Are You a Prostitute? (Selling Your Soul for $)

in motivation •  6 years ago 

I hope I didn't offend you with the title of this post! (But if I did you must be new here...)

I'm not calling you a lady of the night... a gigolo... a person of ill-repute!

No, that's not what we're talking about today. Today we're talking about the more abstract definition:

noun: prostitute; plural noun: prostitutes
1. person who engages in sexual activity for payment            

 2. person who misuses their talents or who sacrifices their self-respect for the sake of personal or financial gain."careerist political prostitutes" 

 verb      put (oneself or one's talents) to an unworthy or corrupt use or purpose for the sake of personal or financial gain.  Or in other words, BEING A SELL OUT, selling your soul, trading your personal values for money.It's important to identify if you're doing this to yourself and why. Today our business coach Ryan Black breaks it down for you...

Did anybody see that Ted Talk of the guy who said: ‘I don’t want to use money anymore’, he quit money. He is an Irish guy and he said: ‘I gave up money’.

And he made this point, that most of us today, in the modern world, we go into a job where we do something that we don’t particularly enjoy, and fundamentally that makes you a prostitute.

Not meaning it in a bad way, but that’s what you’re doing.

And while you’re doing it, while you’re prostituting your time and your effort, and the best years for life, it’s building somebody else's dream, and growing somebody else’s bank account.

Most people, they go around to a networking event or they just meet people in general, and they say don’t ask people what they do - it’s a boring question.It’s not a boring question if you like what you do!

The reason it’s a boring question is because most people HATE what they do. They’ll go: ‘Oh, I don’t wanna talk about work.’

That’s a sign that you’re not living the kind of life that you should be living, and you get into this rut.

Has anyone been in a job for like 6 months, or a year or something, and you don’t even remember the last 3 months of your life? Because you just do the same thing everyday, and it’s SO the same that you just forget!!

‘How did I even drive home yesterday? I don’t know’ - the same as every other day.

That’s the cost of not taking advantage of the opportunities that exist right in front of you, as long as you have access to the internet, to be able to build you own dream, and your own bank account…” 

So my friend... are YOU a prostitute?

Have you been trading your time, effort, and soul just for $$$?

Want to find a place with like-minded men where you can learn how to escape the system and build a better life?

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