A lot of people may go through life never really finding out who they are. Some people might think that their educational past or the things they have learned can help them shape who they are (this is an intellectual point of view).
Alternatively, someone might use their physical looks as a factor in figuring out who they are (an idea that is affected by how they look). You could also look at how someone reacts to other people or events in their life as a sign of their emotional side.
You have a lot of promise that goes beyond what you see, feel, and experience now. You want to spread love and happiness, but you may have briefly lost sight of this because you don't believe in your own worth. You are spiritually holy and deeply rooted in love and peace.
It may help to let go of any fears, ideas you already have about what is right and wrong, and any unhelpful views you may have picked up as a child in order to fully accept and understand this truth. It might be a good idea to let your inner wisdom lead you, since it knows exactly what is best for you.
Troublesome feelings, worries, health problems, unplanned events, and other things can be gentle reminders to connect with your spiritual side and enjoy the love and peace it brings.
On the other hand, it's important to remember that there is always someone there, even if you have gone off-path or decided to look at things from different points of view. HE gives you the freedom to say, do, and think what you want.
Individuals sometimes call the things that happen to you "learning opportunities" because he carefully watches what you do and lets you learn from them. Because he cares so much about you, he values and backs up the decisions you make.
He is eagerly waiting for you to decide to deal with and end any bad experiences you may be having by doing what you need to do. Accepting and loving yourself just the way you are could be the first step towards reaching this goal.
Also, it's important to see and appreciate the special things that make you unique. This will help you keep a good attitude that will help you do great things and strive for the most beauty and happiness in life. You have wonderful qualities!