything on my own until I showed some achievements.

I went on to a new job in empowering youth leaders and didn't really put much thoughts into sports after that. However, that desire for sports has always lingered and by 2016, (surprisingly NOT because of how well the Malaysian Paralympic team did) probably because I turned 25 and was seeing so many inspiring people around me chasing after their dreams, I decided to resign from my job to pursue this Paralympic dream all out.

So many people doubted me that time. Some from friends and family who were worried about my decision to leave a good job in the current economy, while others questioned if I was too old to start now. While asking for advice from a certain officer from Majlis Paralimpik Malaysia (MPM) he questioned my motives and accused me of participating only because of the RM1mil reward that the Paralympic athletes won for the 2016 Games. He said that I'm in it now that there's money involved. I was so hurt by it, I cried on the phone in front of my colleagues.

Despite all these "No's" and doubts from people, I am determined to reach my dreams. I don't care about the challenges, the financial constraints or the physical demands. If I can just do what I love and inspire others to strive for theirs along the way, I am living out my purpose.


Against all odds, it's been close to a year since my decision to resign and pursue sports. 2017 had been a year of much movement but little progress. Now in 2018, it'll be time for progress and doing what it takes to succeed. I'm still in this journey and have not seen the light at the end of the tunnel yet but if you'd join me along the way, I hope I can add value back to you by giving some inspiration.

Follow my progress here or on my social media handles. Your support and encouragement means the world to me.

IG: http://instagram.com/pushtoinspire/
FB: http://facebook.com/pushtoinspire/

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I really admire your never say die attitude. This is so inspiring and what you write resonates with me. I also post positive and motivational articles. Do check out my profile. Following you now.

Thanks so much for your encouragement! Awesome! Followed you and looking forward to reading :)

I am upvoting you ... I fully understand how difficult your journey is and I admire your tenacity and guts to pursue something your heart desires. My journey with my son is parallel to yours, pursuing a sport that nobody thinks is possible in Malaysia, and in a week's time, we are off to the Winter Olympics ! So dreams do come true . Push on, you have my vote and support any time. Chase your dream and you will make it. I believe in you. Anyone with the hunger for success and true passion for their sport will succeed.

Thank you so much! so encouraging to hear another athlete also pushing for his dreams. All the best to you and your son! :)

Hey Daniel, you have an amazing story to share. Really love what you're doing.

Remember to tag teammalaysia in your posts so we can all help to upvote you stuff. Personally recommending your article to a few people to help give you a boost in upvotes.

Have a great weekend.

Thanks Maverick! And thanks for the advice too. I'm still so new I'm pretty clueless about stuff like what tags to use, what to upvote and whatnot. Lots more to learn! For now, will first focus on sharing content that will make an impact :)

On tags, I have a daily report on tags that are more profitable. You may wanna check it out. Psychology could suit the content you're going at, but I'll need to know more before I can make a proper suggestion. You should know better which is best for you. :)

Here's a link to today's one. Have a nice weekend!

You have my support @pushtoinspire. Inspiration. Never give up.

Thanks, your support means a lot to me :)

Wow! That's was a great inspiration to all of us, that no matter what life goes on, no one can hinder us to fulfill our dreams. God bless everyone...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. God bless you

What a truly inspiring story . Looking forward to seeing more in your blogs . Hope you are able to tag teammalaysia in your future blogs so other Malaysians would be able to share and read your experiences . Cheers and have a great weekend

Thanks for the encouragement and advice too. I'm still pretty clueless about a lot of things in Steemit. But will focus first and foremost on sharing inspiring content. Still got lots more to learn. Thanks again ;)

A super duper good read in the morning! Thank you for sharing your life journey here :)

Thanks. we all inspire each other :)

Hi Daniel. My brother is also named Daniel. In the Bible, Daniel is a very brave young man who was cast into a pit of lions. I think you're much like the Biblical Daniel who will survive and become great.

Thank you so much! Amen! Will continue to work hard by God's grace :)

Go for Gold and there are many people supporting you!! You provide inspiration for the generations to come!! :)

Thank you! Will push as hard as I can :)

Keep it up!

Thanks! :)

Thank you for sharing @pushtoinspire, that's really inspiring!

Thanks for the kind words :)


It's not what others think you can do but what you believe you can do. Add persistence and courage. That's how dreams become real.

Dear Daniel,

Please thank yourself for being persistent in chasing your dreams, following what your heart truly wants. I believe you will reap rewards with your persistence, motivation and talent.

I am looking forward to your progress! Please continue your resilience and belief in yourself. Thank you Daniel, for sharing your life with us.

Love the inspiration , determination and energy you have. It may get tough but with your positive attitude, you're already a winner. Keep winning , keep inspiring!

Thank you. I'll keep on doing my best!

What an amazing story, Daniel. You are an inspiration for us to strive no matter what. You have our support!

Thank you for the kinds words. I hope to be able to inspire more in the future

Supported you long time Daniel! Back during college days. Will continue to support you mentally and spiritually! Bless you lots Daniel 💪

Thanks Michelle! Yes, thank you for your support and love all these years. Let's catch up one day! :)

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing your incredible and inspiring story @pushtoinspire! Steem on :D

Thank you! Hope my content will make an impact somehow! :)

Admire your determination. Resteem this so others are inspired too.

Thanks for sharing us your journey.

Thanks for the encouragement and support! It means a lot to me :)

You are a great inspiration!When we hear young people saying they wanna die, I'm glad to read one who never say wanna die, but wanna live despite of what you are lack of. Way to go!

I remember a song Ocean as I read this:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Go Daniel!!! Looking forward to see you representing the country! Bless you with His love and grace in every step!

Daniel, there is different reason everyone here in the earth, but let the obstacles stop your growth of success. It is just a matter of time it will come if you work hard on it.