Watched another dumb movie yesterday...//The First Purge//

in movies •  6 years ago 

You have probably heard about the series of these "horror" movies with a unique premise. Its actually a premise that works if you just accept that "some" circumstances that lead to the current situation could have existed.
I dunno, maybe those running the country (Lerminati) were all high on crack when they made this law. Who knows?

Basically, in the prior movies you would accept that it is what it is and the movie could move forward with the killings and the mask and the lunacy. Suspend your disbelief, as its called.
I have no idea which one in line this movie is, and i dont care to google it (probably third or fourth), but this time they decided to go back to the first "Purge" so we see how this all came to be.

Spoiler alert: You dont see anything.

All we get is some corrupt politician and a tyrannical president and people just going along with it.
After all the Purge movies that came before, that could just ignore how in the world something like that could start, this movie truly shows the idiocy of the premise.

Poor people are more violent so they will kill each other off so we dont have to cover their Medicaid..

This is the ultimate goal of the government that is covered by a "scientific research" that says that if they let people do whatever the hell they want for a day, that they wont be violent for the rest of the year. (or some BS like that)

The plot is laughably stupid and the acting is, i wouldnt even say B level. (The main character is the only one that can somewhat act)
Even Marisa Tomei thats a somewhat decent actor put on a tragic performance. I mean it was so bad that i think she shot everything in one day. Her line delivery was out of a 90s teen soap opera.

Now i know this movie isnt being watched for its acting, or plot, but rather for some horor, gore, and action.
But even there it fails hard. All you get to see are a few headshots, stabbings and a crotch grabbing (why that was in the movie, i have no idea)

Im not sure there was a more unimaginative and unsuccessful way to present the audience the aspect you think your series excels (or at least marginally good) at, then they presented here.

Final thoughts:

The biggest failure of this movie isnt that its amazingly stupid and that they completely destroyed the premise of the series by not being able to give any kind of viable explanation as to why it all started.
The biggest failure is that its just plain boring and unimaginative.


I give it a "Liver punch/10"


Not worth your time.....

Ill see yas around. :D

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Damn man, this series of movies are so, but so bad, the plot is almost nonexistent, you can compare it to the plot in porn movies

  1. Pizza delivery guy comes with a pizza
  2. Oh no, I don't have spare change to tip you, but I have something else handsome wink wink
  3. porn part
  4. Wow, that was good. THE END!

Same thing with these movies

  1. There this only one day in the whole year where we can break the rules for no reason at all
  2. Oh no, we're so scared there's psycos everywhere
  3. People chasing each other with guns and uninspired horror
  4. The day is over, you saved me. THE END

I don't know these movies can ever be successful

Amazing post man, really cool

The films of this class do not seek to create a plot really, they only want to go directly to violence, because that is what the spectator usually wants. For that reason Michael Haneke created his movie Funny Games, a bit ostentatious, but he tries to give a sermon on the matter, people pay to see explicit violence, and that is what they seek with this type of movies, entertainment and gratuitous violence.

Exactly. You look at what the movie promises to deliver. I really believe this movie failed to deliver anything really, even that which it promises to.

The films of this class do not seek to create a plot really, they only want to go directly to violence

Precisely, that's why I compare it to porn films, you don't really need a plot at all, you just want to see a couple of people humping each other, I'm not saying it is not valid, but it really bothers me it is so shallow and terribly executed, they don't even try to deliver it in a cynical or humorous way as the Deadpool movies did

Well it seems this one, again is succesful. Prolly cause its cheap to make.

Perhaps in comparison with huge budget films, it was cheap, but I saw the movie (horrible experience and not from the "horror") and I can assure you there were big bucks invested in that films, I guess it's success is due to the panderig to the basic need of seen big screen violence

And thats ok by me... But at least give us some imaginative violence. If a movie is supposed to be stupid action and it does it well, then i give that movie a good rating. Everyone hates on the transformers movies but i place those movies above this, because they actually have some good action from time to time regardless of how bad some other aspects are..
A boring action film, a non scary horor, an unimaginative slasher film, a drama with bad characters and a bad plot, a non thrilling thriler.... Thats where failure lies.
I didnt need this movie to be super smart, but it had to entertain me. It did not deliver.

Thanks for the warning, I will not see that movie.