ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #6

in movies •  7 years ago 


Eddie the Eagle

This is not just an ordinary movie for the simple reason that is based on a true story, the story of Eddie, a kid that grew up with the goal, the desire of participating in the Olympic Games even if he was far from even a decent athlete. His dreams were huge, but that is the only type of dreams one can have so he never stops from growing, he never stops improving himself and always has to keep persisting so one day can get close enough to make them come true.

Disclaimer: I have to note that these are my opinions, what I took from the movie, but I advise you to watch it yourself, maybe you will feel differently or pick up on something I missed.

Never Give Up

Since his childhood everybody told Eddie to give up, no one ever really believed in him besides his mom. They even tried to stop him one way or another, but he had a vision. You might think that he was crazy, that he dreamed of accomplishing something impossible given his circumstances, but you need to be mad enough to actually do something of this magnitude.

His dad tried to stop him, to pull the plug and take him to work in the hope that Ed would give up, settle down and go on with a life of regret but he never did it and more than that, he stumbled upon better that day, the Winter Olympics.

He started skiing, he was never the best, but he still trained even if the head of the British Winter Olympics committee tried to stop him by taking him out of the squad. Eddie still didn’t give up.

A true Olympian was not just about a God-given skill set, it's about never giving up, no matter what. Knowing that doing your best is the only option...even if it results in failure.

When he got on the ski jumping slope, he got bruises, he broke his bones, people laughed at him, and no one believed in him. People thought he was crazy, and everybody told him to go back home, but he kept on pushing, he kept on getting better.

Trial and Error

He had a problem with his leg, and he was never built for sports, but despite that he always tried new things, he kept on experimenting until something clicked for him.

In life, very few people know what they want to do from the beginning. Most of us have to try all sorts of things only to have a basic idea of what we like, and because it seems like an endless amount of work, most people just give up and take up something more accessible. I know it might look frustrating having no idea what you want to do when you’re comparing yourself to all these artists, business people and happy people that live the life they want but the only way to get there is by trial and error.

As Eddie tried countless sports all the time to see what he'd be good at, you will have to do the same if you want to be part of the 3%, the people that enjoy their work and wake up with an enormous smile on their faces every day. Also, I know that I said above that you should never give up but if something’s not right for you, if something doesn’t click for you, if it’s not making you happy, then you should certainly find something that matches your personality better and stick with it.

Finding a Mentor

If I said it once, I’ll say it a thousand times; if you want to succeed in a specific field, you need a mentor, a great mentor that already accomplished what you wish to do and Eddie had the best coach he could’ve had. He started from nothing, he had no idea what he was doing, but with the help of a great mentor, he qualified to the Olympics contrary to what everybody believed and said about him.

Without his mentor, Eddie would probably not only have failed, but he could have even died, trying to jump on his own. Thanks to his mentor, he had all the proper tools to succeed, and so he did when he overcame the 90m jump and impressed the whole world.

Back then, technology wasn’t so advanced, so the only mentors one could've found were real-life ones, offline. But in today's world that is not necessary anymore since we have so many tools, we can take full advantage of, like movies, online coaches, youtube and, of course, books.

Lessons Learned

One of the biggest lessons this movie is sharing is that if you have a vision, you should keep on going and learning even if everybody’s telling you that you are wrong and if you’re playing all the cards right, one day, you will be in a position to prove them wrong.

Also, you shouldn’t do something just because you want to win, because you want the money and the fame, but because you love that thing and if you do, you will be able to find happiness even if you lose, as long as you give out your best.

Succeeding is not just about proving people wrong, that shouldn’t be your motivation to do something even if sometimes it might work, but it is about proving yourself that you were right this whole time because that’s one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Good luck on your journey.

Written by @GuyFawkes4-20

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The film is based on the life of Eddie Edwards, although it does not fully correspond to reality. About his desire to get to the Olympic Games as a participant. From the very childhood of the main character, the failures in the sport are pursued. Its results are below average. It is not suitable for the Olympics. Eddie does not stop this. With unshakable tenacity, he goes to his goal. In order not to happen - only forward. Having tried many sports, a trampoline comes to his eyes. Now Eddie is a springboard jumper. Once again he goes to training and again nobody believes him. Above him, laugh, mock and humiliate. Eagle suffers everything and flies to its goal in the company of his coach. A former tramplinist, and now the acting alcoholic Bronson Peary. They are blowing great actors.

This movie is suitable for home viewing than for a movie theater. He's kind, sincere and a little funny. Will cheer up if you feel sad. Give strength if you despaired. It will make you feel the bitterness of defeat and the joy of success achieved by perseverance and hard training. If you like movies about ordinary people, their difficulties of life and overcoming obstacles? This movie is for you. Be sure to look it in the evening, sitting at home with a cup of hot tea and snow outside the window.
Thanks I liked the post

Story Title : Dog mind, lion mind

This is a very beautiful analogy in Zen.

Picture there is a dog in front of you. And you are throwing bones for it to catch. For every bone you throw, the dog jumps with over-the-top enthusiasm and runs to catch it and get it back to you. Do this 1 time or a 100 times. The dog will treat every bone you throw with the same excitement level.

Now, (for some strange reason), picture a lion sitting in front of you. Throw a bone for the lion to catch. It will look completely disinterested in running behind the bone you throw. Why? Because forget the one or two bones you throw, the lion can see an entire bag of bones in front of it. That is YOU. It does not follow the bones you throw, because it can see the bigger picture in front of it. Its focus is to eat the entire you, not the tiny bones that you throw.

If something, (say, Donald Trump’s weird hairstyle or your friend’s WhatsApp status) catches your attention and distracts you, fair and good. It only proves you are human. It is but natural to get distracted. But it is at this point that you have a choice.

You can either follow and run behind everything that distracts you (e.g. texting and asking your friend why he/she came up with such a break-up type status), like the dog. Or you can choose not to chase trivial things keeping the bigger opportunity in mind, like the lion. Keep your focus on the bigger things. See the greater picture.

Being harsh with your mind and commanding it to focus will get you all the more distracted. Rather explain gently to your mind why finishing this particular chapter you are reading now is more important than browsing through weird selfies of your partying friends on Facebook (even though the latter seems amusing). Concentrate on the benefits of keeping yourself focused on the less interesting task at hand.

P.S : Everything is ultimately a choice.

I saw this movie last year and I loved it. Not only because of my favorite actors Hugh Jackman and Christopher Walken, not only because of this inspirational, never give up, amazingly positively spirited true story, but also because it took me back to my childhood. At that time of my childhood, before I immigrated to The United States, I lived in my birth country Czech Republic 🇨🇿. Ski jumping was extremely popular in late 80’s. Czech ski jumpers were at the top. The whole country was turning tv’s on when there was any ski jumping event. I clearly remember applauding our guys and I also clearly remember applauding this British guy with his glasses. Until I watched this movie I never knew his story. I always thought he was just this guy from Britain being always last. When I watched “Eddie the Eagle” my childhood memory came hit me.
Great review of my favorite movie!


thanks @adsactly for this piece of motivation as have a dream is the biggest step to success, like a wise man once said if your dreams don't scare you and people around you then they are not dreams. plus we can all learn from movies like such that to be successful, we must have a dream, posses a vision, ability to fight against all odds. as this are the basic pillars of success and this is why i live watching such inspirational movies like Eddie the Eagle as such stories inspires many

Eddie the Eagle was a great movie...

What was your favourite part?

First, you should set your goals and vision in life for you to hold your ground for not giving-up. Everyone who doesn't give-up has a clear vision in their mind to stay focused and have a strong determination to achieved such goal.

I didn't watch eddie the eagle movie but after reading this post I think I will watch it soon

great movie

This has been on my media center for a few months now but haven’t gotten around to watching it. Do love a motivational sports movie though - even better if he’s a homegrown hero, too (Aussie here)... guess I’ll finally have to check it out :)

That is a really good analysis based on what seems like quite a cool movie. It's easy to look at those who we idolize and forget the steps it took to get them there. Sure, there are those who got to their position due their family or just pure circumstance, but the reality is that most of them went through years of struggles and failures to get where they are now.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, but rather inspirational regarding how important it is to look at others and understand their hard work and dedication to their craft. As I have heard said multiple times to me "experts have failed more than most have tried" and I think that is a good description of what it takes to achieve your dreams. Thanks for bringing this movie and its lessons to light!

To be successful, never give up, never let anything or anyone get in your way. The power of positive thinking tackles obstacles and challenges to make you a winner.

@adsactly following you has helped me so much .
Thank you for this particular one.
I really appreciate

Never seen this movie, now i wanna watch it sooo bad! Thanks!

I watched the movie
I hope you didn't post this just because you needed votes right
Bless you

The tool most important for standing out in whatever field is PASSION and there are a number of other variables like Hardwork, Resilience. A lot more to learn, but Passion is what will make you come back everytime you fail. great post @adsactly

you should always do what you love
do it with passion
don't focus on results ,make some goals chase them and utilise all you energy to realise them
there are alot of movies which encourage you

Very very true, whatever you want to achieve you need someone ( a mentor) who has passed through that same field and who succeeded in it. The right mentor will make things very easy just as Eddie has the best coach

To over come in life u need to face challenge, but all you need is to be positive and have faith in God, because with God all things are possible.

continue to succeed @adsactly

@adsactly your "Finding a Mentor" concept is nice I appreciate your all concept specially this concept..
If we need to be successful ::

Winning is everything. Being first is everything.Don’t let anybody try and tell you otherwise.

But it's not a good or accurate movie. When did any American jumped so far. And an American trainer. Yeah, right.

And also Matti Nykaenen never jumped V-style

supper video


very nice post

Good Post!

I liked this movie. It's good to watch when you're feeling down.

Nice post @adsactly.

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Thank You! ⚜

such a great movie! :)

your very excellent post, thanks for sharing .

nice video .

I should go watch this, it seems like it might be quite inspiring. My brother has told me about this but I am not usually that keen on movies...

I need to be in a hurry to watch this movie..thanks for sharing too @adsactly

inspirational movie.

Eddie the Eagle personified the Olympic spirit for me. His story is epic and I'm glad it was told in a movie.

Thanks for a great review of a wonderful movie.

How inspiring! Never give up!!

This is a life transforming article worth reading by all. I will resteem it on my blog. Thanks for sharing such an amazing life story.

‘You’re not gonna give up, are you?’
Thats my favorite line from this movie, it sums up the movie completely

Love @adsactly

a very cool post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanks for sharing about this beautiful movie ,i will watch this movie.Great lesson of hard work ,confident,follow your dreams and believe in yourself

Facing hardships makes you different from the rest.

Wonderfull awareness

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love the concept of "never give up" .. It is one of the keys to success in life!!!


Thank you for sharing this movie, @adsactly! Seems like it's so worth watching 😄 Will add this to my 'to-watch' list! Thanks and looking forward to more movie recommendations from you. 😊

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Great post @adsactly. I normally search for such movies which have some motivational lesson in them.

This Movie is a true inspiration

I liked the movie and posted a good post on my brother @adsactly

Wonderful film. Without support, you don't go and starts to develop. Support helps us to feel stronger. We are not afraid to take risks, only forward. There is no turning back, there are your friends, your mentor that pushes you. Signed up, hoping for reciprocity. I'm new here.

Wao ,I'm so motivated with the video write up ....thanks for sharing

You've said it all and am impressed. I appreciate you for simplifying the movie in a simplified manner and the post has rejuvenated my thinking and also prepared me ahead for the future. Thanks so much and will watch the inspiring movie.

Nice lessons..the key is keep the spirit..

This is very true. Never Ever give up. I love motivational movies because one way or another I always see part of myself in there and take a lot of wisdom and encouragement away. I will give this a watch as well.

Thanks for sharing this

lovely post post bro👏

The determination and focus of work work is a path great movie...

May I know what you describe here

@adsactly ...thats true..,if u want to attain what you need you need a guide who has a good experience of it...👍

thats really pleasing to see thoese videos, many interresting things to discover, I need some encouragment from you , take a look about my last posts if they desrve , wish to you all the succes

Success of the underdog is always something that warms my heart. I don't usually like sports movies, but it sounds like this one really has a good message. Maybe I should watch it!

Nice movie,, and it is a motivational movie i like it

Good luck

There are many lesson can we take in this movie.
I plant to watch this later with my wife.

I actually watched this on the plane lol

images (15).jpeg

A very tenacious fellow. He really is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

Thats a great movie

Yes I remember him at the olympics. I think people compared him with Spanisch Antonio Gomez the ice skater He won all people's heart.

You know what? You made a point on your post. Nowadays people needed someone to cheered on especially in the times of need. Your post is indeed helpful to them! Keep it up @ adsactly :)

Nice post sob

Congratulations @adsactly!
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Eddie the eagle made me laugh my ass off and at the same time it was inspiring
Taron egerton is slowly becoming one of my fav actors

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment