The Bechdel Test. A case for The Fifth ELement?

in movies •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've been asked to choose my favorite film that passes the Bechdel Test.
The Bechdel Test "examines whether women in films are portrayed as three-dimensional human beings with a range of lived experience and interests that do not revolve around men. The primary criteria for a film to pass the test are:

(1) it has to have at least two women in it
(2) who talk to each other
(3) about something besides a man."

My choice may be a controversial stretch


Now this may seem difficult to defend. The whole movie involves a lot of male chauvenists. and a male dominated society.

a clip of the two ladies in action.

Linda, how can this possibly qualify?

  1. It has more than 2 very strong women in it. One is the Fifth element incarnate and the other is a galactic Diva of immense proportions and unbelievable talent and ability.
  2. They do speak to each other telepathically and through an assistant and
  3. The conversation is not about men.

Throughout the movie it is clear that men run the planet and possibly the galaxy. But it becomes clear that the salvation,literally, of planet Earth depends on women. It is the women who save the day, the planet and mankind.

What do you think?

Is the crazy lady indeed crazy, or is this movie a contender?



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Hey there! Thank you so much for jumping in and writing this terrific post. I think that fantasy and sci-fi are a wonderful place to showcase strong female characters as there are no rules in place that dictate what social norms dictate the society. I love this genre as a space for feminism! I do think the movie tends towards some stereotypes, but at least there are a lot of women represented in very important roles throughout the film! Personally, I’d definitely say it passes The Bechdel Test! Thanks for writing and submitting--as always great to see you around the steemosphere. :)

Having never seen the film I can't comment but I'm sure you picked it for a reason :)

One of my favourite movies sci-fi movies. I'm in agreement: I was a bit taken aback by the criticism it got a few years back (and found myself agreeing with some of it) but ultimately, I felt the same as you do: The saviour of the universe is a woman, and she's saving it from the men who control everything. In that light, the movie is a criticism of patriarchal society more than anything else.