Don't trust everything you read online - Like this article about Paw Patrol!

in movie •  4 years ago

I haven't seen the movie and I don't plan to; but, this write up is disgusting, incoherent and wrongheaded enough to be funny.

The author doesn't seem to have made up his mind as to whether or not the movies antagonist, who apparently has a striking resemblance to Trump, was actually the antagonist or somehow an exemplar to be followed and admired. I also don't know what Trimpian individualism is supposed to be.

Given how this person describes Ayn Rand in the context of a character being told that he was, "born to be a hero." I'm guessing he's never read Ayn Rand.

Most of this, however, is the author being a pot calling a kettle black. He attacks the movie for inflicting upon children and puppies the responsibilities of adults. Well, what do you think radical leftists parents are doing when they foist gender and sexual identity on kids while they still think that girls have cooties?

But, the thrust is simply that the author doesn't have a problem with a movie sending a message to children - he just doesn't like it when it's not his preferred message.

God forbid a movie made for children who are at an age when they often will be playing cops and robbers with toy guns be playful about that and appeal to the kid's imagination. No, this movie for seven-year-olds must be shamed for not being about smashing the patriarchy, dissing cops, and destroying capitalism.

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