Watched a good movie that I'm sure almost everyone reading this didn't give a chance- Bombshell. Though you may not think this movie is for you (for reasons I'll address momentarily), I'm recommending it to you anyway.
Bombshell follows the story of Megyn Kelly and other conservative female Fox News anchors who successfully dethroned media mogul Roger Ailes after years of sexually harassing women.
It's got some real top-shelf acting and pretty decent writing, to boot.
But it gets my recommendation because of its, shall we say, unusual combination.
On one hand, Bombshell is clearly made by liberals with a keen interest in supporting the #metoo movement and who hate Fox News and everything it stands for.
But on the other hand, the main protagonists are these unapologetically conservative women. And the movie doesn't bury their ideology. It lets them speak for themselves.
Thus, the movie had all the right ingredients for a box office failure, which it was. It doesn't have an audience. By and large, conservatives don't care about #metoo stuff and liberals don't care about Megyn Kelly. So this one really flew under the radar.
But I think you all should watch it exactly BECAUSE it might make you a little uneasy, no matter which side of the political spectrum you inhabit. It's healthy to step out of your comfort zone sometimes.
It's not a perfect movie. Kate McKinnon's fictitious character, in particular, felt ham-fisted and like an ideological mouthpiece. (On a side note, I think Kate McKinnon is brilliant and may be one of the most wasted acting talents of our generation. Seems like all of her performances are wasted on terrible movies or afterthoughts like this one).
I also get that conservatives, in particular, might feel unfairly singled out, yet again, by Hollywood bias.
"How come Hollywood makes a takedown of Fox News or the Catholic Church (Spotlight) before making anything about Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, or Jeffrey Epstein? All we got was the even greater financial flop Chappaquiddick. I just can't take all this Hollywood bias anymore, always willing to point a finger at everyone but themselves."
There's something to be said for that.
But either way, Bombshell is a good movie in its own right and you should all watch it. All the better if it makes you uncomfortable.