Self-Belief, Confidence, and Great People

in motivation •  4 years ago 

When you ask people what their self-belief is, they might tell you that it is just the thing that they are. That it is something that they just "know" and that is all there is to it. This may be true for some people, but for the majority of people it is not. They work hard at building their self-belief but it just does not come naturally. In fact, if someone does not believe in themselves from the very beginning, then they will never gain self-confidence or trust in themselves.

There are two ways to gain self-belief in yourself. You can learn something that will help you build your self-belief or work with something that is already built. I am going to go over what it takes to get a new source of confidence and how you can start working on your own confidence right now.

One way is to read something great. Maybe, you like a particular author, or you found an amazing website. Look at something that interests you and see if you can learn something from it. This may not seem like much of a motivation technique at first, but reading something really worthwhile will stick with you for a long time. And even years down the road when things look bleak, you will look at your great reading and think "that was me, and that is me great."

Another way to gain self-belief is to talk to a successful person. A person who has already succeeded will have experienced failure before and they will understand what you are going through. The best way to get someone who has succeeded to talk to you is to use an interview technique. Tell the person that you would like to hear their story about achieving their goals. This will bring them out of themselves and they will be willing to spill their guts.

Find someone that you admire. Spend time watching the person in movies or listening to their speeches. Pay attention and see what makes them so great. Notice the way they walk, how their hair looks, their clothing, the way their mouth moves... They are all cues for you to pay attention. Then ask questions, and keep asking questions until you begin to see a pattern.

Do the same thing with things that you dislike. It's very easy to look at something that you don't like and tell yourself that you will never buy that. If you do this often, however, you will soon find yourself saying those things without the slightest hesitation.

Use affirmations. An affirmation is simply a statement that says something to you. If you repeat it enough times, it becomes very strong in your subconscious. This means that when you want to be a certain way, or feel a certain way, you literally start to think in that particular manner. This technique can help you become more confident very quickly.

Put yourself out there. Don't just sit around doing stuff you don't like. By doing so, you are keeping your mind active and therefore, making you more active. This means you feel like more of a person, and thus, you act like that person. More self-belief definitely comes naturally to everyone once you are doing things that make you happy and excited about your life.

Be smart. Smart people are happier people. It's that simple. If you have a lot of things to worry about or are constantly worrying about things that should not even enter your mind, you are not having a good enough mental state of mind to feel good about anything at all. Stop thinking so much, and instead, just focus on things that make you happy.

Be grateful. One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is to be grateful for everything you have now. You might feel bad that you don't have a million dollars in the bank, but if you honestly think about it, would it really matter? You wouldn't have a great home, and you probably wouldn't feel great every day if you didn't have great friends or a loving family to share it with either.

Try to surround yourself with people who boost your self-belief. Watch their actions to see if they are genuinely cheering you up, or if they are just using you to make themselves feel better. If they are helping you by motivating you, that is a very good thing! Always remember to always give yourself credit where credit is due.

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