Capacity to travel, electrically

in motoring •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Electric vehicles have to part of the.future. but I don't see us getting in an electric aircraft anytime soon. There is certain mass to power ratio beyond its reach.

I know people are working on planes, but it just doesn't seem viable with any current tech. It's good that they are looking into it anyway. We just need people to fly less really.

Excellent post, I personally would use an electric car, I am a person who thinks we should always find ways to economize and reduce the damage we do to the planet, I hope you can buy an electric car! Regards

Maybe I can buy one with Steem some day

Electric one's are good...but only if electricity used in charging was made from a renewable source, not at some hydrocarb plant. Using electricity from a conventional source to charge cars is like holding holding the same ear with a different hand.No net effect...
So the main issue here is having renewable electric power, once we do that the electric cars or electric plane will automatically come into play.

See my comments on how much power refining oil takes. Using that power for electric cars is a more efficient use of it

Yeah that's also a good point...
But we will be fool to hope that we can curb the hydrocarbon industry in just a few years..It will take some time.Steady and consistent efforts are needed to make a smooth transition into renewable energy era...
I hope we stop fuc---ig with our planet sooner than later...

The technology price of electric car is still high, and the technolgy still in its infancy. Only very limited option available the market can offer. We still need to wait quite some times before enjoy it in full.

They keep getting cheaper. The choice is there if you want it. They have actually been nearly about 200 years!

Yes, nature is always await to be harvest, the question is: have already understand principles, the governing law than build tool to monitor, control and conquer..

I Personaly Love Electrical Car.Thanks For Sharing.

I agree with you, that all of these problems are not new and many solutions have been proposed, but they are not global solutions. Not everyone can afford to buy an electric car, some countries even dream to look at it. Perhaps, if these problems are still not solved, it is profitable for someone ?