Miss cinefile #1 : Mother! - movie review

in movie •  7 years ago  (edited)

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So just came back from the movie theatre from watching Mother! and let me tell you this movie is definitely an experience on its own.
A lot of bazz has been going around about the film and its themes since its opening about a month ago, i tried to stay away from spoilers as much as i could, so i could have a genuine reaction to it and went to its very first screening here in Greece.
So I'll try not to spoil the plot for you until my personal explanation of it after my grade.

The plot follows a young woman ''mother''(Lawrence) working to make this perfect house for her husband ''him''(Bardem) who is a famous writer suffering from writers block, unable to write anything . Suddenly their tranquil life is disrupted by the arrival of a stranger ''man''(Harris) and then his wife ''woman''(Pfeiffer) . Their personal family drama spills over into the house leading to the death of their son and a memorial service held at their house. After the guests leave, the couple who own the house end up at the center of a cult that turns their home into a warzone.

Well let's just say right of the bat that it was a very beautiful looking film with great cinematography by Matthew Libatique and amazing direction by Darren Aronofsky and extremely good performances from the whole cast but especially from Lawrence and Pfeiffer. Also very original was the score witch was almost completely consisted by strange, harrowing sounds that came from the house.

There's no denying that Aronofsky has crafted a thought-provoking product of a singularly ambitious artistic vision, though it may be too unwieldy for mainstream tastes. The film has a very artistic feel with strong metaphors and unsettling symbolism especially with Lawrence's character. I genuinely enjoyed the film it really made me think, the whole film was like a riddle with so many different ways to interpret its meaning, nothing can really prepare you for what you're about to experience and it leaves you wanting more.. So I will give mother an

So now I'm going to my interpretation of the film so SPOILER ALLERT. The film revolves around Lawrence'e character witch is meant to represent mother earth, and has a strong connection to the house as well it seams that as the house gets more ruined so is she. Bardem's character on the other hand represent god, and his work seams to be the holly scripture and the film seems to show more of his egotistical side, he feeds of mother's love for him and of his fans' admiration he give his followers everything so they could continue to love him, he even gives them his newborn son whom they kill(jesus). Harris's and Pfeiffer's characters clearly represent the first man and woman (Adam & Eve) and their sons are a reference to the bible's tale of Cain & Abel. As the plot unravels and more people get in the house the 10 plages of Egypt (that god gave to Moses) start to appear one by one until the last ''the death of the first born son''. The film shows how we as people treat mother earth and how she keeps getting down but then gets reborn. Lastly Aronofsky make a reference to fame and how it can destroy both ones life but their family as well and he makes that clear by not giving the characters any names showing this way how the names of the actors mean so much even though they shouldn't!

So that's it for me for today!! thanks for reading! If you have any questions leave them on the comment section below!

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