amason kinda bit behind in this market.
most likely the 2nd is better quality aka lasts longer n stuff. but not always sometimes is just cause the company dosent sell as many there mass prodution isn't as streemlined or they just spend excessive amount on advertising and the product is actuall shittyier
so good 2 be patient and shop around a little unless u already manifested urself 2 be a quarter milllionaire then who gives a shit go crazy!
Oh yea and thing is two the range on those is about 2 explode on everything especially when zero point devices comeout. Cause if ur smart enough u can actually just power any device just with ur higher awareness witchcraft.... think u cant bullshit u agreeing u cant i already did it with a vaccum cleaner.....
Infinte range already exists even if u wanna sit there debating ur genital sizes.