Movie review, my opnion of: Doctor Strange

in movie •  7 years ago  (edited)

Official movie poster taken from IMDB
The movie is currently available on Netflix Canada (10/08/18)

The movie follows the life of Dr. Stephen Strange, a highly esteemed surgeon who is in a car accident, causing him severe damage to his hands, consequently preventing him to continue as a surgeon, which he takes very badly. During his quest to cure his injury, he comes across a mystical temple in Nepal which opens a new world of magic to him. After some resistance to the idea of magic and mysticism, Dr. Strange discovers that it is very much real and embarks on his journey to become a Master. He soon discovers the quest of other mystics to find Mordo, the ruler of a dark universe set to conquer Earth and any universe it can. Dr. Strange sets out to prevent this and finds that his quest to become a master wont be a straight and easy path.

I found that there's much similarities between this movie and Harry Potter, other than they're both about magic. In both movies, the protagonist discovers he has magical abilities, making him different and special from most humans. Both Harry Potter and Doctor Strange have some fame, Dr. Strange for his reputation as a surgeon and Harry Potter as the "Boy who Lived". Although the good doctor let's this fame feed his ego and self-worth, Harry Potter is much embarrassed about it and prefers to be just a regular guy. You see that both characters struggle with their abilities at first, but it takes Harry many years to truly grow into his magical abilities while as it take Dr. Strange a few months at most to be comfortable with it, although he does know he has a lot to learn. Both characters have at least one female and male character that helps him on his journey and both have an enemy of great power and feared by many. Both their enemies have the power to destroy their world and many have risked their live to prevent them from gaining power. Both characters are tied to England and the US in some way. Both are integrated into a larger family that sees their abilities as a great contribution.

Another movie I've found that this one mirrors is Inception, although this comparison is more about the visuals rather than the plot or characters. Indeed, in both movies, you see a fictitious world fold onto itself. You also see that in both these worlds, one magical the other the dream world, filed with other impossible events like instant transportation. In both movies, you also had to suspend your disbelief that it was impossible to participate in these worlds. After all, in the real world, no one can enter into my dreams nor can I enter into other's dreams; and as far as I'm concerned, magic doesn't exist.

I found that the plot and visuals made this the first Marvel movie that I truly enjoyed and was exited about watching. Most Marvel movies I've found to dry and boring in their stories or presentation.

I give this movie 7 "Mordo, I've come to bargain" out of 9 "what have you done."

(All views in this article are my own and the rating is as valuable as unicorn farts).

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