I watched four movies today.

in movies •  2 years ago 


This is turning into my Tuesdays while I'm in Georgia.

I spend most of my week running a movie through a projector.

Tuesdays are occasionally devoted to the Cut and Splice podcast; so, I usually have to watch, or rewatch a movie. After that, I usually just click on a few more movies that I either haven't seen, or haven't seen in a long time.

Movies today: Tropic Thunder ( Cut and Splice episode coming in a while), A Knock at the Cabin, Dirty Harry, and We Need to Talk About Kevin.

Three were rewatches with two being films that I haven't seen in close to a decade. One was a new watch.

All of them were worth my time.

I do have to admit to wanting to buy a .44 magnum revolver again now for a particular reason.

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