RE: Star Trek Beyond - Movie Review

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Star Trek Beyond - Movie Review

in movie •  9 years ago 

Star Trek Beyond is the strongest of the three. This is from the view of a fan of ToS. It doesn't pander to classic fans in such an obtuse way as Into Darkness, yet retains a quirkiness to it that is directly out of the classic Trek playbook. There are a few moments that pander to classic Trek (Kirk somehow ripping his shirt again), but they are much more subtle and work surprisingly well in the context of the Enterprise's five year mission. The rest of the movie feels like an extended away mission (primarily because it is). This leaves the movie feeling like it has a refreshing lack of continuity within the rest of the reboot timeline. With a few minor tweaks, it could easily be a story from classic Trek. The new cast certainly shines once again, capturing what we love about Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, and Chekov, while continuing to put their unique spin on the characters that endear us to them further.

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Agreed. I'm actually coming to the films as a newbie as I never got into the old TV series. But these reboot films (especially the third) kinda makes me want to go back and watch some.