I was introduced to the work of Canadian director Steven Kostanski in 2017 and his low-budget horror film The Void made a huge impression on me. Crazy cultists, references to Carpenter films and the works of Lovecraft, black humor, practical effects in the vein of early '90s movies and everything we love B movies for.
Of course I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of checking out his new film "PG: Psycho Goreman" and I hurry to share my impressions.
A perky girl Mimi and her brother Luke, while playing in the yard, find a mysterious artifact - a stone that can be used to control an alien invader monster feared by the entire universe. However, the girl is not in the least embarrassed by this and, having named the alien Pisces the dismemberer, she makes him do all her wishes.
Meanwhile, in the depths of space, a coalition of creatures that once defeated the monster learns that it has escaped from its imprisonment and prepares a special team to destroy it.
To make a long story short, Psycho Goreman - is an insanely bloody, grotesque and over-the-top cynical version of the popular "kid who found a strange friend" storyline, with Mighty Ranger-style fights, He-Man-style space fantasy and at least a hundred neat references to popular cartoons of the late 80s, Toxic Avenger and good ol' Terminator 2.
At the same time the film does not go to extremes like "Kung Fury", but very cleverly masks a psychological drama and a family movie as a thrash horror, brilliantly revealing the stories of the characters and their motivations. For a cheap movie, the amount of conflict and atmosphere in the 80s is simply off the charts, and I probably wouldn't mind if this movie had a prequel about PG's space adventures, as the short flashbacks that cut off at the most interesting point look simply enchanting.
Subjective rating of 8 out of 10.
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